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Letter From Hon. Reverdy Johnson

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The Washington correspondent of the New York World writes as follows on the 19th : Washington was olectrified t.o-day by the publication of the fulluwing letter from Senator Reverdy Johnson, oí Ma ry i and, vvho was elected by a State legislatura opposod to tj}u democratie party, nnd who in the Senate aeted not unfrequently with the republican portion f the body. Let him spaak lor himsblf, as the oldest Senator in Oongress. Saratooa Spdinos, Sept. 14. Gentlemen - Your inviution to the meeting to be hela in Washington on the I7th inst., to ratify the nojirination of MoClellan and Pendletou, is bat jast received. It will bo out of my power to be with you, my etay here for some days longer being Opposed' as l was to the original election oí Mr. Lincoln to the position he now occupiea, from a eoimctton of hts being ucOqual to its dutieti, the manner in wbicb he has met them has but conörmed me "In that opinión. With more than two milliona of Roldiers placed in his hands, and an unlitnited amount of treasure, his policy and his inanuer ol uaing his power, instead of putting the rebellion down and bringing to our ranks the thousands of Union men who were in oach of the acceded States, and who, ia some are believed to outnuinber the rebels, have but served the doublé purpose of uniting them ajainst us, and of dividing the public opinión of the loyal States ' The eifáct, of eourse, is that notwith.-tanding. tlio gallaot deeds of our army and navy, arrd the manifest j-ustiee oi our cause, the Union is even more eöcctually broken now than it was when his administraron commenced. Whateer of honesty of purpose may belong to him, and I am willing to admit that he has had it, his vaacillution, his policy, now conservative,-now radical, his selection of military ofrioers grossly incompetent, bia troiitment of those who were evidcntly coiapt'tent, inri yielding in ihis to whal lic luis himsclt boen heard to say as an excuse was, "outside pressnre," his having not only not punished, but as far as the public kiiow, unrebukod the vandal excesses oí military officers oí his own speciul selection, shockiDg tbe sentiment ot the world, and disgracing us in the view ol Christendom by the burumg ot private dweliings, and depriving their riften exclusively femalo ocoupants of home and means of livelihood - all demónstrate that he is grossly incompetent to govern the country in Uiis eriois of its fate. II ow can au bonorabfe man believe that one. who has so brgnaJly faiíed for almost fmir entiro years, can bo successful il anotlier leur years be grantej him ? No one in Oongress eertainly Not twonty memberg betieve him cr)n:il er at aH eqal C tbo mihty taok. Uo v ha been tried and f au ad wanting. Let uu have i change, none, if loyal, can be worse. It is not that we wish, to use hife own classic fiuuivs, to swap horsen in the roidat of i streain, but that when ! we are od a journuy and gafe ty dependa on making onr destiniitioo it the earliest I moment, we hould eflst asido a ' ined and thin hoiae, and secure a sound and activo one. In General Mcülullan we are iurnislied - in bis history (if Lis lifu, in tbti purrty of hia charaoter, his refinement, bis attainments, civil and military, and, above a'l, in iiis peri'ect loyalty - every , assurancu tbat, under bis guidance, 1 tbo war, now so exbaustive of treasure and blood, will bo Boon brought to a ■ triumphant termination, and this Union which "at 11 hazards" he will navef agfee to suirender, will be restored. With regard, olwdient servant, EEVEEDY JOHNSON.


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