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tlie centur oflíber' White' road, thace in a Eouthwesterly direction ninerod-s and thirteeu lioks, thenc lior'th to the place of beginning, confuning four acres óf land r#serving iherefroin t?n rods and two and threefifths links acruss the south end of said lot, which saii propcrty I shall olTer for sale at publi. auctioii 01 tmdue to the highest bidder, at the front door of th Couit House, ín the Citj of Ann Arbor, on Saturdajthe22dday of October, 1364, at 12 o'clock, noon, of saidday. PHILIP WINEGAR, Sheriff. September 8th, 1864. 973 Comzarssionerg' Notice. ST.ATEOF MICHIGAN, Couníy of Washtenaw si.The undersigned having heen appointed by th Probate Court for said County, Comuiissioners to re-, ceive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of alt persons agamst the eslate of David I.apham, late oí the township of Salem in saicl County dcceased, herby give notice that b'ix m'-ntha from date, are, by order of said Probate Court, allowed for creditorsto preui ;heir claim- agaiast said deccased, and that they wffl neet at tbe late reiiidence of said deceased, ia' th l'ownship of Saleni iu aaid ccunty, on Saturday th welfth day of November, and Tuesday the fuirteeuth lay of Februury next, at one oclock, P. M., of tkfa lay to recolve. examine and adjust said claims. ' I.KVI WESTFALL ÏCommia-' THOMAS BUÜSEY, sioneïg. Dated, August 15, 1864. 970W Estáte of VanValkenbergs, STATE OF MICHIGAN, CouifTT of Wa?htknw:-m. Ata sesjüiou of tlie Probate Court for the Courtytif WashtenaWj holdenat the Piobate Office in the city of Ann Arbor on Wedntsday, tb.e twenty fourth dy of August in the year onc thousand eigbt hunöred cd sixty four. Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Frobift. In Che matter of the Estáte of Elk VanYalkenberg, Emma I). VanVa'keuberg, Ruth J. VanValkenberg,nd Albert VauValkenberg .minors. On reading aud filing the petitioo, duly Terified,of John S. Henderson, guardián of said minors, pnyinj for license to sel! t-ie real estáte oí aaid minors. Thereupon it is Orc'ered, that Friday, the twentythird day of September nest, at ten o'clock in the fort-' Boon, be a&sigiied for the hearing of rfnid petition,and fcliatthe next of kiu of said mïnorfi, and all other pr sous utx;re;-ted in aaid est-te, are requíred toappearií a se&aiüL of eaid Court then to be holdt n at the Probat fffice,in the city of Ann Arbor. ín said couDty,aná show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the pt tioner should Dot te granted ; And it is furter ordered. that öaid pet' tioner give notice to the peisooiinterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said pet'w and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tbisOrder t be published in the Mich'gan Argús a newcpiper printed and circulating in said County o" "WasttfMiry three successive weeks previous to said day of iierin, (A true copy.) T1Ï0M S NINDE, 971 Jüdgeof Probáis. Eleetion Notice. Siiiiuiiï s Ofjkb, Ah Axboi,)' Sept.l3th,lS. ƒ Toth Electora of the Coiinty of Washtcnaiv . You arehereby Botifiedttat at the General Electiotf to be held on the Tucsday next succeeding the fint Monday of November nest, in the State of Michigan,the following officers are to be elecled, via :■ Eight i:iectora of President and Vice-Fresident of tlie Cnited States, a Governur, Lieutenant Governor, Auditor General, Secrttiry of ritate, State Treisurer, Commissioner ol the State Land Office, Attornej Ginal, SuperinteDdett of Public lnstruction, a Meraber of theState Board of EduOütion in placo of Witfr J B. ter, -whose term of office vtll expire. December 3M, 1804 , and a Representative in Congreas for the 3rd Con gressionalPií-trict, to which your County is attached. Also, a Senator for the 7th Senatorial District, consistingof the lity of Adii Arbor, the townshipiof Superior, Salem, Ann Arbor, Scio, NorthOeW, Webittr, Lima . Dexter, Sylvan, and Lyndon iu the County of VVashtenaw. Also, a Senator fov the 8th Senatorial District, consUting of the City of Ypsilanti, the Townnhip of Yplilanti, Augusta, Pittafleld, York, tod!, Saline, Freeöwo, Bridgewater,SharOD, and Manchester iu the Coorty of Washtenaw. Also, a Represeutative for each of the four Beprt1 sentative Dfatricts in the County of Washtenaw, l followf . lsl Irlslriel- Salem, Superior, Ypsilanti City, Pil' field, and p.silanti ïown. id Disiricl- Anu Arbor City, AnD Arbor Tünn.NtrliBeid and Webster. Sd District- Augusta, York, Saline, Lodi, Bni' water, an- Manchester. ith Districlr- Freedom, Sbaron, Sylran, Lima, ( Dexter , and Lyudon Also that the íollowing Couníy oQícerH fur the Cototyof Washtenaw, are to beelected at the same ti. to-wit: One Jurtge of Probate, one S riff, on CountyClerk, one County Tre.isurer, one Rcgintír 0( Deeds, one l'rosecuting Attorncy, Uo Circuit Court Cornmissioners, twotVroners.and one County SulTíJot. PHÏÏ.1Ï' -WINEGAR, Sheriff. FURNITURE ROOMS One door NurtkofRisdon and Henáerson's Hardwrt Store. Tbe nnderstgned having purcliased tho entire stock of W. D.Smith &Co.,andaddetnargeiy tothesuw, is prcpared to furnish bis ínends and patrón P assortment of well niad furmiure, cousístíng of SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, ofaü kinds, ana iu fact of everythiDg pertaüúog t " business. LODJVGES. MATRASSESi &c ., &c. , maae to order by good and experienced f men, and warranted to give satisfaction. He kéeps a good assortment of Cherry and Walnutl" fnr sale at reasonable prices. And will also pJ highest market pricefor Cherry; Walrat, and W" Wood Lumber. P. S. He lias aluo purcbascd the new and ELEGANT HEARSE! of Smith & Co ., and is propared to furnish all k""1" Wood Coffius, Metalic Cases, AUSTD CASKETS, Ontlie ehortest notice. Also attenns to ljl"! deceasfd persons day and nif?ht, without charge f urniture delivered 'in the city free of charge. w. u. benham. Ann Arbor, January 13lh, 1863. 94Otf A large lot of LI3STEN OOATÖ AND SUMMER GOODS alivays on hand at M. Guiterman & Oo% CLOTHING STORE. Give us a cali and we can and will sell yo" and l etler goods than any other house in ""Jgj{, To Clear the House of FJiflil USE DUTCHER'S CEIEBRATEU LIGHTNING FLY-KILU'j neat,eheapa.t;i!e, ea-y to use. Eery 'i"s. iilla iar(. SOU) EVEHTWHERE.


Old News
Michigan Argus