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HPIIE IÍOOTS AND THE LEAVES .. WILl. uo for the llealii.g of the Natioun. MbU. xxof. i"T. ar. Xji-sronsTSJ, THE GREAT AND CELIÏBRATKD PHYSICiiS of the THJtOAT, LUNGS, 1IEAKT, UVkll AND THE BLOÜBr I Knuwn allover thecouutry as the CELKRKATKl) IÑDIAU? HEK,B DOCTOK ï Of 32 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Will vi.-it the fotlowiog places, viz APPOIS'ÏMEXïyFÜK 188i, 1803 aud 1864. Trof. R. J. Lyons eau be cousultfld at the fellowing phicos ovevy uiopi.h, viz: Detroit, RuBselHou, eacb mbnth, 18th and JSth. Aan Arbor, Monitor Houöe,-eaöh month, 20tli, JacUsoa, ïübbard House, uaoh moiith, '21. Adrián, lïraekfct House, eacla moutli 22d andSSd. Tntado, Okio,ColhnB House, eae'U iBOuth-(Mth,26tb, and rjüth. Hill8dale,illcn. , Hilisdalo Houae, oach month,2Tth. CoW water, llick., Suutnern ilicliigan HoiiM, each raonth, 28th. Elkhart, Klkhart House, each m-onth, '29tü. , South Ber,l, Cn4., St. ,Io. Hotel, eacli ïnouth, 8#. LsporteJ ii'i , Tee Gaideu House, ench ruonth 31t. AVooivtr, Obio , Crandell Excliauge, each mouth, 7th ■w-eth. íUiisfieM, Oliio, Wiler House, each month, Oth and lIKh. Mt. Vyriion , Kenjon Housa, Clch month, llth aRd 12th. Newark, Obro, lloltou House, each montb, 13Lh aud 14th, PaineavUl,Ohio, CowlesIIoiife.each monib,4th CLKVELAMI), OHM). RESIPENOE AND OFFICE, 282 BUPEUIÜR STEEET. Eaat "f Lhc piiblii; fequaröj opposite tlic PoRtofiice. .lflice days eacli monUi, 1M, 3d, 4th, oth, otli, loth. - Jflice hours from 9 A. M. to 12 M, and from 2 P. M. to II'. M. OnSundayfrom 9 to M A. M.,and 1 to 3P. M. gtjj-Maxirasstrictlv adhered to - I give such balín as have no strife, With nature or tho laws of life, Witli bloodniy hands ï neTer stain, Nürpoison men toeaso theirpain. He is a phyxician indeed, who Cures. The Indian Herb Doctor, Et. J. LYONS, cures the following coKi'iaiutsinthe mobt obsïiaate stages of their oxistouce, u.: Iliseascsof thoThroat, Lungs, Hoart, Liver, Stomach, Dropsy in tlie Chest, Rheuniatism, Neuralgia, Fits, or FallingSicknoss ,and all other nervous derangements. Also all discases of the blood,such as Strot' ula , Erysipelaa,Cancers, Fever dores, I.eprosy, and all other cecüplicáted chronic complaints. Allforms of female diffioulties attended to with the happiestresults. lt is hoped that no one irill deipair of a euie until they have given the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a fairandfaithful trial. S=.luring the Doctoi'i travclK in iïurope, West Indies, South America. aDd the United States, he has been the instrument in God's hand. to reetorc to health and vigor thousands who were givn up and pronounced incurable by the most emineutold school physicians; nay, morf , thounands who ere au the verge of the grave, are now living mouumsnls to tho Indian HerVs Doctor's skill and üuccessfu 1 treatment ,and are daily oxclaiming: " Blessed bethfday wheu first v,e saw and partook of the Indian Herb Doctor's medicine." Satisfactory referencesof cares will be gladly and cheerfullygivennheneverrequired. . The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that ne will in po wise.directlyorindirectly, induce or canse any in valia to take his meaicine without the strongest probabilitv of a cure. Modeofesamination.whichis entirely different from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern dieasesby the eye. He therefore asks noqnestions, nor doenhe require patientsto explain symptoms. Callone nnd all, ind have thesymptoms and looation of your diseaseexplainedfree of charge. Ugllie poor sball be liberally .jonsidered. 26U l Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 25,1862 Iy888 ttEScaimm;smaiRiiBWiffliia(fwifiiMiiMHffliffliP!8iTmmiifninniip.j ZJ. IQ Xi X S Wouíd take this rnethod of informing his olJ friends and patrons and all others who may favor him with thoir patronago , tbat ho has gceatly eularged liis Stoelt and Assortment! auil having adoptecí the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & SELLING is prepared to solí Goods at Eloasona" IXo PriOeSj His stock consistí ia par oí tlie following: jg. AMERICAN AND OTHER &PWatOheSl ttSETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CITA.INS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY ! Fazors.Shears, Scissorsand Brushes, ROGKRS PLATED WAKE, the best in mavket, Goid Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings SfBooks for Instruments, SPECTAOIjES, of Gold, Silver, Steel, and Plaitd, wkh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having difflcult watches to fit witli glasses can be accomoduted, as ïïij stock is large and complete, P. S. Particular attention to the XI. 30 I A. IR I 3NT C3r ofallkindsof nne Watches , such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Stajs, and Cylindcra. Aleo CLOCKS, Sc rE"V57"ELI:t"5cr neatly ropaired and 'war-anted, at his old standaast flide of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor, Noy. 25,1862 836ti GaEAT.GREATER GREATEST BAJíGAINS EVER OFFEKED 1859. J1859. i In this City , are uow being offered at the CHEA1CLOCK,WATCH, & O w O 1 ry StoremHEStibscribcr wouldsny to the citizeneof Ann ArI hor in particular, and the rest of Waihtenaw Cmintv ïneeneral, thnt hehasjust IMPORTED DiRECTLY from ï:UROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ali ofwhichho bindshirnselftosell CIIEAPERthan canbeboughtwestof New York City. I have also the CELEBRATED AMEK?CAN WATCHES, wbich I wlll aeVi ttr 35. Every Watch warrantbd to perfürm well.ortho money retunded. K Clocka, Jewelry, Piated Ware, FancyGood, Gold l'en, MuBicalInatruments n'l ötnogs, Cutlery, &c, and infactavariety of overything uaually keptïyjoweleracan be boughtfor the oext ninety days at vour OWN PEICES! Persons buyïng auything at this wel! known eatablisume nt can roly upon getting goodn exactly aa reprosented, orthemonoy refundcd. Callearry and secure the best bargains ever offered in thii City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are preparftd to rnako any repairs onfine or com" mon Watebes, even to makingo er the entire watcb, if necessary. Repairing of Clocks and Jewelry as usunt. Als the manufacturin;; of RINGS, BROOCHS, or atiything des tred, from California Gold onshortnoticc. EngravipEin allitsbianchesoxoented withneat. „essanddispateh. j c_ WATTg JJissolution Bíotice. mnii FIRM OF CHAPÍN, WuOD & CO., was diiSoUed J..f,nuary 1G, 1863, hy mutual consent. C. A. Chapín a ad A. B. Wond will uettle the accounts of the firm C. A. Cuaii-v, A. B. Woud, V Ciumn, . E. Wells. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. Copartiiersliip. TTE UNDF.RSIGNED ectored illto partnership Jan. 16, 186!i, by tlie firm namö of Chapín & Co., and will continue the bitaiaeüA of manufacturing printing and wrapping yiper. C. A CaiPiB, N. Coatí), V. CuT". Ann Ai ior,.Tine 24,1863 91Otf BANNEE HAT STORE! GOTO SP TSYi llll'C ili II ál LUK a Before you bivy , Spring amï Summer atoles oí SÏRA-W GOODS! GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. aa Arbor, April 2ütü, 1804. 3m953. EMJPIRE BOOK STORE! Having purchascá J. R. WEBSTER'S stoei of Borts and Statioaery, I fchall endcavor to keep a CQastant supply ot SOUOOXj BOOK1S, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL & LAW BOOKS STANDARD AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, wliicli will bc sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS, SHEET MUST C and a superior quality of WALL PAPER! and everytliing usually kept in a well conductedBook Store. Üpposite Franklin House. G. W. SNOVER. Ann Arbor, June, 1864. lj-960 Rifle F actor y! Beutler & Traver, [Successors to A . J. Sutherland,] Manufacture of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Ponches Gamc Bags, and Everjother article íl. thatLine, All kinds of done at the ahortest notice, and m tiiebest manner. a full as3ortmentalwayskept onhuiid and made order tC Shop corner Main and Washington tieels. Ann Arbor.Oct. 8( 1S62. 8T3tf MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSURANCE CÜMPANY Kalamazooi IMjlcIi.' Insures agaiust Loga oí Damage by Firc or IiigUtuiug. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ouarantee Capital, by State Authority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Marsh Giddings, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Snyder, S. D. Allek, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Mills Treas., H. E Hoyt Att't Sec, S. D. Alien, Gen. Agt. 940tf NEW FIEMÜ o GRUNER & SEYLER, WIIOLE8ALE & RHTAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CÏGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, tbe underingned, beg' lcave to inform the CITIZKN8 OF ANN AKBOft and viciuity, that we havethis day establiwheil a Tobacco and Cigar buFintRH in thïH placo, onc door North of the Franklin Block, Main Street, where we liali always keep afull assortmeut of th.e best qualitie of SMOKING & CHEWIG TOBACCO! as also a largo andchoice Kelcctionof the best branda of CIG ARS ! PIPES, (Merscliauin, Brier and Rosewood,) CIG AR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Wilt be found with us of all kinds and of Phicrs to SihtEvbsy Onb.' We Bliali sell all of the above mentioued art lelo um i maoy others wliich belong to our line of trade at the lowpst possible rale for cash. Please cali and exfimme. N. B. - Sign - Squaw with cigar box, one door nortb. of the Fraaklin Btock. GTÏÖKtS k PFi-EK. Ann Arboray 21, 1ÊC4. tSStf.


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Michigan Argus