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The Press On The Nominations

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As a man, it is umversally conceded, that Major-General McClellan possesses in the highest degree thosa qualities which inspire respect, couOdence and adruiratiou. Uniting to purity and probity of prívate charaeter, as enjoined by the moral law, the virtues aud graces engrafted on that charaeter by the code of the Ohristian faith, he presenta tú his peraon tho einbodiiiient of a p.itriotism which takes ita aniniating impulses not only rom a profound sense of respousibility to God. And in this day of mutation and uncertainty, when so many foundations of human hopo have been destroyed, it is much, very much, to know that the man on whoin we rely, is a man who regulates his conduct according to the principies and precepts of Christianity, as received not merely in the understanding, but os made the rule and cuide of his life. And in every positioü iu which General McClellan has been placed it is safe to say that his mecesses, and the successesof the cause whioh he represented, have been in proportion to the degree in which his advice was followed or rejected by his civil or military superiors iu the eouduct of the war. # And if the personal attributes deservedly commend for Gen. McClellan the respect and coafidencu of his countrymen, it is only jutt to say that his political principies are such f.s cominend themselves to the cordial acceptance of every lover of the Union, based on the Constitution, and the laws made ia pursuance thereof. He stands to-day as the representalive embodiment of those principies which, at one time in the history of this sad war, enablei the natiën to present an undivided frout against the revolutionar}7 violeuce of armed seditiop at the Souh, and the equally revolu iionary exactions of pclitical radicalisni at the Worth. If President Lincoln had sossessed the requisite steadfaatness to reservad the constituency of his opinions - if he had not yieldeu to a "pressure" 'rom which he asked others to relieve the country, without having the strengt h of will to relieve hitnself from itsgrowing demands - he uiight to day have stood in ,he same commanding attitude, and so standing, might have leaned on the on oí a loyai ana a unitea peopie. lint he has chosen to complícate his position, and tberetbre tbe fortunes oí the Üuion, so far as they are subject to his coutrol, with policies lying not only outside of the (Jonstitutiou, but conceived in palpable contradiction with its letter aud spirit, as that instrument is construed and interpieted by niariy, ve believe by a vast majority of the loyal peopie of the United 8tates. From tbese embarrassments andcomplications, General McClellan is ffee, and the vantage grouud wbicb this cor sideration affords him is apparent to all, aud cannot but have its we;ght iu determining the preponderaüce of tbe popular judgment, as it shall incline to the caudidacy of the one or the otber, according to their co'nparative opportunities and capaoities for dealiog with the questions iuvolved in a restoration ot the Union. The pledges and commitmei t- which President L;ncoln has assurned by his extrn-constitutional proclamations, and which are re affiried by his late manifestó prescrib ing the tenns of peace, reuder itimpossi sble foi' us to expect auy thing like a pacificatiott of our troubles under bis administration, aud tha success of bis military conduet does not offer to tbe most sanguine any better hope that be will succeed ia exterminal ing the elements of dissatisfactiou whieh he is unable or unwilling to appease by conciliation. Our only hope of Union and peace, as also of a return to the normal sway of thelaws with.n the loyal states, is therefore reposed in a change of men in the adtniuistration of the governtnent, to be followed by a change of policy i.i tbe management of our affairs, aud, so thinking, we shall not hesitate to give our cordial support to the noinination ol General McClelIan. [From the New York Times, Sept. 2.] We aro to have a rousing canvasb' The opposition have settle their dis cords, and are plunging with a shout into the work of eleeting MeClellau. Already t'uey are all aglow. They are earnest and vehement todav ; to-morrow they will be fiery aud furious They have the genuino spirit whioh sbrinks from no daring or doing, and which garhers force as it presses on They are, moreover, consummately led. The saino art vhi(;li gave them uuity, is giving theiii aitii and direction. No jot of their energy wil! be wasted. Though it be a shame, it cannot be denied that the old spirit of the Union (Rep ) party has fiagyed within the last tew tnonths. There have been dissensions amoug itn leaders. Difforences of opinión which were at tirst hardly enred for, as being of no accouut in presence of the supremo issue, "have boen growiujr apace, broediag jealousy and distrust. There arev influ enees that, if given play, are sure to chili and blight any devotion, however pure Jhe (Jisagruenieut about ïneu and measures all paiue originaliy from feulings truly patriotio. We will not now even assume to say the Republicana who have differed from the admin istration, have not ofteu had sound reason on their side, est mating by the intrinsio merits. It would, ín fact, be presuniptuoiiH to claim that Mr. Lincoln has not committed errors. Everybody sees them, in the absence of all hearty end zealoua co nperatiou among our leaders upon the ticket nominated at Baltimore. There are uncomplaisant, and perh.ips we may even iy, ! ambittered feelings, wbi"! re none the less pateut Kfciuse they are t-ilent, or anj the less fatai because tbey are less. Duath can wurk in the slerpiog niiata of the bg as wcll as in the careering storm-eloud. [l''rom the Philadelpliia I'ress, Republican.] If the Chicago Convention had not nouiinated George B. McClellan, we should have been surprised, for for of all the names bef ore it, his is the most popular. Ho owes hi.s popularity, which íor u year has boen waning, chiefly to hls military career. While he was in the service of the governinent, and couducting the war upon its policy, he was universally sustained by all partios. His recent opposition to the government has lost him all but party followers. Still he n the most popular candidale the Convention could have chosen. The very fact that he is not a party leader, makes him the better party candidate ; for Vallaudingham aud Seyinour are pledged to certain policies, have spokon frcely on many important subject.s, and have awakened enmities in their own ranks which might not easily be soothed. General McClellan bas no such political record. It is botter for him that he is without it. Those who will an;ilyze the resolutiona Iramed uy Mr. Guthrie, and adoptad by the couvention, will find that they contain but two mportant affirmations : firstj that the Democratie party h pledged to the maintenance of the Union ; second, that the admiriistration is unworthy to be trusted. If there is anythina; else ia the creed of the party, t will searcelv be found in its platform, but must be soüffht in the declarations of its leaders. The Democratie party , therefore, stands pledged to do its lest to save the Union [F rum the Plilladelpliia News, Rep.] The platform of the party, and the presidentiul Dominees are befure the people, Their candidates are well known. No othor mftn in tho country haa been as conüdeutly trunted as Georgo B. MeOlollau. In no othor ger.eral of the war. not even n ihe indomitable hero of Vieksburg, were the affections and confidence of the people as fieely placed. [From the Spriugfield 1 (Mass.) Republlcan] The political situation has been revolutionized in three months. ïhat time ago, General McCJellan was the weakest candidato almost the Demócrata could nomínate, nd èny e-ffort on their part to contest the eleetten aeemed iorlorn euough. Today he ií their strongest man - chiefly because, whilo he representa opposition to Mr. Lincoln, who bore with him as comnander iu-Chiet only too long, he stiil holds some of the once considerable) personal popularity he had with the people and the urmy- and with him (hei enter upon the campaign with large hope, and cerlainly a fear prospect of suocess [Frora the Boston H'ntttl, RepuWican.] By roferenrife to the proceodings of the Democratie Nattcvniil Oonvention it will be seen, what was ago predicted in the columns of this paper, that Generul George B. Mctüellan bas been nomiuated for.Presrdpnt, aud Geo H. Pendleton, ot' ühio, for VicoPresideut, and that the iioiniuutions au irado umtuirnous. This Metion of the eonvention is in markcd contrast with ihat of tlio eonvention it CThárlestop tour yenrs sinee, anl augurs well for the sucoess of ihe ticket at the polls tliis fall - so far as a united purty is eouceruod.


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