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Will bepublished overy Monday morning, in Aun Arbor. Michigan, by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. For tuk Michigan State Anti-Slavery SoIETT. TERMS. One Dollar a year, in advancr: if not pnid, in advancc.'Two Dollars will be i.nvakiably reqnired. ET Oíd subscribers can have their papers ai One Dollar a year, by forwarding that amoum. ■aniPpaying arrearageF. All subscribers will be expected to pny witliin 'tho yeor. TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. For ench 1 i he of -brevier, (the smallest type.) Tor the first insertioo, 3 ocnls. For eacli sa1seqtirnt insurtion, 1 cent. "For thrcc monthti, 7 cents. For six moiilhs, 10 cents. 'For one year, 15 ceim. ■Order by mail will be ptftniptly nttcndvd to. ilegal Advertising by the lolio. 'ttjTManufaciurers, iïonksellers. Mncliinists. Svholesale Merclmnts, and all oihens doing an cxtcnsice business, who wish U advei tise, wili ifind the Signal tliebrst possihle inediuinof conitniunication in tlie State. O Ai! Reihiitmces and Communications hould be uc'd.esseJ. Post paid, CTSicNALoF Libkrtï: Ann Arbor. Micli.rj]


Signal of Liberty
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