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Gen. Mcclellan's Popularity With The Army

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oí luo miserable politica! trieksters, who wek tü d'S'.roy tho reputul ion of Gen. McOlellwj, lo represent tliat he was not popular with ihe army - tbat tho arniy : was alinost a uu't V Abraham Lineólo, I feeücving lii to be a tLorough going radica!, Heretofoiv, we l.ave had some opportunhy to kuow tliat Gen. McOlel !an was held iu the highest regard by a larga portion of' the brave meu who cons'itute the Army of tbe Potomac. We have uoü forgotteu the niauy earnest appeata for McClellao to lead thetn whüe they were being misled by Gen. Pope ; nor have forgotteu tho loti'i shouts for MoClellan, which made Washington ring, ben the Anny of the Potomao wan maidiiug under Lis lead to drive Loc from Maryland. And again, the sueceeding year, wben under Hooker and Meade, they again crossod to the nortb side of the Potomac, for the dótense of Washington, we have a lively recollection of the loud cries of " Givo us Little Mac," bicti burst forth as rcgimoiit lifter rcgimeut iilod along Pcuusylvaniu avenue. But wc have later testimony than tbis, and from another qunrter too. A very intelligent geutleiuan by the name of Wiseman, who bas just returned from StierinauV army, bis limebaviug expired, called in our office a few days sinee, and in tho course of couversation, remaiked that General McClellan had a bost ol iricnds in the army; that. a largo proportion cf the best itiformed men in the army were strong MeClollan men. He tells us that when Hooker eame to Tennessee with the llth and 12th army corps from Virginia, he took particular paius to fkid out how thoy re;arded McClellan, and he was surprised to find nearly every man of thein enthusiastic McClellan men. Thus it is soen that despite the many .means which have beeu used to kill off MeClellau, ha still lives in the hearts of all intelligent and brave soldiers, who know how to esti mate true worth and charac'er. And we prediet that McClellan's .name will live and shine upon tho page of history when the names of those ho revile him will be burieii and forgotten wilh the rnbbish of this uunatural rebellion.


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Michigan Argus