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Rules For The Government Of Schools

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Tlio following Rales and Regulatlons have lieou adopted by the Board oi Trustees of School District No. 11, of the City and Towiishijj of Arm Arbor, fbr tlie government of tho Schools of said dislrüt : OF SCPEKINTEXDEST OF SCHOOLS. I. The Principal of Uie High School shall be Superintendent ui' Schools, and, under thu adrice and direclipu of the Board of Trustees, shall have the general superintendenee of the several schools, and oi'the school houses, books, aüd apparatus belongiug to the district. II. He shall visit the several schools as often as his other duties will pertnit, and shall give personal attention to the classitication of the pupils in the sanie, in accoi'd&QCè wiih the course of study prescribed by the Board, and shall see tliat all the rules and regula' tions adopted by the Board are dul} en torced ; and shall have authority when he deenis it necessary, to enforce discipline in auy of the schools. III. He shall keep the Board constantly infornied of the condition of the several schools, and the changos required in the sanie. He shall .keep a record of his proceedings, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Board. Al the close of each term he shall report the nuinber of pupils attending each school, with the average altendance, and such other facts as he may deern important. He shall also prepare an annual report, to be subniitted to the Board, smbracing all school matters connected with his superintendency. OF SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. I. The Schools of the District shall be classilied into High School, Grammav School, and Waid Schools. The morning session, in all the schools shall, unless otherwise 01dexed by the Board, begin at 9 o'clock A. JM., in the months of December ( January, and February, but at all other times of the year at 8% o'clock A. M., and continue until 12 M., with a recess of 15 minutes. The afternoon session shall begin at 1% o'clock, and continue to i%, with a like recess. Teachers shall not dismiss their schools, nor absent themselves therefrom, nor employ a substituto without' permission from the Superintendent; but in case of absence on account i of sickness. for a single recitation, the pal oí Üie department shall supply a substitute and report to the Superintendent. II. Tlió teachers shall, each in Uieir respective rooius, be held responsible for tlie euforcenient of the Kiues and Regulations adopted by the Board for tlie government oi' the schools, subject to the general direction of the Superintendent. III. Teachers shall b5 at tlieir respective school rooms at least, tweuty mmuU-s before the time specified for commeucing school in the raoming, and ten minutes in the at'teruuüü ; and open tlie rooms for the admission of pupils, and enforce all the rules Of order "or school hours. IV. All teachers shall take care that the school buildings, furniture, apparatus, maps, uooks loaned to indigent pupils, as well as the out-building, fences, and all other school property, be not defaced or injured ; and upon discovery of any injury shall report the same to the Superintendent. V. They shall meet at such time and places out of school hours, as the Board may direct, for the purpose of promoting public school education in the District. VI. The teacher of the liighest grade in each school buildings shall see that the open-, ug and closing of school, and also the recesses, be simultaneous in all the departnents. VII. It shall be the duty of all the teachers u charge of rooms to file witu the Superinendent, witliin two weeks after the coninenceinent of each term, the ñames, ages, and residences of all the scholars under theii charge, together with a statement of all the studies which each acholar is puisuing, and shall at the close of each week make a like ■epori of all scholars wlio may enter dnring such week. They shall also report to the Superintendent at the close of every week all cases of tardiness and absence which have yccurred. VIII. The teachers in the High School and Grajnmar School, shall keep au accurate regPter of the name, age, residence, and time of ntrance of each pupil, with a daily record of his or hor soholarsliïp, deportnieiit, attendance, and tardiness. The teachers in the Ward Schools shall keep registers showing the name, age. attendance and tardiness of each pupil, and return the same as above. IX. All teachers who ave required to keep a record of the attenilaiice of popils, shall return such record, properly kept, to the Superintendent, at the close of each terra, and must present a certifícate l'rom tata to the Secretary of the Board, Ihat tiiey have so returned their registers before they shall be entkled to their pay. X. No text bouks sha.l be used or intcodueed by any teacher except those prescribed by the tioard for their respective departments. All cases oí iadigent (uils not provided with text books sliall be iimnediatly reported to the Superintendent, who shall notify the Board of the same. XI. The Superintendent sliall, during the week next before the final week of the term, file with the Secretary of the Board a faithful and correct report of all absences during school hours, of himself and the several teachers, with the reasons assigned therefor, the length of absence, and what provisión was made for substitutes, if any. XII. The beginnmg and close of the terms, and duration of all vacaiims, will be determined by the Board prior to the commencementofeach school year, and no holidays will be allowed except by special perraissiun of the Board. OF SCB0LAR8. I. Pupils are expected to commence their attendance promptly at the beginning of each term, and be regular aad punctual in their attendance ; to conform to the regulalationa of the schools, and to obey promptly all the directions of the teachers ; to observe good order and propriety of deportment ; to be diligent in study, respectful to teachers, and kind and obliging to school mates ; to refrain entirely from the use of profane or improper language, and to be clean and neat in person and attire. II Pupils of the Ward Schools are required to attend the school established in the district where they reside, ex.ept when Dermissíob to attend elsewhere is givcn by the Superintendent. III. No pupils preparing his or her lessons in schooi, shall be allowed to depart before the usual time of closing, except by special written request of parent or guardián, or on account of sickness ; and pupils permitted to prepare their lessons out of school shall enier I at the opening of the sessions, or at rec'ess, ! and leave at reeess or close of session. IV. Any pupil who is habitually tardy or truant, or guilty of open disobedience or insubonlination, or who indulges in the use of profane or improper language, or who niakes uso' i f tobáceo in any form during school hours, or whose general conduct is injurious, shall be reported by the teacher to bis or her i guardián and to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall examine the case without delay, and if he deerns itadvisable, may Mispend the pupil teinporarily, and report his action to the Board. V. Any pupil who shall wilfUHy mjure or deiace any school property shail pay all damages, and be Hable to suspension by the Superintendent. Any pupil suspended iinder the operaüon oí' this and the preceeding rule shall be re-admitted only by the Board on the recommendation of the Superintendent. VI. Every pupil in the High School who shall be absent four huif days, and in the Grammar School who shall be six half days, and in the Ward Schools who shall be absent eight half days, in four consecutive weeks, without an excuse frorn the parent or guardián, given in person or by written note, satisïying the teacher that the absences were causecl by his or her own sickness or by sickness in the fimily, shall forfeit his or her seat in the schools ; and the teacher shall forthwith notify the parent and the Superintendent that the pupil is suspended. No pupil thus suspended shall be restored to the school prior to the commencement of the ensning term, uuless the parent or gaardiar; shal! gn-e satisfactory fttsurance to the perinterwïent lhal the pupil will bo punctual in the future. VII. All pupils wlio fail to be in prompt atlendance at the opening of eillier the forenoon o" afteruoon sessiun of .scliool bhall be inarked turdij, and two iardy marks slia.ll be deewed equivalent to one-half day'i absence luider tlie nrxl precoding rule. Excuses for tardiness sball be received only when sickness is the cause. VIII. Other rules for the internal government and discipline of tlie respective schools, niay be from time adoiited and aimounced by tlie teachers therein, inore effectually to can y out the rules and regulations presciibed by the Board All other rules are hereby repealed. Uy order of the Board. E. B. POND, Seey. Dated, Sept. 13, 1864.


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