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Estáte of John1 1). Arrastrong. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CODKTT of Wasiithmw, sS.- . All persons havin.; claims or demanda againat the estáte of John f). Armtrong, late of the township of Lodi, in said county , deceased, are hereby mtified and required to present the ame to tlie undersigaed, at the probate office in the city of A mi Arbor, in said couiity, at any of the several Pessioris of the Probate "ourt for aid county, oa or bcfore 'Yednesday, the 8th day of March 1865, for examination and allowance, r months from the dato beroof, beiug allowedfor creditors to present their claims against waid estatfl. THOMAS NINOK. .Todge of Pro-bate. J)ate?, An-n Arbor, Pept. 9th, 14. 4w(J74 Election Notice. SnuKit-'F s Ornes, As.v Arbo, Si;pt..iath,186-t. ƒ To the Kiectorn of ïhft County of Washtenaw . Vuu h't hereby ut i tl el i'at ;i t the Coneral Election , t be htlii on Tlx Tucsday next suceeedi&g the first , Wou da y of November Dyxt, in th .State of Michigan, tbc followtng offlcers are to teelected. viz ; Bteht Elector of President and Vice-President of the United títatfs, a Goverii'ir, I.ieufenant Governor, Auditor (ieneral, Sccn {ary of State, State Treaurer Commissioner ot the ?t:ite ljaá Oiftof, Atnrney (ïtiiGral, Superintfinlent of PuMio is.Hlrnirtifjn, a Member of the State Board oi Educ:tion in phice of Witter J. Baxter, whose f.rm of oPfrCB w'ill expire Pecnnber Slist, 1834, and a Rcpresontatïve in Congrcn f-p the 3rd Con grfesWonal Di-trict, to wliicli your founty is attached. Also, a Senator (nr t lie ïth BeotTerml District, consitinguf the UtJ of Ajan Arbin-, tba townships of Superior, Salem, Ann Arbor. Scio, Northfield, Webster, Lima, Dexter, iSylvan, and Ly-niou in the County of Waslitennw. AIbo, a Senator for the 8th Senatorial District, conMflttog of the City af Ypilanti, the Townahips of Ypnhinti, Augusta, Pilts.'U'ld, Yoik, I.udi, Saline, Freedom, Bridgewater,Sharont and Manchester in the Coucty of WashteiKin'. Als-, a Represen tative for each of tlio four Representative ItUtricfs ín the Couuty of Washtenaw, as fi-illows . Ist District- Ralem, Superior, Yppilanti City7 Pittsfiell, and Vpsilanti Town. 2d D-dirid - Ann Arbor City. Aun Arbor Tow, NurthieM and Webster. 'd District - AuiiKta, York, Saline, ï.odi, ïïridgewater, a.nd Manchester. 4(A District - Freedom, Sharon, Sylvan, Lima, Scio, Dexter.and I.ynd n Also that the iollowing Coup+y offirerf; for the Coun ty of VVashtcnaw, are to be eleete-l at the saiie time, to-wit : One Judge of Probate, one ï h& fT, one Oiuniy Clerlí, one County Treanurer, ..t-gister of Peeds, one l'nwocuting Attorrny, tivn Circuit Conrt CommissioDt-rs, twoCor&ners,arnl'neCoanty Surve'or. rHlMl' WINEGAK, SheñíT. QTRAY COLT f Strayf d or stolen, frorn tb premineiï of the tmliBcriber about the 2Tth of AgUf-t a lU)f (Kl.lUMi COLT, tfireé yeara Md lAFtSpripe. Had a bngbone on right iund M. A 1 loral rcvvunl wftl bt paídfurthe return of tijtidCo'.t. or lor aforuativo whtre he m:iv bc tound. OFV'.iGK (;. Fïifif'R. O TO THE CHEAP STORE And see the New Goodi. A 3KLEXDID STOCK OF DRESS GOODS! Goixt' FURNISHING GOODS CASSIMERES, Cloths-, Satínets, lie DOMESTICS, SHDË HATS i CAPÍ Crockery, GROCERIES,&c. Are to be suld vritliont recaní to itmq ïai„j Price. N. B.- Tlie laryent Stock of Calicó and BrownCMi in Che City at ñn tlian Manufactura '5 pnces. The highe? price paitl in Trade or cash 'or til ik of Produce. MACK & SCHMID, OÜR CHIN AMAN STILLIMS And eontinneR to furnish that unrivaled quVty ol TEA always founii at the People's Slore. IOTerH of goo4 Tea will pleas try a ampie OP OÜR NEW TEA. DkFORESTíSTEWART OROOEHIES O' II Fruits. Eitract, Spice. Pickl, Wi, Ppríume, &c I'ure Liiuors fcnd Winps for llíjicai purposea oolj. DíFOREST Í! STEWJH. Sugár ! Sugar I A ftmall lot of LOW TEICED SUGAR BrFOBKSl i SIEWAM, S3T FISH.- Codfish, Whitefiíh, Trout, Mackert-l, Ilrring, kc. PbFOREST k FTEWAKT. SYPUP! SYRÜÍT A fow barrels, extra quülstv. l'tEFOREST ! STKWAW. ÍOIL AND LAMP DEPOT t KEROSENE OE Refined bj nw pf&ttm, wrrl"; to bnrn one-OñM lotíer thn iI oil in market. BFORS?T & SIEWAJiT. HO! YEf" Purchasers of CROCKEKY. GLASSWARE, LAMP9, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CUILERY, &c. For sala t eat than New York wbofemk pti, tf DbKOREST 4 STf WM A Oood Clothes Wringer. Save time! $i money'. Sane (dothing! Sartí trength.' Savrs hcalth.' Save hiring help! Save weak toritt! Sotes burning htnil' Woolen clethei can be wrung out of boiling prevent shriiik-ni', without injury to the nne'l. PeIOHEST STEW11 1V"0TICE! The SirpelintPnáent of Clie Toer of w"5'k ('ounty will maft at tlie Coui.ty Hout-e, on Ttir'; 4th diiy of Ootober next , for tlie purpoe of accounts. PARMKNIO IMVISA . j, Wm. R MARTIX, ÍPuptrrattn1" W. A. .ION, j Ann Arhor, Sept. 6th,18M ir npAKES 0P1 C.fK iwt the entlosure of the Subscril"' "' . lOth of Avwsust. 1ÍÍB4, a laige BED COW, " year olrt', ome white on the lly. Tfc kl ,i.iMiested to prove H-sperty, pay chaige, ' V. S.BEKB1 Ann Arbtr.Sept. Sth, 1S64. _!Ü nEMOVAL! 3ST. B. COLE, lias removed his STOCK of BOOTS SHOêS to I In tovp oí A. P. Mills fe Co. , on Wn bJt bewiUbcglail to wait on his oW custome public gonentlly. fill'R IIIH A HkítltV Ayer's CathartícPilk


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Michigan Argus