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An English Official On General Meade

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ed the aruvy of the Potomac last winter, writes np his impressions in Colburn's Magazine in exceedingly readable stylü. Tlio following is what he has to say of Meado and his official position : "Jnst as we were all talking, in lourged a man vvith a poition oía cigar in his ranuth, to whoiu no particu lar atteution was paid, but who was soon introduced to me as Commanderin Chief of the Anny of the Potomae. Gen. Aleade is a mau of niiddlo Éeigbt, with gray hair, whiskers, and having a Rciman nose, and keen oyes. He looked, wben we niet him, a good deai worfi I soon got into conversation with lira, and lie spoke iri :t verv modest vvay rf his ovrn deeds, saying tbat he ovved the victory at Gettysburg more to the fact of the southern leaders attackinjí him in a strong poeition than to any particular merit of Lis own. 'He talked oí Lis present position as a very difficult one ; a fine ariny commanded by a first rate general in his íront ; an uncertain, interfering, but tim. rous government iu constant communication with him in the rear ; while his own anny is cbiefly cornposed of undrilled, undisciplrned nouHcrjpta. The Washington áuthoritiea have from the coaxmenco ment ol the war been afrnid to let tho aimies n Virginia act for thomselves, as they dread the idea of not having constantiy a strong protecting forcé between Leo's army and their own precious bodies in the capital of the States. Ep The entire population of France s 34,900,000. Of these 14,300,000 are engaged in agrioulturo; 1,300,000 are engiiged in ma nu factures on a large scale; 4,700,000 in a amall way. The metnb'rs of the liberal professions num'jer 2,208,000; of domestics, nearly a million. Of the two sexes employed as above, those of tho male sex niimber under their respectivo huads just desigrmted, 7,770,000, 7,000,000, 3,000,000, 1,000,000. At thiá rate there are upward of nine millions of females activelv employed in the ways speuified. Öf this nurnber 6,500,000 aie engaged in agricuhure, as owners of the land, or in still larger numbers as tillers of the soil. There are 26,758 phyaicians and apothecaries, 13,666 sageg femmes, or midwives. The proportion of tho two sex es engaged in domestic service are 287,720 men and 918,936 woraen. The yearly coat of the crinoline fash ion to the women of France is caleulated at 390,000,000 francs, or nuarly 100,000,000 gold dollars, mude up thus": 150,000,000f for the two extra petticoats that give body to the inoroased amplitude, and 140,000,000f more for the incruased stuff required for the dressea. Hooker, says a correspondent, is a fine looking man. Dress him in a cilizen's snit, and you would piek him out for a General. Sherman, great as he is, you would not select foi a good 8eooud Lieutenant Queer sn't it, how differently great minds are cased ? General Thomas you would think a well-to-do farmer were he not in uniform. "Old Safety" is his nicknnrne. The officers and men have unbounded eoiifidence in him. The Cincinnatl Gazeltc gives the summing tip of the wheat harvcst," as followa-l Minnesotn, and iucrease of '2,800,000 bushels : Wisconsin, onethird of an average erop ; Iown, a defi'ciency of about 1,400,000 buehcls ; I!lnioi,j, two tbirds of an average erop, ora deíioiency oí 6,000,000 "buahels ; and in Indiana a surplus of 4,000,000. One firm of frietion miitch manufacturera will, under the new tux law, pay more than thirteen h-uudred dollars per üay. It has been decidé in a Canada eoiirt that paymeut there on a contract entered into in the United States roay bc made in greenbacks.


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