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JUST OPENING ? The largest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FÜRNITÜRE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAI1ÍS,; Gtlftsjsesi Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOFPIKTS METALIC CASES, &c, &c., and all other goods kept En the best and largest houses iu the country. We eepno necun-1 ham! furmtuxe or Auction gooda. Coflins kept conMantly on hand, and raadt; to order. My goods offer ed at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N.B. I must have meney, and reppectfuüy request those inilebteil, to cali and il up their olii matterü without delaj. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Albor, Oct. 6, 1863. B26Íf RIS DON & HEN DERSON Ha-co tlio BUOK.EYE CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufacturad at Springfield, Obio. THE VERY I.ATEST IMPBOVEMKNT, and bettertlian all ottierfi; adapted to sowing Wheat, ltye, Oats, Barley and Grass eed . lst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. Zd. Never hunches the Grain tíh. Never bréales the Grain. 6ih. Sows Grass Seed hroadcast behindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. 10A, lt has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially raacle. There i.s hardly a Drill offeredin the market but can boaHt of more or less FIRST PREMIUMSP They are abontas indiscriminately be.stnweil a tlie tïtle of ' Profennor," wbich in soinetiniea applied to the lljiddler: or bi bootblack," They cease to uonvey the Me;i of merit. The Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a n urn ber of State and Couuty Fairs.and witliout seeking favor at t'ne liands of any Committei, bas received its full share of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : TVe give the folloüPing Damos of a few Farmers in ths vicinity wao havebouiit and used the líucteye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob l'olhernufi " Jacob 'i rem per, " Thomas White, N'orthñold, John Brokaw, Cliristian Ka pp, Li Kiiward BoyiU-n, Webster. James Trcadweli, Ann Arboi Daniel O'iïiira, " ' JohnG.Cook, IjJdi. O. A. Marshall, Ij. Ednions, Saïinp. (ïeurge Cropsey, (in-vu Oak, Liv. Co. We arealüü Agents for the Ohio Reaper & M. wc-r, acknowïedged tfbe the very best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whïcli we will sell Clieap. ;Uso alargeaBsortnieot fGrrass Scytlies. And Ihe largest and best selected stock of BENT STUT F FOK CARRIAGEBever before ofTered u thlfl market AYe also keepalargeand full NAII.S, QLA6S, PÜTTY, PAÏNT,;md J.INSEKI) OH.. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANnEAVETROUQUSalwaysonhandana put up a 'he Bhoi'teetnotice. RISDON k UENDERSON. Ann Arbor, June 29th ,1862. 859tf NOBLE & RIDER, are stlling their large stock of BOOTS SHOES, CHEAPEE THAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOE CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youtb's and CMldren's Shoeg : ; ! : 15 a 1.50 Now is the time to buy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidly ad'mncing in Eastern Markets, TIIËY ALSO MM WARRANTED JES" WORK TÖ ORDER. JES and ntii'Ain. Remember wc can not and will not be uudersold. Flease cali and eaniine thfir .stock I.AWRBNCK NOBLB, CAIiPES RIDER. AaArbor,76. 1öth,lff4 ti'JtJ. Estáte of John D. Armstrong. TATfiOF MICHIGAN'. County of WashtenHw, Ka U At asession of the Probate Court for the Connit'# Washttnaw, holden at th 3 Probate Office, in theCit Ann Arbor,ou Wednesday , the tciith day of August U tlie yeur one thousand eïght hundred and sixtv ff Prest-Mi. Thomas Nindc. Judge of Probate. ' in the matter of the lïatate of Julm D. Arinsiron late of Lbdi, ftisaid County', deceased. ' Oareadirtg and ttling the petition, duly -v(?rifid t Elvira Armntrong, praying for the probate of au nnún ment now on file in thfs ronrt, pirrportrrig to be thp fat will and testament ot BanJ decewíed. Thereupon t is Ordered, Unit Friday, the Dinthdy of September nexl . at ten o'clock in the forenoon, )e 4 signed for the hearing of said petition, and thatiluj, visee, leñatees and lieira at law of aaid dectiaseJi 1Bj all other perrons intcrosted in said estáte, are ientnr#d to at b sesiion of pnÍ4Court,thetítd b holdini the Probate' Office, in the City of Ann n$ County , and show e a use, i f any there be, why the prav of thepetitioner should not be granted: And it is fiirther ordered, that said petitfoir give notice to tlie perwons irflert-nted in said eHtnte of tlie peftdeacy of mld petition, and the hearing ther'eof liy caiiMiiga oopy of thlrt Order to be published in tfct Michigan Argïts, a uewspaper printed aad circuUtü,. i ti said County of Washtenaw, three Hucct-HHiTe woi previous to aid day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS MXPE. 969 Judge of l'robt, Estáte of William liunting. STATK OF MICHNiAX- Conaijr of Wanlitenw-, Ata session of tlie Probate Court íor the Couctj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in tht city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday , the ek-vtiith dy 'f August ín the year one thousand eight hundred tnj ftlstj four. Presentí Thomas Ninde. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estarte oí William Buntiog( t% of Lodi, in waid County, deceased. Ou reading and tiling the petition duly Terified, rf Selina liunting, praying for the probate of a ct-rtiia instrument now on file in this Court jurporting toit the last wil! and testament of said decesed. Thereupon it is Ordered, ThatMonday, the twilftji day of September nex.t, at teno'cïock n the foreaoot bf issigued for the hearing of Faid petitíoo, and th4Íl the evisees, legatees. and heirs at law of said t. ceased, and all other peraous (atereited in said n&Mf are reqnired toappear at a weMfion of said Co'jr1,tlj#a tobe holden at tlie Probate Oilice, in tlie City f Ana Arbor, in said County, an1 shovr cause, if any thert W why tlie prayei of tlie peiltiouer should not be grint! ed: And it is furtht rordered. that said petitionergtn noticeto the persons interested ín said estáte, of tb pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, bj causing a copy of this order to be published in thi Michigan Argus, a newspaper prinied and circuliti( In siiitl County of Washtenaw, three succenaiTe wtíb jirpvioua to said dpy of hearing. (A true copy.) THOMAS NINDE, 909td Judge of ('robilt Chancerj Salo. STATF OF MICHIGAN'- In Circuit Covrifor ttttÓÁamty of Wi.-.btenaw, In Chancery. Eiza y Complainant, va. Sebra Perkin Defeuá&nt. ]n put' suanceand by virtue of a deciee of the Circuit Couit for the County of Washtenaw , in Chancery, mtílecn the second day t f Defeember, A. 1., elghteen tiundriá and tifty-nine, in a certain cauae therein pecdioj, wherein Eliza Perkins is complainant, and Sebra P' kins is defendant. Notice is heieby given, that I shi][ sell ñt puolic auction to the liighest bidder, at twrfi o'clock, noon, on Saturday, the sevonteenth day %t September, nextj at the front door of the Court Hobu of the Circuit Court fnr tlieOountyof Washien, the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw ani State of Michigan, " The Mest half oi the south-em (juarter of section fifteen, and the est half of U north-past fjiiarterof section t went y two, inTonibip one soutli of range Beven cast, n the Townshipnfüi. lcm, ín the Countj of Washtenaw, and State of Hich. igan. C.l H. VANCLKVE, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for the County ef Wiisljtcnaw. O.ÜAWKi.vs, Solicitor for Cimplainant. Anri Arbor, Julj twenty-nmtb, A. ]).,1H4. ÖfJM Corauiissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw 11.Thé umlersiirned liaving been appointftl bj tin Probate Court for said County CowtnissiODer to ceive, examine and aust all cUiirasand demaudHctilt persons against the estáte of David Lapham. lh ii tbètnwnshrp of Saïeni in said County deceafied.hertb} gfve noticí' tliat six m ntlts (tora Inte, are, byortir of said Probate Court, allo wed for creditors tt prwit their claims against sa i-i deccased, and that ihej wil meet at the lute residence of said deceased, is tk Township of .calem ín s;iid et un1y, n Saturdiy % t welf tb. day of XovcmbiT, and Tuesday the fouitttnth day of P't'brnary nnxt, M one o'clock, P. M., of nü day, to recetve, examiue and adjust said claim.i. I.EVI WKSTFALL Cmm THOMAS BUSSET, jsioidi. Dated, August 15, 1864. 970t Estáte of VanValkenbergs, STATE OF MICHKtAN, Cor.Mï oy V' Anmiv x-ti. Ata BessiWJ of t!u; "róbate Court for theCouitpf WashtoiüiiVj hoïaenat the Piobate Office in tlie citjf Ann Arbor 011 Wednesday, the f-vei;ty fourth da j ef August in the year one ïnousand eïgl t Innniredini sixty four. Present, Thomas N'inde, Judge of Probi#, In the matter of tbe E.-ttt.' of Klia'O. VaoValkenVeíit, Emma D, Van Valken berg } Ruth J VanValktBbfTtDd Albert E. VanValkenberg .minora. On rt'iiding and öiiiig the píttion, duly Terified,of John S. Henderson, guardián of said minors, prajiif for license to seli tlie real c-tate of said minors. Thereupon it is Oriered, that Fridj.y, the tfHtf' third day of September nest, at ten (i'clock hi th S nuon. be asaigned for the hearing of id jietitioDpiaí thntïlie uef of kin of said minors, and all {th)soiu4Citonst4diu said e-t,.te, are reqntred to a sessioc of said Court tlicn to be holden at tlie Protalt Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in saïfl coimty, show oause, if auy there be, the prsjrer of tbe pt tioaer shnold 11" t te granted: And it is furtherw'lt-rt'l. t'i;-r fid p t finner give imticp to the poi-somf terestcd in siiii c-ft ', of' the pemiency uf saidpitti an;l fin hearing therenf, by causing a eoyy of this Or der t be published in the Michigan Argús a nep?r j.rini -d ;uiii viiculiiiing in eaiO Courty oF M'asl-trn, tijree .suereasive weeüs previous t saiiïtlay f lHn. (A ti ue L-o-pv .) TÜÜM S Ñ1NHK. y?l JmJgeof Protatf. CITY COOFER SHOP. SPxFF01ïü & DODSLEY, succewors to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HESNING, Wauïd v&xpeetfnlly annountre to cïtizns o! Al "irbur ;uii vicinity, that they ure now irnufsetiJf iii kt-t-ji caiistuntly on bend a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! SucL as Pork and Cidcr Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Chunn, j Well Buckets, Flonr and Apples Barrels, ét. Merchanis and Brcwers are nvited to esaawu" I Butter Firkins and Beer Kegs. CUSTOM "WOK.K, ilone to ORDEK on SHORT NOTICE and warrant!. t1 Cash paid for Staves, Hetfti and Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit Í: N'orth Streeto, niit"1" of North 4 Fiftli Sireets. &PAFFORD fe DODSLBT' Aon Arbor, Feb. 6th,1864. EUTTAN'S VENTILATION & WARMING' o The undersigned keept on hand and will PL ABCHITECTS, BUILDEKS, and 1NDIVIUU4IA ,[ anv of these ct!lebrat(d machines for tlie warnnOT buildings at short notice. 7Ie will also behP,rJ( give such inntructions to Hllwhoare abonttobui will enablethem to warm their house at abc ' the expense for fuel that they can possibly do 0} other means. KEFEREXCKS. C. F.BKRBACi, Ann Arbor. A. A. SCHOOL BOAW. JACOB HAXGSTEUFEli. AUGUSTUS W1DENMA' in Arbor, March 4th, 1864. S"m A NEW CHOVKR & BAKER SEWING ÏWCH.,(,' also a NEW 5INGER MACHINE, either F11' manuftcturing pattern . Apply a m0, To Clear the House of FU USE DÜTCHER'S CELEBRATED LIGHTNING FLY-KILLEl] a aiticle, easy to Ne. Kvery' 'i; tilla quart. SOLÍ) KVKKYWHKRK. Avers Sarsaparilla .


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Michigan Argus