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CLOTHIISTG A.T w l GÜÏTSRMAN l CO'S Having just ntdrnct! frora K;i,st nith a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! we invït t ;.!] our oM fiit'iuls and enstoiucrs to come and examine eur .stock of GLOTDS CASS1MERES & VESTIKGS. Dispute the tact if yon can, lt tiikes the TAILO1! atter all to give aj)pcarai)ce to the outcr man. If yim v.'ish to appear well You must accordinglj' Dress Well. Go to 31. Guiterman & Co's,, Thero you will find things exautly SO. SON.DHEIM ilways roady to take your measure, GÜITERMAN wil! eell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, ï'afce heed - call eakly, else vou are too LATE. f he inducements are uow greater tban ever, Our Clekks you will find obliging anc elever. We wül show you good CLOTHING of our own getting üp, Rilling our Store i'rom Bottom to rop. STUDENT8 especially will find it to THKIIt ADVANTAGH, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenifh. CÜATSof Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Vrw arded through our New York relalions. ?rorii England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you oan stand up in, or weau, at the dance. Fánts ! Pants ! ' Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMEEES and DOESKFN of everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up to EIOIIT. TESTS, &C, of everv description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing appabkls Froin SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Thi3 is all -we say now, TÈSTefore we make our bow Toars truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Co., Terrible Slaughíer! THE VICTORY 18 OURS ! TECE 3E6Ja.iLwTSLEl3 Wliich has been raging fnr Ihe past finir weeksat MAGK & SCHMID'S STORE Has provecí a grand success, although the slaughter of DRY GOODS Has been tovnble. We now malie tlie announcemen that we shall continue "For Many Vears" to niake warwith Wgh prices, tieing determined to gte the humlrfils who 'liiilj tlirong our atore, ful! valué for their money, l.adifs can fírnl with as all desirable hades snd stylo.s of DRESS GOODS, RIBBOJSS, TRIMMINGS, EMBIIOIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far toolow tlioixr Valiio We hear it said every day that wa are ruiníng the usines.s in tisis city by sellini? so cheap but we cannot iclp it, The Goods Mnst be Sold. 100Ü New Stylc aii.l bost qi(alty H001' SKIRTS very chtap, aud for the Gentlemen we havc a verj large assortment f Prench Twilled Cloth. Beaver Overcoatinga, Doaskins, Faiicy Cassimres, VeSCngs, &c, Of all .lesoripüona, and can ínrnish a wliolo snit on short notice much chcaper than it can be bought else where. An examination of tilín branch of our bnsi íess willconvince ail that ibis is tbe place to buy tlieir 'ants, Coats and Yests. We have also a complete stock of LaSes and Childrcn.s' Shoes. HATS AND CAPS, Aml in fact everythlng that man or woman can desíre o Xfiax on heail orfoot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At utbalshing luw prices, and in short our entire .stock must sharetho same fato for we are determined to selli no rinitíT whai oll croaker.s may say. All arp invíteil to ínspect our stock as it is no tronble to show our goods, and we are bound to meet the demand a of Ü. 932tf StACK eCHMID. For Rats, Micc, Ruaches, Anís, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woolen, S(c., Insccts on Plañís, Fowls, Animáis, Ifc. Put up in 25c. 50c. and $1.00 lioxes, Buttles, and Plafcks. ÍS ;ind 55 .sizes Hotkik, l'liiuc IxsriTrTIO.VS, &C. "Ünly infulhblc remedies knoffn." "Frec í rom Poiftong." "Not daneorous to tht Human Family." "Kutscome outof thcir holes (o die " 4ESSild Wholesale n ni! larjte cities. ftS-Sold by all Drngrgtits and Ilrtailcrgevcrywhere. II! BWiRï !!: qf all uorthlc..' imitalions. 0. tee tliat "Coswk's" name is on tach lli)X, Rutile, and Flasli, befort you boy. &&■ A .'divss UIOMt V R. COSTAR. ftS, Prixoïai Depot 482 SOAnwAY,NKV Yobk. S-Sold oy all WholstoaBcl PetailDraggiktsin Ann Aroor Michigan'. öm954. H 0 W A R D ASSOCIATION7, PHÏLlDKLPHU, PA. DUenses of llic IVorvous, Siniliui I Uilnnry niï.l Sexual Systems- new and relial.le troatnent- in ;reports of the HOWAKD ASSOCIATION- Sent by mail in nealed letter envclopcs, free ofcharired.lress I)r. .1. SKIIJilN HOI'UHÏilX. Kou-ard A-„,itlon, V,, 9 gonth Kintt k'fr-t. PhfMMpTiiii ■ . , „ ylvanh, ;,mii;i JUS! OPENING ? The lnrgest Stock and liest nssortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, w. LOUNGES BED ROOM SETS CENTEK TABLES, BüSBAUSi CHAIRS, Gilt Frame3 and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, an.l all nllier kcpt in tlie bent anrt laigest lionse in the country. Weneepuo secon.Uiand furnituieor Aurtion goorta. Coflins kept constantly on hand aml maJc to order, goods are olTered at TflE LOWEST CASH PRICES W-; 'B1. I must have mony, and rospoetful'j' reqnest ths n.le!jtcl, to cali and (ix up thrir ld matters without ileláy. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbtir, Oct. 6, 1863. P'25lf RIS DON & HEN DERSO.X X3C,-7-o til o 13 xj o is. :e tt jes CRAIñl DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfiekl, Öhio. THE VERY LATEFT JMI'ROVKHKNT, and better than all othert; udaptecl to soiving Wheat, Kye, Oats. ïaiiey and (Jrass reuil . ísí. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. WUl sow all 7cinds of G-min and Grasë Seed. Zd. Never bunches the O rain tth. Never hreaks the Gtain. 5th. Sows Graas Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. tk. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7th. lias long and wide steel jjoints8th. It has a land measurc or Surveyor. 9tA. Jt has doublé and single rank dri'lls. Qth. It has a sclf adjusting shu of blide. t is neatly and substantiallj rna&a. Tliere shardlya Drill Mlfrrediu tlu: ni.arttt but eau oat of more or less FIRST PIÏEMlUJfSP liev areabmitasiDilisciiminatelv bestoweil ,n the title f " Promor," wlikh U ome-times DplIed (o tho fiddler" or " bootblack.' T)y ese to convey the ea of merit. The Buckeve Drill lias been tm Frf,if.rrion at quite a umber ol'Stalcaml Couutv Fairs, und without seeking avor at theliaii.!s.f any Comuútlee. has received it ill sliaro of PrMnhima ÏESTIMOKIALS : We we the rullowing pames tfï lírW Farmers in tVs ricinity lm vu bougM UrtttM4i Bnckeye Drill : (udfrey Millcr, iM. Jacob Polberau Jacob Trfm per, ll Thomas Vhite, Notr'j.fieM. John Brok;nvf '' Christian Kapp, L' Kdward Bnyden, í'oster. James Trc-ulwell, Ann Arhoi HanielO'Hara, l' " Jolin Ü, Cook, LotU, O. A. Marsbal?, L. Filmónos, ■ Pnlirie. tíeoiü Cropsey, Qrön O.tü, I.iv. Co. Ohio Reapcr & M. wer, acknowleilgerl te be the very best in -tc. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Clienp. alargeassortment o Grrass Scythes. And the largost and best selecteil stock of I3EIT STTJJF FOR CARRIAGESever before oflered In thla mftrket We aisü keep a lai-ge and full NAÏLS, GÏ.AS'S, Pürrr, PAlNT.and UNSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWARE, ANDEAVETROÜG-fSalwaysonhamlan.l putnp S the shortestnotice. RISDON & HENDERSON. Aan Aroor, June29th,18B2. 859tf NOBLE & EIDEB are stiling thcir large stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHÍDAPEE THAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Gooá Stoga Boots : : $2.50a4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Laco Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladios' " Congress G'ts, ; 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Children's Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Now is the time to buy as BOOTS and SHOES are rapidly advancing in Eastern Markets. TIIËY ALSÖ JÍAKE WAIÏRMTED KS" WORK TO ORDER. JL% AND REPAIR. Remember wc oan not and will not be undersold. Please cali and evamme their stock LAW11ENCE XOBLK, CHAULES IUDER. Ano .Vroor, fVb IStl 1881. 11944. Estáte of John D. Armatrouc CjTATEOF MICHIGAN-, County oi Wariuenaw O At asessionof the Probate Courl fortbe r,„' !"- Washtf nar, liotden at tli j Probate Office n th, r, J 0 Ann Arbor,ou Wedüesday, tlje tenthday of Aul " tl. o year one thousand eight hnn.lred and slv, , ' Present. Thomas Ninde.Judge of Probate J'fl". In the matter of the Ktale of John ]). Armsf. late oi I,ndi, in aid County, deceased. "rlDrojF, dnlv yn.u.A Elvira Annstrong, prajíng fot the probate ..f .„. , ' el ment now on (ilo in thin mnt . purportin. t., ,.""" will and teitaiii.jntol Mild decease.l. lw' Thereupon il is Ordered, thal Fxidav, tte'nintk'j of Se, to,.,lHT-,u.xl , at ten o'clock in tin. foren, u" iglMd for the hating of said petition, and thattlüi" v see, legatee and heirs at of sa,d deef, Jt all otlier persons intcresled in gai.l estnte ir,,,! tn appear at asesii.n ols.iid Court.thento be hnlí!1" tl.e Probate Olflce. in htyof Ann Arb„r TÍÍ tuint y. anc! .-huw cause, ifany Uiers be, whv kbt nr. of thepetitioner shuuld nut begranted: '"J'l And it is fiiitut-r otdered, thal Mild Mt,v„,. i,ive noticeto the Herwin interested in said enUf. tliepondency ..I SaW pelitiun, and tho hearinc thl ' ',' brewnnnga cony of ttiis Order to be publisbed i „' Michigan Argus,;, ueyDaper printed and circnl.i u.s.n.1 (V,„„tyofW„sht,.naw, succesgive -.1 ' prevlous to aid dav ol hearing. ". (AtrueCopy.) " THOMAS NINDE, 969 Judge of Proltt Estáte of William Buntbg! ï OTATE OF MICHn.'AX-Connty of Wa.shteD,_ O Ata nessionof the Probato Court lor the Cmm. of Washtcnuw, holden at the Probate Office inn city of Ann Albor, on Tlmrsday, the eleventh ,lat , Aiiguüt in the yeai one tliounaud cijht ligudrni ..!' aixty four. " " Present, Thomas N!ude,JuiIj;e of Probafe. In Ihe matter of the state ol William Buntine lil of, in sai.H'ounty, deccised. On rraélng and tiling Ihe jietitinn diiiy rrriM a Selina HuntiDg, prnying fer the probale of „ instrument now on file in tiiis Oourt purportiD? uC the last will and teitament of said deceased. Tlierenpon it is Ordered, That Monday, the twtlftli day o( September net,at teno'elock in the foreooM, beiissicnclfiirthe hearing of said petitioo, ane tlui thedevisees, legatees.and heirs at law of k% tv ecase.l, and all other persons interested n sais t,h(! are roquired tWappear at a session of said Conti th(n' to be holden at tlie Probate Offiee, in the City of' i. Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if any thertl why the prsyei of the petitiouer sliould notbem,t' cd: And it i further ordered. said 'ftitioncrim noticeto the persons interested in said estáte. oftt, pendency oí saidetilion.and tbc luaring thereuf U aiusmíi a copy of Ibis oider to be publislieil „'ft', Michigan Argus, a ne.vspaper priaied and circulttin In sai.l County of Washtcnaw, tliree successive WKil pféTiotu to said day ol' heariog. (A trim copy.) THOMAS N'INPB ""■' Judge of ir,,t!. ChüDcerj Sale. OTATE OK JIICI1IA.V-In Cireoit Cqirtfcr ., L1 O ty if ffnshtenaw, ín Chanccry. RR „S' CoDiplainant, ri(. Sebra l'erlutif lefenflant in ., ' nance and by virtuo of a ucciee oí tlie Circuit Comí f'T llir Cmnitv of Washterww, in C1, aneen mad. „„ t!ie seeond '■„y , ( ilecenibc r, A. II., eightwn huniirrt umi Bfty-nine. in a cerlain obiine therein p&rtliur wherein Klizii j'erkins ís complainant, ati'í ?thr Pn lun irí deíendani. Xclice ík lipí-íy givpii, tliat I kfl salj st puolic auc inn tu tli e bighot bidihr, ai ly,( o'cli)ck, niion, nn ?atnrilnv. thp seventeenDi ilav nf Septi-mlji-r, i-i frontdoor nf tlic Cmirt HOT, nf the Circuit Cnurt inr thelkmnty of Washien ;, the citv of Ann Arhor, Oountj of W.litma ij Státéof Michigan, ■ Tl.evest lialf ii n,,, soutí-ÍS ii::iiíit i.f scc-tion fifteen, aníi !■ wost half i,f i, niT'iii e;lst iju.irtcr nt sc-clion twenlv tivn. inToMh sontb of ran-e sneu eau, in the „IS lein, in the Cuuh'tj (if Wn-litcnaw, aml Stato o' Jlid,. ■Kan. c. H. VANCI.KVF, Circiiil Court r,,n-.mis:, „,.,■ a aml fur til% (;„UI],'V , WashtciiüW. O.Rjwkixs, Policitor nr O mplainant. Ann Albor, Julj t ( -íity-mnlh, A. I)., lnrl. 9fJu CommiHsioners' Notico STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of IVaatiteonKTlie unilersixTted hiiving been appolile'ii bv (fe TrobaleCourt lor siiid County. CoiuitMKsiiiBcr tV, K ceive, examino añil nljust all claims nul dcnudi atill persons agamst tlic estatp of Dn ■■; i 3 jhsiu la, J tlie tovnshi) of Salem iii said Coimty dpcaéa;ifL b givo notice that .six ntlis frora date, are, bvoi&r of sanl Probate Court, all.. wed íor cre.litoi t.i mú their claimt agaiiist tmi i ili'ccatie.l, and that Ikev id) neet at the r'niIence of said rfeceaseí, 'ín (be roivBaUiy ufSjiEfiii in said ci unty, on Satiinli; (kt ttreífth ttnj ,-f .V ■Ruhrr.nn'i TuosiUy tlie fonrttntli lay of Feb: uary next, al ffK' oclock , P. .11., i,[ (íi iay, to ricv:ví, examrní1 nnd aojust saiil rlnfnis " ,K"( BKSTKA1.1, ) c..'niv ÜIOMAS SUSÜSEY, (iowii. : ; ' 1. 97OM Estáte of 'anValkeübergs, QTATK OF MJCHIOAN, Cocxty ok V.i-unTiit:- J Ara i,f (he r,Uiti. ('i.urt lor rlip Cuoitvi.; ' Vaslitenaw, hoftienattUe l'iobate Office m.tlw cüjdí Ann Albor oh Wpil:ninliy. tlip M el fy fourtli ■':■.; i' lugurt ÍD Che yiír i;m' flu.usanil eiglt liunúred !M I ixry foitr. Presoht Tiinina.-; Xim'p. .Tuiijfe of Prnbil. I In the of tétate of J-Jla O. VaaValKi u!.r I Fmma n. VflnVallOTiïierg, Ruth .1 VnV.ittcnbcre,jD,! AltíeriE. Van V.i'kfi.bei fitiiicrs. On reri'liUL.' aiul lilin the p(t:tion, uuly vpriSwl.ff I Jobu S. Henrlersoa, Ku;.ntian of said nwara, irayiBg i for license Ui sel! kue TOal esíiate of saiil iñinors. Thereii)i(iii !t is Oi-íerert, thnt Kridi y. tlip !hirj ilay of Seytembrr, at ten o'clocl in il.e fw f hoon bu assignerl lor rlic hearing nf sid pttiticn. iaá I ttwttht net of k:i of ÍW minors, and al! i;tnpr } I sons intTc-t-'i in aid estáte, are required toa{ptral i a KCSsioc. of -;a:n',,iirt tjieji t i be holden a t Ilie l'nih!) I Oljice, in the c ty of AnnArbor. in jid osv cause, if any t'iere be, wl.y the prayerof tlie f t trionershnul'l m.t te gr:u t.d ; .Iml it is ftiftb8 dererl f'i: t said pi t tinnef itive D'itice t' thp persons f tiT.-.-t'-.i in said e.-t t; ni t'ie peinleney of said pile, a n i theheariog thereof, 1 y a coj.jof tliisllrtler fc) le publisheii in rite M'ir.h 'gan Argén a neV'pBi#r pin; -1 an4 eii vulaliiiir in said Cwlil-ïy of W"asl:tenr, ■ three önecessive-ivfeüs in-, ici t-i saiiiday of learinj. % (A trueeopv.) TJIÜM S XINI'K. 9tl Judge of Prohlt. CITY COOFER SHOP. SPAFFOB.D & DODSLEY, O. O. SPAFFORD & Ü.HENNING, n Would rerperi'aify anruMigfce to tlie cítízpcra of Aa rhjr iwl vicimt, that they are uuw itiinufactubf &th kc[i constiintly on h;;ml a Large Assortinent of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs. Firkins, Ohnrm, Well Bnckets, Flor.r and A]j)les Barrels, íÉc. Merchante aml Brpwers are invitort to examine tbw Butter Firkins anil Betr KegB. CITSTOM WOR2, Jone to ORDER on SHORT NOTICE nnd warraoted. Í3F" Cash paid for Staves, HeadiDg and Hoops. Shopscorner of Detroit & Xortli Streets, andcom" of North&Fifthííreots. &PAFFORD & DODSLE?' AnnArbor, Fel). 0,1864. W" . ___ 1 RTTTTA'S VENTILATION & WARMING! o The undersíeneil keeps on ]iaDl jiiH will suppfr ARCHITECT, ULILDERS, „„,1 IXDIV1HJ4L8, 'lh any of these ct'lfbr.-itcd macmort ior the 'warmlM0' buililinps at short uotioy, He will also behapPJ0 give such instfucttonfi t all wlioar1 bout tobuil! will en:il)le tliem t.o ivjnm thoir hi.use at about h the expense for hu'l that Ihey chii posHbh do bj uther means. EEFEBENCKS. f. EBKRBAC3, Ann Arbor. A,A. SCHOOL BOAflDi TACOKIIAXGSÏKR1-ER. AtffiUSTFS WIDEXMAN'H. jn Artior.March 4tli,18B4. üm948 FOE SALE! AXEW GROVER & RAKKR SEWIXC MACHIN'' olso a NEW SINfiKR MACHINE, eitlier Family1 inanunu-turiugpattc-rn. Aiinlv at THE AR(iüS OFFICETo Clear the House of Flies USE DUTCHERS CELEBKATED LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER! n neatj clieap artielo, easy tn use, tëvtry p'.ieet wl1 kill;i -iiiart. SOLD KVKHVWHKKK. 2niïö2__ - Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus