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1 Pursuaiit to' cali of the President, Hon. A. Felch, a meeting of the " Ann Arbor Democratie Assoeiation " was held at the Eotfrt House, on Thursday evening of last week, for the purpose of organizing for the eampaign. The eonstitution was amended so as to enter upon the election of offioers; and the following offieers wer slected : President - Hon. Alpujeus Felch. Vico President - At Lar ge - Wni. S. Maynard, Richard Hooper. st Ward-L. C. Risdon. U " - A. Widenmann. U - N. P. Parsow.. ith - L. R. Slawson 5th " -P. Shulters. Ann Arbor Toton - II. M. Mowry, 3. J. Parshall. Recording Secretary - N. B. Cole. Corret.ponding Secretary - E. B. Pond. Treasurer - C. H. Ilichmond. The following were appointed a Finance Committee : Messrs. D. Henning, J. A. Polhemus, S. Webster, F. A. Hom, R. B. Chase, J. J. Parshall. It was resolved to hold a mass meeting on the 17th inst., the anniversary of the adoptkm of the Constitution of the United States, and the Corresponding Secretary was instructed to invite speakers for tfj' occasion. [The Excutive Comraittee subsequently learning that the State Committee had appointed a County Mass Meeting to be held here on the 27th, to be addressed by Gov. Fenton and others, thought it impracticable to hold two mass meetings so near together, and therefore arranged for an evening meeting, only, on the 17th, which actionVas concurred in at an adjourned meeting of the assoeiation held on Tuesday evening last.] The meeting was addrassed by Hon. B. F. Gbasger, Hon. H. J. Beakbs, and R. E. Frazer, Esq., and a good feeling pvevailed. At the adjourned meeting, held on Tuesday evening, the assoeiation determrned to co-operate with the County Coinmittee in the Mass Meeting of the 27th insfc-, and instructed the President to invite Wikt Dexter, Esq„ and Hon. Geokge C. Bate, of Chicago, to address the Democrasy on that day. Messrs. W. F. J. Bengal, and Sol. Weil were appointeí ar eommittee to procure a Germán speaker to address tbo Democracy on the 27th, and alsö to invite the Germans of the city and vioinity to become members of the Assoeiation Tt was resolved, also, that Hou. Robert McClklland, of Detroit, be invited to address the Assoeiation to-morrow evening, and' such invïtatibn has been extended. p3 The Nrwi is engaged in the pleasant work of patting on the back "the 'Union' office holders," and "late converts to the Democratie party," hoping to kick up a disturbance in the ranks of tie Democracy that the Republican candidates ainy profit by. It will not be successfu!. Il the " late converts " - havo boen subjects of a genuino' conversión, they wül not be driven back to' their vvallow because the Dcmocrat8 have" net nominnted either them or their friends ; whilo if thetr conversión was epurious, the Dum-' ocriicy have acted wtsely in proííting by the experience of 1862. We think the News vvHl ■ fttïl, and that i Is patting will uot be aoceptablt to-fboee whose chuso rt has e?ptused. - White the Ncu-s has its hand in, coukio'l it republish wkat it eaid of snme of the " ïute converts " in 1862? One of iho " Uoion " offico-iioldere so üri{.'t?noionfily "overlooked" would like to 6ee the portrait Ihen dravvo by the Neivz of those for -whoin H ïs dow 60 full of eympntby. E" Thero ia littla or no very important military rows sfirrng. ' E-JÊT The Uepublicans have boen claiiuing that Maj. Gen. Dix is in full sympathy with the adtninistration, proposing to nomínate hiro for Governor of New York, holding kim up as the patteru Dcrnoerat, &c , re. But at the recent oonvention at Syiacuse it was found out that Gen. Dix was not of the true faith, that he had beeu uiisrepresented and slaudered, that he was oot a full-blooded "loyalia"," in the modern acceptation of that once gnoininious term, in faet that he had v ritten a 1 ttur saying that as a military offreer it was lus duty to obey orders, but that he did not endorse all the political policy of the "Goverument " And, forthwith, Gen. Dix was dropped, getling but 36 1-2 votes. Reuben E. Fenton was nominatcd, he having swallowed ' Old Abe's " political policy without a grimaee. L3T The New York Mie dislikcs tien.'s letter of aoeeptance, ropudiates McClellak, and calis upon the National Committee to convene the convention again, that it may make a platform to with McClkllan or a new oacdidate to suit the platform. We niistrust that tho committee will do no suuh thing, and that the News aud the mail clique of facliouists it represen ts will be permittcd to stay "out in the cold," or go in and warm their shins by Lincoln's fire. They havo been doing bis work for some titne, and hope now to secure bis clection - and consequent dis union - by dividing the Democratie party and vete in November. We think they will fail. ii mm ii ' ■ L3C Tne New talks wisely - in fact the News ia nlways " Owlish " - about the " harmonious Dumocracy," "tho card," the " secret club," " tno fuctions," " the ins," " the outs," &c , &c. Perhaps it would be as weli tor the News to teil ts opinión of the Republioan candidates, as it promised to do when the Democratie candidates should be brought out, instead of fooiing. away its space gossiping about what it knows sothing, Tbo Newi knows now who the Democratie candidates are, and that's all. What it claims to havo known before the notninations wero rn-ade is simply bosh. L3 The Republicans don't like Gen. MgClkllax or bis letter of acceptanee ; the ultra peace Demócrata, of the N. Y. News and Dayllook stripe, don't like Gen. McClellan or his letter oí aceeptance ; and the Richmond Dispatch and other Confedérate journals don't like Gen. McClellan, the platform on wbich he is amiec'ted, or hts letter of aceeptance. That the dislikes of these three should be mutua is sufficient reason why every TJnionloving ciiizen should McClel lan and vote for him. j[J3 The Republican paper? are laboring eainestly to convince' Long, Vullandighani, Wood, and others whom tbey 8tyle " Peace-Democrats " that McClellan is a " "VYar-Democrat," and nol entitled to their support. And the Southern press say tho same, the Richmoud Diipaich proclaiming that if " it had a million votes Lincoln should have them all." The secessionists of the South and Radicale of the North always did work together. JsjJ""" Hon. 8. L. Smith has declined the nomination for Congress unanimously tendered him by tho Democratie convention of the Gth Congressional district. - Though not a resident of the 6th, we regret the declination of Mr. Smith, for a long and intímate personal acquaintance convinces us that he would do credit himself, to the district, and to the State in the event of his election. - Á second nominating convention is to b' e iield at Saginaw on the 23d inst. JC3T The Republicana claim tbat Georoe H. Pendi.eton, the Democratie noniinee for Vice President, is in favor of peace on the bas of a recognition of the Southera Cenfederacy. Mr. Fjjndleton hns never taken sueh a position, and we challenge any Rapublican to produce a sentence be bas nttored, in Congress or out, in favor of separatrion, endorsing the right of any State to secede, or in iavor of a disunion peace. Let us have the proof. JJjS" Eïerciaes in the Literary De partment of the University, eoir.enee on Wednesday nest, and' students aro flow coEiirïg in in considerable number The Medical and Law Departments do not open uutil tlie first of Oetober. The high priee which board bas neeessarily reaclied, is likely to keep awa large numbers of students, in lact it secnis difTicult for them to find board and rooms at nny price, many of our citizens who have boarded heretofore having got rich and quit the business. We fear that we shal) seo a lcss number of students than in late years-, from (ho impossibility of their getting aocnmmodations witliin the means of tho largo cl apg of young men who depend upon their own etforts to pay thoir way. j3C At the late Democratie Congressional Convention for this district, Messrs. T. F. Bouton of Jackson, W. V. Morrison, of Calhoun ; G. W. Pcck, of Inghatu ; Jumes Gallery, of Eaton ! and A. C. Blodget, af Washtenaw ; wcre appninleda diatriet ïommitteo for theen1 auing two yrars.


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