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MICHIGAN CEATRAL RAILROAD. Passenei trains now K-avc Detroit .Chicago. and tbe ■íeverulstatious ín th!!Connty .as follpwi : WEST. Leave Day Ex. Jlext. Ae. Kve. Ex. N'ightEx. Detroit. S.OOa.m. 3.45 r. m. 5.03 p. m 8.45 i1, m. V'nsilanti, 9.20 ' 5.05 " 6.S7 " 10.00 " Aim Ai bor, J. JO " 5.30 " 6 50 " 10-0 " Ilester, 10.05 e. m 6.00 " 7.15 " ' Chille, 11.20 " " 7.35 " "' Ar.Clücago S15 " " 5.30a. m. 8.45 a. m . GOING E AST, Uut. Eve. Kx. Ilex.Ac. Night Ex. Day Ex. Chicago, ti.CO r. M. 10.00 P. M 6.30 A. M. ('helsea. ! A.M. 7.45 a. m. 4.0S F. M. [cter, 5 45 " 8.0 " 4.20 " AnnArbor, 4.211 a. m. 6.10 " 8.25 " 4 45 " YpsiUtiti, 4.45 " 6.35 ' 8 45 " 5 05 " Ar. Detroit, o. 10 ■ S.OO " 1000 " 6.30 " The lay Express each way is the Mail Train. Traías do not stop ttatoQs whercflgarcsaroomittedin the tftble. Trainsconnect at Detroit witli theCreat Westernand Grand TriinkRailways of Canada, and the Detroitand Tuledo, and Petroit and Milwnukeo Kailroads. nd Cleveland Steamers. At thf Compañy's Ticket Office at Detroit, Chicago, ■Joliet and Lafayette, through ticket can be purchaed toall the principal cities and towns in the United States aud Cañadas. LÜXURIOUS SI.EEP1NG CARS upon all night trains. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apparatus upon all day trains - the best dust preventativein use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. VyRlGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR. ''Cansí tliou administí'r to a mind disfased ?" asked the great dramalist. Yes, 8ay we, and " pluclt from the heart the rooted sorrow, too!" Wright's Elixir has Huch raarvelous power in resus citatingithe drooping eneigies that t is liki' m inratuable boon to both stxes. The lassitude and debility, the hysteriaand fainting po prevalent among the gontler aex , n ed not exist when that valuable restorative is at hand for use ; t is in the forra of a pleasant and palatable liquid, and should ever be present on the toilet table; free from the deleterious minerals usual with cosraetics, it is thegreatest vegetable restorative that has yet been made known for the benefit of the debihtated portion of the human family. Sold by all respeetable druggists throughout the United States and Cunada. Im971 Ax ].vtebe.stj.u 1.ETIER. - MessTs l'ost & BrufT, Agents N Y,San!tary Society, Rochcster.- Gents . I fleeic it due to 3-ou state the magical eiVect of that one bottleof People's Curewhich;i oblained from you in November last. Seeing the advertiseruent oi your So. ciety olfering to give your mejicine to clertrymtm for the poor of their parishes, I ootaioed a bottïe fora poor girl of my congregation, who had long been nearly help less from P.heumatism, and strange to say, that one bottle cured her entirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in itaeftbrts to introiluce the medicine, and bless those who may need such a remi-dy ; and I I believe t meritswill fully justify the most superlative forms of speech. Yours, Respectfully, C, R. WILKINS, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. 922yl PltUford, Monroe Co. N. Y. EIHTOIÏ OK AKGI'S: Dear Pir;- With your r-ormission I wisli to say to the readers of yuur paper that I will send, by return mail, toall who wishit (free), a Reoeipe, witli full li rections for nMlcing and usinjr a simple Vegetable Balm.tliat ill remove, in ten days. Pfm. pies, Blotches,Tan,Freckles,andall Impurities of the Skin. leaving the same cift, clear.smooth and bcauti ful. I will also mail free to thnse hsving ttald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple rtirectirms and informa tion tliat wfll enable them fo start a full growth ol l.uxuriant Hair, Wlnskers, or a Moustache, in less thirty days. All applications BBlveied by ritura mail without cliarjie. iïectfully yourp. OJIAS K'IIW'MANU, mtM 3m"b'(i Vil llruadnny. New York The Great French Kemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CKLEBRATED SII.VER -COATKD FKMALE P1LLS. The onlycertam aud SnfeRemedy for fill UtermeObstructions, MoutMy IHillculties, lrregul rilics, and all the othcr dlsecsea tp whfch tha Woman, Wifa and Mtilher is peculiüily Iiable. These l'ills coDtain do deleterïoua Ingredients, bui are s:ife r.ud certain in tlieir act ion. They wlU bc found to cxrrt thehappiest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Utcrt, in Lcucwrrhea. or the "Whites j they wïll bc found the c;isivst and most cortain Curethat can be found. It ís on account of lliis certrinty thoy should not be taken by Pregnnnt Fsmaleí (during the Jirst thrce months, as miscan-iage is certain,) tobo brought on, but at other peri;d.s their aw la porfeöQy nafe. N.B. One Dolhir enclosed to any autlomed Agnt, willensure packag&of Pilis by return of mail. C. 0RQ8B7, General Agent, Kcirt Hile, C.W., II uilaio, N. Y. C.UTTiox,- Beware of Counterfeits, tlio gonuine have the 'sijiiiature of C CROSHY, on the outside wrapper, For sale by allrspe.ctable DrugicistH. Iye.owfi22 DÖ Y OU WH1T TO BE CUREO! DR. BUOHAN'S KNCIJSB BPKCÏFIC l'II.I.S cure, in lens thnn 30 dayn, the wnrt cases qJ NKRVOUSNICSS, ïtnpotency, Prema ture Pi'cav, Seminal Weakness, ïnsanlty, and all Unin;iry, Sexual o'1 Nervoxfa Alïectiuns. mi matter Erom whatoaune produced. Priee, One Dollar por box. - Pert, .ist paid. by mail, Mi recip "f an order, One ïïu will ïierfect tbc cure in most cuses. Address JAMESS. BUTILR, 3:nDJ6 General Agent, 427 lïroadway, New Yrk. jj E M O V A L ! TST. B. OOLE, removed las stock of BOOTS SHOES, to the store pf A. P. Milla íc Co. , on Mato Street, where hc will be glad to wait ou his old cus tornera and the public genera 11}' . GIVE II IU A CALL ! IjTêL 7430 TLoanT .f. y? -■-■■- The Secretary of the Tiea.snry ives notice tliat sub scriptinns will be receivtd for Cuuptjn Treasorj Notes, payable tbree years irum August 15'b, 1804, with smi-ann al interest at tho ra te of seven and thrcetenth.s per cent per aunum, - principal and nferest botb to be paid in lawful inoney. notes will be convertible at the option of lite htiMerat niiiturity, nto siv per cent. gold hearing bonds, payable nol lens tlian iivo nor moretlian twenLy years frou their date, as the govennneut may eicel. They will be issuod in denominatlons of $50, Í100, $500, $1,000 and S,"),t)O), and all subacriptions must be for lifty dollars OT soma multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be transmutad to the owners free of trarsioit:itiou charge as 8OOB after the reeipt of the original Certificatos of Deposit na they can be p repared. As the notes draw interest f rom August 15, persona making depositssubseqtient to thrft date must pay the accrued froin dat vt note to date of deposit. Parties depositïng twenly -five thousand dollars and upwards for iiote.s at any one time will be al lowed a commlssion of óne quarter of one per cent., whicb will be paid by the Treasury Department npou thBreecipt of a biïl for the animint, certííied to by tlie otlicer witfa wliom tlio deposit was mad. No ded uctions lor comims.sion.s must be made f rom tbc depoMts. Special Advantages of tl is Loan. Ir is a Natio.nal ?avix;s Daxk, ofTcring bigher interest thau any itlter, and the best securüy Any savings bank wïiïch pays its depositors in C 9. NoleS, conide-s that it is payisg in the beat circulating me dium of tbi' country, and it mmiot pay in anything botter, for its own assets arr eitlier in govc-rnment securiiiesor in notes orhondjj pay.ible in govcrniatut paper. UÍBequally convenieut as a Umpurary or permanent inveslment. The notes can always be sold for withlQ n fraeUoa of their tree and accuraulatec interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterala for discounts. Convertible ioto u Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. In ad'litiou to the very liberal on the notes for tnree years, thia privilege of conversión is now wurtb. about three per cent. per innurn, for the cnrroi.t rate for 5--.0 Buadfl is not less tlmn nina per cent. prtmium , iiiid betVire the war the prriniv.m on six per ent. U ri. stocks was over twenty per cen.t H will boMeo thaí the actual proflt on this loan, at tlie present market rate, is not less (lian ten per cent por annum lts Excmption from State or Muuicipal Taxatie n. Put anide from all the advantagcsive have enumera - led, a special Act (f Congreda exempis all bonds and Tr f ti .■■} y Noits from local taxation. Ou tbc average, this exempfion n wortli about two per cent. per annum, aceording to the rate pf taxatiou n various part.s of ibe country. It is beüered that no securities offer ao great inducemeotu to lenders as those issued by tbe government. Jnall other formö of indebtednesü, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obliga tioos of the United States. While the gorernment offers the most liberal terms for its Joans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be totheloyalty and uatrioti-sin of the people. Duplícate certificatea will be issued for all deposits. The party depositïng must endorse upon the original certifícate the denomíuation of notes reiuireJ, and whetber they are to be issued ín blank or payable to oidcr. When so endorsed it mustbe left with the officer reeeiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. SfiïsCRiPTiONs wiXJL be receivrd by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the ceveral Aesist ant Treasunra and deignated leposituries, and by the First National Bank of Ann Arbor, Mich And by all Xational Banks wlnch are depositarles of public money, and ALL BESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throujrhout the country will give further inTormation and ati'ord every facility to subscribers. 10w9ó9 A Card to the Suffering. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of "Huchu," " Tonïc Bitters," ' Sarsaparïlla," ' Nfeivorifl Antidotes," &c. , &c. , tc ., and " after you are satistied with the result. then try oue box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPBCTflC PUJ.S- and be reBtored to heulth and vigor in less than thtrty days. - ïbey are purely vegetable, pleasant lo take, prompt and salutary in their etfectK on tbe broken-dowu and shattered constitntiou. Old ;ind young can take them with advantage. Imported and sold in tbe United States ou Ij by JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 4"27 liroadw .v, New York. 1 ASent for the "nited State.; P.P.- A Box of the TilJs, securely packed; will Ne mailftd to any address on reeuipt of price, which is D0L1 AR, post paid- mono refunded by the Agent if entire Batisfaction is notgiven. .'m96G off PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients and all others interrested will please take notice that he will conti n ue his visits at Ihe Monitor Hou=e, Ann Arbor, during 18ü4 and '65 and ut the esplpatioa of which he willdiscontinue bis visits and open an lnfirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of Lnng and Cbest diaeases. Mathews' Chocolate Worm Drcps ? NEVER fail tod8troy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly rliable iu all cases and far superior to any anl all uf the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vrrmifuges in use. They may be t.iken at all times with perfect safe y,as tbey contain XO MKRCURY, or other deleterious Drug. - Motbers should always purebase them and give their children no other. (No Cathartic wbatever, is necessary tobegiven.) Bftefe box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ets. For Sale by all Drugir:nts and Dealers ij Medicine.1. C. R. WALKER. General Agent, lv22 Buffalo, N. Y tod Fort Krjp.C. V. On the niKMle Ypsiïanti road, a POCKET BOOK, conrainfng BI 1.1,3 and POSTAL rriiUKNCY. The ownor canbave it by proving and paving ior thi advt-rtisement. .IOSEPH MEXMNG. Ann Arbor, Aupnst i'3d, VÊH 8w97i Aye?s Cathartic Pilis. FURNITURE ROOMS One door North of Biadon and IIciHiersnn's Hardware Store. The undersigned haring purcWed the onttre stock of W. I). Sniith k Co., and added largely to the sanio, is prc-purcd tn liiriiísli his íVumhIh and patrón a good' usaortmentof well made furniluro, ooDsfotiDg of SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOKCASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS, of all kinds, aml in f.ict oi vrrytliinp: pertainhi" to (lia blisilit;;. . LOUNGES. MATRASSES, .te., &c.,uiade to order by good and e.xperietieed woikmcn, and warran.ed to glvo mtlifaetlon, He aiso keeps a good assortment of Cheiry iDd Waluut Lumber iVir sale a( rranonnble prices. And 11 also nav tlie highest market prico tor Chcrry, Walrat, nni] Vliit Wood Lumber. P. S. líe has also purchased the new and ELEGANT HJËAKSK! of Smith & Co., and Is prepared to fumish all kind of Wood Coffins. Metalic Cases, and caskets, ()n the shorteat notico. Also attrnds to r-m decfea 1 persona áay and night, without charge. All fumiture delivered inthe:ity free of charge. W. U. BEN HAM. Anu Arbor, January XQlh, 1803. iMOtf F. B ACH has a new and complete. stock op mm ííoods bougbt before the recent GUEAT IUSE IN GOLD ? Which will be Soid FOR CASH ONLY, -Ll.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. look. üesüe:? A large lot of LINEN COATS AND SÜMMER GOODS, alivaya on Land at M. Guiterman & Co's, CLOTHING STORE. Givc u=;a cali nn.l n-c can and will olí yon chape aud l etter goodrt than any Iiuuae in tliis citv. a.'Utf InTheYear;!!1 Mr. Mathews iirst prepared the VEXETIAN IIAIR DYE : sioce that timt' it lui-; boen us$d by thoupaDds, .and in uo instance haa it faik-d to give etttire satiafaoVxon. The VE3ÍETIAN DYE i. the clienpest in the worM.- Itspriceiaonly Fifty Cents, and each bottle contatn.s doublé the quantity of de in those aauaïty sold for The VENETIAN DYE ís wnnanted not to the hnir or the scalp in the glightest dogree. The VEXETJAN DYF works with rapidity and o.ertainty, the hair requiring no preparatiun wlkfttever. The VEN'ETHN I)YE produces any shade that n;ny he deBired - one that will not lade, crock or wfish oat - one thatis as permaiientas the hair itaelf. ForHale hy all drugglsts.- Priee 50 icnts. A.T. MATIÏEWS,Geir1 Agent, 12 Gold Street. Xt-w York. Also, Mannfacturor of Mathkw,--' AmirtCA Haik Gloss, the best hair dressing in ufe. In large bottles, price 50 cents. ly9üH iTTT2srJf!k.3!a:s CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY roliable self Adjusting Wringer. NO WORK TO 3WEÍ.L Olí SPLIT. NOTHUMB-SCIÏKWSTO G ET OUT OF OIÍDER. WARHNTKI) WITH OR WÏTÏTOLT GOG-WHEEI, It took theDRSTPRIOMirM üt Fifty Seven State aud Coiinty Fairs is 1863, and is, without an excejition, the bet wringer ever made. WIIAT EVERY BODY KNOWS, viz: Thaciroa well galvanized wil] not rus; That a simple nuicliiue is better than a comjtlicfted one; Th at a Wringer s non ld be sel f ad jut. Untadura ble and eilicienl ; Tli a t Ihumb-Screws and Fastenings cause deliiy and tioübleto regúlate and keep in order j Tliat wood soaked in botwater will swell, sluink nnd split; Tliat wood beanngs fot the shaft tu run ín will wear out; That the Putnam Wringer, with or without oogwhecls, will not tear the clothes; That cog-wheel regulators uw nol esential, That the l'utnam Wringer haa au, the advautages, aml DOtooe Of the disadvantagen ab.ivc named; Thatall who have testad it propounee it tbe beat wringer ever made; That it wil! wring i thread or a bed quilt withon! ;il ier&tloB. Wv might fill the paper wilh tftinionialK, but msert only a U'W to convinoe tbe nkeptiofcl, i f such theie be; ao) we. sav to all, test Pulaantft' Wringer. Test it THORO17GHI.Y wilh ANY and AU, olhers, and if not entirely satisfactory return it. Pctxah Ma.mkaíti uim; Co., , Gentlemen - T knnw f rom practical experience that Iron well galvanized with zinc will notoxidize or rust one particie. The Putnam Wringer is as nejir perfect as posible, and I caa cheerfully reconinnd it to be the best Ín use. Respectfully yours, JNO. W. WI1EEI.KR, Cleveland, Ohio. Manyyears experience in the galvanizing businss me to ".ndorsc the Bbove statement iu all particular K, JN'O. C. LFFFKKTS, No.100 Beekman Ötrcet. New Yerk, Jannjiry, IStU. We have tested Putnatn'n Clollies Wringer by practical working, and koow tha,t t will io. It i eUeap; ttiesimplfi it rejuires no mom wfeetlier t wrk or at rewt; a child can opérate it; it doos lts dut y thoroughïy; it saven time and ít aves wear a ml t;ir. Weearnestiv advine all ff ho hare MVCB wa.sliing todo, with all intelKirent persons who have NT, to buy this wringer It will pay for itself in a voar at most . HoS. HO1ÍACE GREE1.EY. Patented in the Vnited State, En&Und, Cana'In nnd AusiraliM. ï-jierpelic men cnn make (rom ïtolO dollars perday Agenta wante#in evtry tonn, and in all partn of the world. Sample Wringer sent, Express paid, on receipt of price. Ko. 2, W.50: No. 1, $7.50; No. F. $8.50, No. A. Sfl Bft. Manufacture! ftndsold. wholouaW anl reiail by THE riTN'AM MANITACTIIRING CO ■ No.lSPIattStreet New York, and Cleveland Ohio. M7tt C. f-. NOB1HKOP, Ageut.


Old News
Michigan Argus