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From The Third Michigan Cavalry

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Camp 3rd Michigan Cavaí.uv Veteran Volunteküs, Hkadqüartkks, Co. G, Browssville Arkansas, Aw. 29th, 1864. Fkiend Arqus : - It has now been a " rigbt smart" time since I last gave yo my account of the 3rd Michigan cavalry Well, to begin with, we are not looatec in one of the most agreeable places i the world ; but on the contrary, are i about one of the most disagreeable spot in the Southeru Confederacy. I will no attempt to describe the country here, a you have probably 'ere this heard it but of the regiment and what they have been doing, I will try and "say eomething." On the morning of the 23rd instant, the rebels uiuter command of General Shelby, made a sudden and unexpected attack on Ashley Station, asmall place and Duvall's Bluff, and as there were but about two companies of our eoldiers there to gunrd if, they were very easily surrouoded and taken prisoners. The "reba" then turned thoir course to ward Duvall's Bluff, and followcd in thu direction for several miles, tearing u{ the railroad track, cutting the telegrapl wire, and destroying a large quantity ol hay that had recently been cut on the Prairie, together with several hay piess es, and a considerable number of army wagoos and harneas. They held possession of the Prairie nearly all day, when finding out they were in danger of being "gobbled," they returned in the direction of Jacksonport. I cannot say positively, but the report is, that they took about 400 prisoners. As soon as they commenced falliug back, the cavalry started in pursuit. Then occurred one of tho most exciting races it was ever my privilege to witness. The rebels numbered about 4,500, and our force consisted of the 3rd Michigan c&valry ; 8th Missouri cavalry, and one or two other regiments I cannot remember the number of. The chase took place on the broad Prairie, not a tree or house to obstruot the sight. The 3rcl cavalry was in advance when the chase commenced, and kept there during the day. Long lines of rebel cavalry could be plainly seen in pell-mell retreat, and equally as long a line of yankees in hot pursuit. To see those men, urgiug their already jaded horses to their utmost, and then large numbers of those whose horses had given completely out, turn and iu frantic gestures signify their williogness to surrender, and with but a word and a gesture hurried intothe prisouers' ranks, was a siglit I shall long remember. The chase contioued for about twelve miles, when the enemy received re-en, forceraents, nnd a more favorable grouod, turned and commenced a vigorous tight both with musketry and artillery. A considerable skirmishing and maiioeiivering took place, until yefterday the 3Lih, when a gener:il engagement occurred, and a very severe battle is now progress[ iug. Last uight a d spatch left hore, the contenta of vvhich I ain uot acquaioted witJ, for tlie field of action, and returned this morning just at day breuk. They report that heavy fighting is going on, I and that the rebels are retreatinp. day, about noon, another dispatch ief and have just returned, 4:40 a. m., anc report that our forcea have succeeded il surrounding the entire rebel conimand aud are confideut of "making a gooc luul." Although the regimeut have no arirs but a lot of condemned carbines, and a few side revolvers, they fight with a will aud determinatiou to conquer. It is an imposition on the regiment, and a dis grace to tho State which they have so nobly represented in so niany hardfought fields of batile, for thein to be armed with such worthless ïrins. Our Colonel, J. K. Mizner, is now absent iu the North, trying to procure better arrns, and I understand has succeeded in getting seven hundred Spencer's seven shooting rifles, and four hundred of Colfs üve shooting rifles. Let the regiment once get such ar'ms, compare their veteran service with that they have done heretufore. It is getting late, and I must close. I hope I may soon have pleasupc of inforniing you of the better anuanient of the regiment. Yours respectrufiy, 1). K. H.