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Forney On The Platform

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lbe Washington Chrontcre, the chief organ of the adiuiuistration at the national capita), conductcd by Fokney, a saint and a power in the adnjiuistiation party, thus commends the Chicago Platform. The endorsement is f'ull and complete, and must prove a padlook upon the mouths of those ardcut Repubücans who have beeu duuouncing the piutform as a seeession concern. Let. Demócrata sound Porney's eudorsement in the eart' of their fault-fiuding neighbors : - Whatever may be said of that portion of the resolutious of the Chicngo Uonvention whicb criticises the federal adninistratioa, every patriot must be rejoicèd to see that important body, repesenting so large a portioíi ol the American people, solemnli declare that he Union must be preserved Mark the words in whiuh this deternjinatioo is exressed : " We will adhere, with unswerving tidelity, to the Uuigu and the Constitution, as the only solid foundation of our strêngth, security, and pioess as a people, and as lúe trame work of govornnient equally conducive to the welfare of all the states, both northern and southeru." This expression is probubly the mot significant admonition that could be presentad lo the enemies in arms against the RepiMic. These enemies have looked to the Democratie party, and to the Chicago Convention for eneouragemeut in their expectation of separatiou and dism.ion. They have beeu flattered by the idea, that because Mr. Vallandigham, Mr. Fernando Wood, and a few olhers, have preached peace doctrines, iliereforc ilrs pre;icbiug nieant dissolutioo. The resolutions of the Chicago Convenlion hare 'taken this last prop Jrom under thairfect, and thei noiv see that there is now no party so contemptikle in the fi ee states, as that which advocates peace on the. basis of separaiion, and that all parties in our seetion are in favor of the Uuity of the republio. So significant has been the action of the Chicago Convention on this subject, that when Mr. Long, of Ohio, proposed to introduce a quqlifying resolution looking to peace, he was ruled out of order, aud the resolutions, as reported by Mr. Gutbrie, were adopted, as the report says, "with few dissenting voices." This beiug the case, the query to the patriotic and intelligent mind is, which of tbe two oandidates, Abraham Lincoln or Georgo B. McUlellan, can best serve and save the governmont ? JESC" We fiad the following araong the "War items" in the Detroit Tribune and it is so different in tone from what usually appears in that journal, that we extract it as a curiosity. It must have 'ound ita way into the columns of the Tribune by mistake: The proposed for an armist:ce frightens the Ilichmond Examiner dreadfully. .t considera that an armi-tice would be more perilous to Southern independence 'than Liocoln's war is to the knife," because it would givo the South a chance to wake up, and créate iu the Suuthern States 'a Union party ouoe more," and that bat party would make "troublcsome discord."


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