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JOHN BROWN'S KNAPSACK ÍVas slrapped upon kis back, and when opened was Jound to contain a Pot of Dr. Billiiigioii's Fig Electuary vvhtch was lus inseparable companion, añil this account- for biurobust and vïgproas constitatlon, bis indi fference to fatigue and bis hale andheaily oíd age. It is warranted to cure ALL KINDS OF PILES, it not only treats directly for tbc Piles fout is a certain cure 'or Dyspepsia and Liver C'omplaints, Jaundice, Salt Rheura, c. It ia purely vegetable and nevei fails tocure. DkïOREST &STEWART, Agoptfl for Michigan. Washtenaw Mutual Pire Insurance CompanyNOTICE is hereby given, ihat the annual meetinj; of the WaKhtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Corapany , will ls held at the Couit House, la the City of Aan AtboF,on Sáturday, Ootober lst, 1864, at 11 o'clock A general attendance of the niembera a requesteu. By order of the Board of DirectoraW. B. WáLDROJf, Pec'y. Dated, Ann Arbor Sept. ld, 1664. THE CROWNIiNG CJL.1MAX. IDJlXr RIOE'S CREAT SHOW! After visiting, in the course of its onward march, tbis season, the cities of New Yorfe, Philadelpbia, Washington. Baltimcre, HarrUburg, Llmira, Cleveland, Columbus, Cineïnnati, Indianapolis, Louisviile, 5t. J,ui i s j and Chicago, will, on its TR1UMPHAL RETURN Home, visit the following places on thi Michigan Central Railroad : Ann Akiïor, ïuesdaj, October 4th, Ypsilaxti, Wednesday. October 5th. PerrormiincpM will be given every aiternoon at 2 j evecing at 7 j o'clock. DAN RICE, Princeof Jefitors,Chief Humorist and Oratoricul Phil osopher, STILL LIYKS, and the INEXHAUSTIBLE DAN will ccntillate throughout, with spicy melange of attic wit, refioed drollery aod age conclusions. First appearauce here of Mrs. TDA.N RICE, PROFESSOR STOKES AND FAMILY, INDIAN BUFFALO MUNTERS, etc, etc. Adcled to the Great Show sïnce itsvi'-it Itere two vears ajfo. HENRY COOKE'S Celebrated Troupe of ACTING DOGS & MONKEYS. And a rare cnllection of EDUCATED ANIMAL WONDERS. Am-1 still retained in tlü novel exhibition. of it forinir nttractioii!, is tliat rimarkable BI.IND BOfiSE, EXCELSIOR, JR.. and the original COMIÓ HULES, PETE AND BARNEY. Take noticc of the time and places of exhibition, and bear in mind tnat the people anti the presa, eTery whcre proclaim the GREAT SHO'V to b ILu Model Exhibition of the Ag;. AdmiKfiion 60 cents. Children nnier 12 'yeirs, '.5 cents. For full pftrticulíiTs 86 Hr%v lilis, liUnjrr 1 1 íi= fi i d prog'anjmcB, on the srrfvt] pi t) ■ 'r i'it, ' 'o tvill visii. each ït;n; of ).iUlion alt i , I v - ] y t i -tre-c T' tlrtt'M' '""v „'. K WA..MF, ( .i..At.n - - - - iO TO THE CHEAP STOREF And see the New Goods, j Srl.KNDID TOC'K ÜK DRESS G00D8Í FURNISHING GOODSf CASSIMERES, Cioth, Satinets, &fy DOMESTICS, SÍES, HATS i CAPS, Crockery, GSOCERÏES,&c, Aro f be.Bold without regard to present Eiien Prices. : N. B.- The kkfgett Stock of Calicó anU Brown Cuttor.'1 in tlit: City at le:s than Manufacturéis prices. The ïifghot'prïcc paid a-fmae or cash 'or all kïtói1 of I'cod-uce. HACK & SCHMID. __ : : __ Aa ff Tí BLiCK TV5Klb OimCHiNAMAN STILL UVES, Audcoutiuues to furnfeb tliat unrivaled quality of TKA always t"uunl at the People's Store. Lovers of gooil Tea will pleae try ;i sample OF OÜR NEW TEA. DKF9KE3T tSTKWARÍ' CSFLOOERIES O' all tfináa. Fruits. EMtfatrts,. Ppices. Pickles. Oili,' Perfumea, &c. . I'uxe Liquors aaiï TTiue.s for ilediciMr ' purpoáes uoly. BKÏOR7---F i STE1TART. Sugar ! Sugar ! A sfrcl! ttrt of LOW ?RICáD SUGAK. IÍbFOEEST & STEWiltí LSYwHCoè&ah-, WbitefiiV ïrout. Mackerel, Herring, &c. Ï'eKORRST & STEWXW. "SYPÜP ! SYRUPT" A few burreU, extra qualtti'. IíbFOREST & STEWABT.. f OIL AND LAMP WJ DEPOT ! JIL KEKOSENE OILI SJjpfc'' Tlie best qualitjr P FIFTY CENTS " Per Gallon. E DkFOREST & STEWiït. "hcöTyëT Purcliasers of CROCKER?. GLASSWARE, LAMFS, PLATED GOODS, TABLE CTJTLERY, &c. F„rsa.e at !eSS than 'f A Good Clothes Wringer. Saveatime.' Sanes money! Sanes clothing! Save stre.ngth! Sanes health! Saves hiring help! f , Save8teeakvrrists! Satee burning handt. Woolen cintiles can be wrung out of boilicg tB proTMt hhrinking, without 'fc ctÊwA Chancery Sale.. STATE OF MICHIGAN- Id Circuit ColUorti& tv of Washtenaw, In Chnncciy. Elit 1" Complainant, vs. gebra lVrkins, llefi-ndant. " t , suanceand by df a ili-ciee of the l'ircuil i. for the Coantyof Wsshtenaw, n Cl.ancery, m . theseconadcycf If rember, A. I)., eighteen h" ana Bfty-nine, n a cerlain cause tli'rein f"wherein HUa Perkins I complainant, ;iul "urf b,p kins in defendant. Notice is heieby gifen, t'1 „ sel! at public auc:ion to the highest Hdder, ' j o'clnck,noon,on Paüir.lay. the M-vcnteentll . September, r.ext,'. the fr.Dt or of tbe Cour. u of the Circuit Court fnr the Oounty of Wasl.ien . the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washten . State of Mlehiga, " Tl.evest half ol the "". ,h, quarter of seetion Ofteen, and the west hal ' y,f northeast qunrtercl section twenty two, in if ' one soiith of ranne seven eau, in 'he Tcnvnsnip lem, in the Countj of Washtenaw, lui Wi 01 Circuit Court Commimioner In and for the Coun J Wanhtennw. O.IUwkins, Solicitor fnr Cdmplainant. M(4 Ann Arbor, Ju!} twenty-nmth, A. 1.,1S4. ThcKbovc aale is postponed until the 27th W October b ext, at the same jlncc and time oiaaj. Daea,SepUT,1864. f. „ VAXC1,KyE Circuit Court Commissioner, WshtfnCon To Clear the House of I"]'' USE DUTCHER'S CELBBRATÉD L1GHTNING FLY-KILLER! a.Bt);efaMpit"lk, c-v " use. tery kb'e,(.J. kOT inrt. SOLD tTÏKTWBBBE. -""


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Michigan Argus