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The County Fair Opened On

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Wedtiesday with n guod prospect of success. Yesterday the storm blocked the wheels, and ju consequeiice the managers liave announced that il will be continuad through to-morrowTu-day wiH l)e the principal day. Out ok tuk Deaït. - Wushtenavr County fcnds greeting to " all the world and tho re;t oi' mankind," that her entire quota has beeu filled with volunteers, aifti that not a single man is to be drafled. Wo feel justly proud of oíd Wasbtenaw! She has honored l,er country's draft most nobly. ry The new Medical College building was throwu open to our citweirs yesterday afternooii and evening, -and was, we presume, visited by goodly mimbers. To-niorrow mornjnjt, at Jl o'clock, the President of the rjuiversity, ör. Uavkv, will deliver an address appropriate to the openiug of the new Collug. -We understand that Medical Students are coming in i" largo numbers, and that there is evevy prospect of ■ large jncrease from las jear. ,.,-,„ f ffl' At the session oí Detroit Animal Conference of the M. E. Churcli, held at idriau last week, the folio ing appohitments veie made for the Ann Arbor district : Prctidino Eider - T. C. Gasomíf.. Afcn Arhor-B. F. Cocker. Pi.vboro - A. F. Bourns. Ypsilanti - M. Bickey. Hgusta - 11. A. Curtis. Oakville - Geo. Stono. Saline- T. W. Warren. .CaMpa- F. W. .May. Fraïciscoville- D. W. Hammond, Grass Lakc - E. R. llascall. Henrietta - ïo be suppiieil. Unadilla- Gpo. W. Lowe. Pinckney - J. 0. Brancroft. I,ima and North Lakt-J. W. Holt. Brighton - 3. Sntton. Milfórd- J. G. Whitcomb. South Lyon - E. E. Caster. Ernslus 0. Haven, President of Michigan tniversity, membèr of Ann Avbor Quarterly iouferenc-e. Wm. P. Perrii e ', Professor of Natnrai game? in Albion College, member oí Ann Arbor Quaiteiiy Conference, jy 0. H. Millbn has just opened & liew stock ol' fpod bought since gold 1gan to run down. l Mr. L.uvkhm'b l.- opening a new jtock f Hats, Caps, Ac", intiie store of N. B. ioLB. We welcoiue -liitti among us, See adTortisemeut. { Dan Hicb's great Show is to bo iiereon tlie 4th inst., and on the-Sth in Ypsilsnti. It presen ts an attractive programóle to the sport lovifig portiOTi of eonimunity. Sce iidvertisenient. Oolil lias beoii ilowu as low s 182 in New York since .our last issue, but Talüed a and closed al tft2}.j. Wedn. - lay Mening. The rapid fall oreat.eil quite a paute in the New York Dry Goods market, and 'yrices dropped sonfle, for vrhich li-e popje uill ie thankful. JJ2" The October number of the Vrmlincntal Montkly Is on our tabla, with a Wied and readable list of articles. ?í a Address Johs F. Trow, 50 Creone Street, N. Y. " The Lady's Friend for October is beautifully and profusely nbellislied, üind bas some entertaintng stories and essays J2 60 a year; two copies, $4.' Address Dea" o& Pkterson, 319 Walüut Street, Phikidolplua The October number of tho Atlantic MontíUy has a very excellent tablo of contents, coveiing a wide range oí literature. The publisliers of the Atlantic have been compelled to advance the terms of subscriptkm. nd hereafter the price to single subscribers ii?i per year ; two copies, $7; ten copies, $30. And tuis advaxice does uot correspond with the advance in material and labor' Address Messrs. TlCKNOB & FlELDS, 13Ó WashÍDgton Street, Boston. - We have not received the September Itirtií, WiH the publisher send us a copy 1 Fiirbasks' Scales. - It is with socoe fcusineis firms as it is with somo indiviJuals, that they stand alone in the department of rade to which they direct Hieir altention. It becomes a specialty with them, and by making il sucli, Uiey it to the hijfhest perfection of whidi ?t is capable. This is tho case with the Messrs. Fairbanks, the celebrated Scale Makers. They havo devoted Iheraselves so entirely, and with such thor . 'igh soience and kill to the manufacture o ' Weighing Instruments, that they seem to have left nothing to be done by others. - N. YUtining Post


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