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J. U. WTAttB &BRÖ. rvEALF.RS n Clock, Watches, Jelry and Silver U Wure No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbur. , ' 0. BLISS." DEALER n Clock, Vatchen, .Tewelry and Silver WrNo.22, New Block, Ann Arbur. C. HUMILLEN. DEALER in Dry GoodB, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Sc. Hin Street, Ann Albor. . "ThTliFbách. TiEAI.EKS in Pry Goods,Groceriea. Boots & Shoes, J) kc, Main ut., Ann Arbor. 1EORGEW. SÑOVER, DKA1 KU in Miscellaopous and School BookR, Station erv,WaU Papers, Sec. Buron Street, Ann Arbor. RÏSDC)N & HÊNDER6ÖN. DElI.KIiS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnisbing goois, Tin Ware, &c , &c, New Block, Malnst. " GEO PRAY, M. D. PftVSICIlN aod Surgeon. Residence and office on Detroit street, near the repot. s. gTtaylor, VF.Ai.ER in Hats, Caps, Furs, Robes, Gents' Furnish1 ingüoods,etc. Eaüt side Maiu Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. A. J. SUTHEftLAND, AGENT for the Sew York Life Insurance Company. Office on Huron street. Aïso has oq hand a stock ol the most approre i sewing machines. 885tf GËORGE FISCHEK. ÏTEAT MABKET- Uuron Street- General dealer in IV1 Kresh nnrt Salt eM, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Toaltrx, Utd, Tallow, Sc, &c. 11 IR AM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY an.l Counsellor at Iiw. ind Solicitorin Clmncerj-. Office in City Hall ISiock, over Webster's Bonk Store. - LEWITT & BREAKEY. ÍJHYS1CIAXS ANTD priiOKON.S. Otlïce at thpresi i dence of Dr. Iwitt, nortli side of Huron, two doors wet nf Divisiuu .street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. Vn'HOr.E.SAi.Eand Rntaü Iealers and Manufacturcrs Ir of Sead.v-Ma.lB Cltithlng. Importers of Clottm, Caa lmíB-s, Doeskins, &c, So. 5, Phoenix Block, Mkíu st. wm7 vvagnerT" IDEALER in Readv Made Ctothing, Clnths, Cassimeres, IJ nJ Vestinga, Hatï, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c, Phnnii Block, Main strcet. SLAWSON & SON. 1ROCERS, Provisión and CoraraisíJion Merchante, aud U Deiilersin Water Lime, Land Platr, and Piaster Í Prisr onodoor east of Cook's Hotel. J. M. SCOTT. AMBROTVPE aml Photograph Artisl, in the rooms oTerCarapion'üClothingstore, Phoenix Block. Pernnntiaraetiungiren. C. B. PORÏER. OÜRQEON DENTIST. Offi ce Corner of Main anl Hurón 0 itrmts, orer Bach & liersou'a Store. All chIIs pptlyattendPdto Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS ín Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Groceries, Hats and Cïips, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, te, Corner of Main & Liberty sts, 8PAFFORÏ3 & DODSLEY. IVÏAN'UFACTÜRERS of all kindR of Coooper Work, Wl. City Cooper Shop. Custora work done on short otice, Cor. Detroit and Korth Streets, and cor. North tná Rfth Strects Ann Aihor. ANDREW BP]LL. HKALER in Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Produces, L kc.t &c, corner Main and Washington Street, na Arbor. The highest market pricespaid lorcountry produce. 866 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independen t Or" ierof Oijil FellowR meet at their Lodge Boom. "jFriday Erening, at 7 o'clock. S. Sotohkisi, N. G. P. B. Rose, Secy "M. C. STANLEY, " Photograpliic Artiat. cwo Main and H-jron Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHg, AMBROTYPE3, &c. . &c. , 'tke Istest stalen, and every eiTort made togive sntis''on. 956tf DrDKFOREST. ITHOLESALE and retail dealer in I.umber, Uth, ,' Slnngles, Hash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, ?rand "'Piaster, Piaster Paria, and Nails ofalUus A '■' and perfect a ssort ment of the above, and allother iaof building materials constantly on hand at the WpojsibW) ratee, nn Detroit 8t., a few rodsfromthe ;"'ro1 Depot. Also operatiug extensively in the "otOsraent RooBng. GRANGER & FINLEY mORXBYS & COLNSELLORS AT ! Collecting and Land Agents "ICE OVER DOSELLT's STORK, HURÓN STREET, "■ Guanöeh, ) Ann Arbor, Mieh. 1 11 H. Fini.ey, i Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf t COE SALE! 1 MW GROVKR k BAKKR SEWIXG MACHINE, ! '-lsoa NEW INOER MACHINE, eithcr Family or f ofiicturingpattern. Applyat r THE AR(iUS OFFÍCE. l yer's Cherry Pectoral è


Old News
Michigan Argus