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CITY COOPER SHOP. o SPAFFORD & ÜODSLEY, succeasors to O. O. SPAFFORD & D.IIENNING, VTould respecifulTy announce to the citizens oí Ann 4rbur and vicinity, that tliey are uow rranuTacturing dad keei) constant ly on hnd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Eirkins, Ciiurne, Well Buckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, c6c. Jlorchants :iml lïrowers are iuvited to examine their Butter FirUinaHnd BetT Kt'gs. crrsTOM ■w'oiï.ic, done to ORDER on SHOUT NOTICE and warrauted. {3p Cash paid for Staves, ITeadiug and Hoops. Phops corner of Detroit & Xorth Strectí, and corner of Nui-th is Filth Sirects. fePAFFOED t DODSLEY. Ann Arbor, Vet). 6tli, 1864. HWU FOE SALE! NF.W GROVER & BAKER SKV.'IXU MACHINK, j lilao a NEW 3INOF.fl MAOÜINE, eitber F.imily or ma,ufau,ingpattt,n. 4, 0FF,ra, ! nPHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES I -L WILLbel'or thellealhg uf the Natious. JHblc. Prof. II. iT. LTONS, NIK GKEAT AND CETJIBRATBD I'HYSICIAN of the THROATjLUifaS, JIKART, LIVÉ.R AND THE BLOOD, Knowu allover thecouutry as the (1'I.KHR.lTIiI) INDIAN HEEB DOCTORI üf 2S2 Superior Street, Clevelaurl, Ohio. Will visit the folloirmg plufir, vl. APPOINTMKNTSIOK 1S02, 1863and 18C4. Prof. R. J. I.vuns eau ba cousultert at the MlowiDg places every ïjlouth, viz: Detroit, Ransel House, each month, 18th and litthi Aan A] Oor, Monitor House, each month, 20th. Jack.son, Hibbard House, each montli, 21. Adrián, liraekfct House, eaoh month 22dand38d. Toledo, Ohio,ColhnsHoune,eíicli mouth, 24th, 35th, andSBth. HUlsdale, Mich. , Hillsdale House, ench month , 27tb. ColSwater, Mich., Southern Michigan House, each uiontli, 28th. Elkhárt, Elkhart House, eacl month, 29th. South Bern!, [u.l., 3t. .Ir.. Hotel, eaoh moutli, 30. I. aporte. Ind., Tel1 Gardep House, each mnutli 31rl. Wooter, Ohio j Crandell ííxciianjre, each month, 7th and (Stti. Manslitld, Ohio, Wiler House, each montli, Oth and lOth. ■Mt. Vernon, Kfnyon House, caeh month, llth and lith. Kewark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13tü and Hlh, ■ lJainevílle, Ohio, CowlesJIouKo.oacli monthth (JhhVEI.ANl), OHIO. ItESlIlENOE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East oí' the public square, oppoMtu the rostoílice. Ollicf il;iys each moulh, Ist. öd, 4h, 5th, Otb, 15t]i. - OJlice houra trom 9 A. M. lu' 12 M, aud from 2 I'. M. to 41'. M. UuSundayfroni Í) to 10 A. M.,and 1 to 2 1'. M. j(fcí5MiMiní5 strictly adherod to - I #ive aueh balín as have no strife, Witd nature or tholaws of üfe, Witb 'jlcioil ïny hands I ncver stain, NbfpciWoii men toeaso tlieirpain. lic is n phy.icia7t indeed, who t7wre.s'. The Indiiin Icctor, H. J. LYOXS, cures the following compiaints in the most ob.stiuate stages of tlieir esistence, vi.: DiwitaseROf tlu'Throat, Lungs, Heart, I.ïver, Stoiouli , Dropsy lnthfl Cliest, Kheuiuatism, Neuralgia, Kits. or FalliiiSickiH'n.-;,;nil a!l olher uervcu-sderangements. AIso all diseasesof the blQod, such as Scrolula, Kryfiipekis, Cancer.s, Fever dores, Lcprosy, and all otlier complicated clirouic comjilaints. All forma uf fcmale diiTicultics attendcd to with tlie happiefit results. It is ho]ied t)iat DO otïq will despair of a cure uutil tly have gïven the Indlan Herb Doctor's Medicines a fair and faithful trial. fiDuring the Doctor'i traveld in ËufrOpe, Wftat IncHps, South America, ainl the United States, he has been the instrument in Ood' hand. to reatore to hcalth and vigor thousands who were giveii up and pruuounced incurable by Lhe most eminent old school physicians; nay, more, thounands who were on the verge of tl;e grave, are nou' livinc mor.umnts to the Indien Ilerb's Doctor's skill and Hiiccesslultreatmentuiílaro daily exclaiming: "B'essed be theday when flrst we iw and partook of the Indian Ilerb Óoctor's nuMUcine. " Fatisfactory referencesof cures will be gladly and cheerfully giveiiMlienever rerjuired. TheDoctor pledgos nis word and honor, that he will in no wiae.directly or indirectly. induce or cause any invalid to take hi medicine without tlie strongest probability of a cure. j&T Modeof examination, which is entirelydifTerent from thefaculty. Pr. Lyu professes to diacern diseasesby the eye. Ilethorefore asUs noquestions, nor dneshe require patientsto uxplain pymptoms . ('all one and all, ind have thesymptoms and location of your dfteaseexplatnecl rree of charge. -"The ponr sdh1i bp liberally considered. L-Postolllc(:;tiUlre.sö, box 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. T'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25,1862 ly880 O. IO 3 I S S WouWtake this method of informing hi3 oíd friends and patrons and aü others who may favor him with their patronage ,iliathe has greatly euiarged liis Stock and Assojrtmeiit ! and having adopted tlie CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING &SELLING a prepated to sell Goods nt ïloA'SOXLA;" fcXo ïIiceffi(? His stock consista in par ot the fullowing: - AMERICAN AND OTHER ifeyte Watches ! ys 4, ti' Ceiebratc3 SSykÉaffe SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD OH AINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEEY ! Fazors, Sheárfl, Scí&sors and Brushes, KOGKRS PLATEI) WAKE, the best in markct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPEK an.l EXVELOl'ES, Musical Instruments, Stringt Sí Books for Instruments, spbct a. oí. u;s , of Qold Silver, Steel, oíd Plateé, wllh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having difflcult watclies to flt witli glasses can be accoinoduted, as iuy stuck is. largeand complete. L. S. Particular attention to tlie HBPAIRXKrG of all kinds of fine Watchea, such as Making and Setting new Jcwels, Phiiojis. Siqfis, and Cylínders. Aleo CLOCKS, Sc TEWELHY neatly rtípaired aud warauted, at liis oíd stand erfsl Bidé of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann rbor,NoT. 23, 1SI12 826t! GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BAIiGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. J859. In tlnsOity, are now beiiig offered at tbe CHEAP.CLOCK.WATOH, & jewelry StoreryiHESubBcriber would say to the citlzene ol Aun Ar[ bor in particular, and tho rcat oí Wathtenaw County inseneral, that hohasjuat ÍMPOHI'ED DJHECTLY from EIJROPE.s Tremendous Stock of Watehes! AU ofwhichhn binde himselfto sell CHEAPEKthan canbeboughtwestoi' New York City. I have alao tne CELE BR ATE D AMERÏCAN WAT CHES, wblch I wlll seíl ttr 935. Rvery Watch warranttd to oerform welKorthe munoy retunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, FancyGoods, Qold Pens, Musicallnstruments ai1! Strlngs, Cutlery, kc, and iiifactnvariety of every'.hinir uuUy kept by Jewelflrscan bo boughtforthe nextninety daya at your OWN I' RICES! Pereons buying nnythiiií at this wel! known ostabÜGunir ut can rciy upou gülting goodt exactly as represeMted.orthemonoy rcfunded. Callearly and secure tho best bargains over oflered in thif City. One word in regard to Repairing : Weareprepared to make any repaira onfine or com" mon Wntches.nven to míkingoíer the entlre watch, If necessary Itepairing of Clocks and Jowolry aa usual. Aleo the manufacturinj.' of RINGS, BROOCHS, or auythinj; des ired, from California Gold onsbortnotice. Eugravinií in allitebranchesoxeented withncatuensanddispatch. J C. WATTS. jjissoliition Kotice. rriiKFinM 01' chapín, wood & co., wasdiiMjred J..lBnuary 10,1863, by mutual consent. C A. Chapín and A. B. Wooü will settle theaccuiints of tjip íi]-m. C. A. Chapín, A. B. Woon, V. Ciuns, E. Wüluj. Aun Arbor,Juno 24, 18f3. Copartiiership. TTI-; ütJIlEBSIöNED enterad loto partnerhi]i Jan. Ui, ÍS'B, liy tho lirm nanie of Chapin & Co.,nnd will continue the buyiut'KS of manufacturing printing and wr:ipji:ng papor. C. A. Cii.wiN, N.Cbavim, V. Ckjiwh. Add ArVor, June 24, 1803 SlOtf. BANNEE HAT STORE! GO TO Be f ore you buy , Spriug and Summcr üty les üt SOCAOS STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. Jnn Arbor, April ÏOtb, JS64. 3m953. EMPIRE BOOK STORE! Havinp; purcliaiu'il .1. K. WEBSTER'S stock of Booka and Statioucry, I fthall endciivor tu Lil-ji i coasíanl .supply ut SCHOOL BOOEUS, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL & UW BOOKS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WOEKS, wliieh wíl] be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC anl u. superior r[uality of WALL PAPER! ind everything usiiiillykept ín a well conducted Book Store. Öppoaite Franklin House. G. W. SNOVER. Ann Arbor, June, 1864. ly9C0 ilifle Factory! Beutier & Traver, [Sñocesaora to A. J. Suthiirlaml,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns , Pistols , Ammunition Flash?, Pouthes Game Bags, and Everj otlier article íl that Line. All kinds of hsfa mxisr cadone at tb e shortest notice, and in the best manner a fullassortmcntalways kept on hand and made order Tj=, Shop corner Main and Washington streri s. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1562, 8TOtf MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazooi ÜVIicli. Insurcs against Loss 01 Dauiagc by Firc or liightuing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Guar antee Capital, by State Authority, $800,000.00. DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Harsh Giddings, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. SbtsbB, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., H. E. Hoyt 487 Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. MOtf NEW FIEMÜ GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE b HETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. Wc, tlie ndorn'ifned, beg leave to inform the CITIKEN8 OF ANN Alt BOK and vicinity, 1hat we have th te day established a Tobacco mid Cigar busintss ia this place, ono door Norih of the Franlilin Block. MaiD ï-treot, where we sliall alwaya keep afull assoitment of the best quahlies of SMOKING & CUEWING TOBACCO ! as alai a largo am choice selection of tbc best brand of CIGAES! PIPES, (Merschaum, Brier and losewood,) CIGAR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Wil! hf found witli us of all kinds juid of Pricks to Siit Kveky Om:.' We sluill sell a!l of the above mentioned arhclen and jnany otlii'rn wbich bolong to our line oí trade at the iftWM lossibk1 rat1 for cash, Please cali aud XASliue . N. II. - Sitrn - Squaw witb cignr box, onc door uorth of tht Franklin Block. Aan Töor, Hoj i, "1S9-Í. &M09


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