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CLOTHIlNra VT IGÜITERMKO'S! Having just returncd fi'om Kast witli a largo stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! we invite ,ll our olil frténdB and cu stomers to come and examine eur stock ut' CLOTUS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS. o Disputo the tact if y on can, It t&kes the TAILOll after all to give appearance to the outer man. If you wlsh to appear well You must acconlingly Dress Wel]. Go to ai. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIMüw&ya ready to take yotir measuro, ÖÜITEKMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in he State, Ta-ke heed - cali, eakly, else you are too LATE. The INDUCË3IENT8 are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING ot our own oetting up, Filling our Store frotn Botïom to top. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIU ADVANTAflE, For it takes hut L1TTLE MONEY to repletiish. CO AT 8 of Cloth and Cassimerc of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, For arded through our New York relations. Prora Englrind, Belgium, Germany and Franco,. SiK'.h as you enn stand up in, or wear, at the chinee. Pants ! Pants ! ! Pants '. ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up to Bioirr. VESTS, &X., of every description, You will tind it so without fiction, Furnishinar appakbis From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all iwe say now, Thtftefore ve make our bow Yonrs truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. é Co., I. B lCH has a new ainï complete STOCK OF Sl'Kil GOODS bought bcfore tbe recent GTREA 11ISE IN GOLD ? Which will be Sold FOR CASH OISTLY, ! -A.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. Por u., Miee, Roaches, Antst Bed Btgs, Mofis in Futs, IVooïcn, Sfci Inpe$$4 oii PfciTífs, Fawhj Animáis, Spc. Put up ia 25c. 50c. and $1.00 Jïoxos, Bottles, and FliiKs. óü au.l Í5 izerf for Hotkls, Pcbjjc LvSïvilT1O.NS, ÍCC. "Oniy inlnlliblc remedicí! kiwwn." 1 'Fret f rom l'oirious." "Not 'lan.'ji'i-ijus t the IInnifln Family." "Kuti. cnue outoi" tlitiir holes, to die " fl SoM Wiw)efele in all lare citifs. nr, Sold by all Dnifriiists arl Retaiíers every where. 111 Rkwakb !)■ at' ell worthlesr: imita tiojiB. ■&$=- ee tluil "Cosjah'.s"' name i.s oü tach Bqx, Bottle, and Flask, befoïfi yiu Imy. &&- A fltewH HENlïyR.COSTAR, Piuxcwill TiSPfft 4t2 HitoA])W.-, ,Ni-:w Yokk. #ü" n' ;;!! v hultsak' and lïetail Orngrgists in Ann Arbor", Uifehígití . 6m964. H 0 VSTflTR D ASSOCIATI 0 W I'ÜII.ADKI.I'HIA, l'A. [IHHN of he iVii-vous, S uilnnl ( ilnnry J and Simal Systems- new and Bable treatiucut- in „repcTl." df (he HOWAHO AíVOeíATIOM- Settt hv ui;: ii iri s:i il letter eaveloofts, froe ofebargAddres? Dr. i. BKII.LfN HOÜOHTON, Hotrard AsscicialioiiNu 3 Soutli Nmth Street, Pkiladelpliia, Pennlirövvitöll & Perriu, GEBTL COMUIS&IOfir SIERCIIAMS, ÏSU Soüth Wk,itt Street, CÜIOA-QO, ILLIOSTOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisione, Seed.9, Green and Dricd Fruits, Cider, cC'c. Refert-ncep: l'i-osti.ri , WilUrd & JCi'cii, Cüuji. S. Botsforrt & Co., Ann Arlxir, Bïidn. Í Vi rtiüiil.'iv givfn (o Uiesale ofGreen aitd Dril'! r-!-üiti, Cider( 5ic. Oi-ÉU'Ue tps ti„ piu-cbdse of riover ana Kraotlij Séd, ('m Meatii, í:,-., píémptljattended t.i f aécm panieO witb caub or salliactory refcrci:cu 9"(Jtf JUS! OPENING? The largeat Stock and best nssortment of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought to tliis city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, XjoaXsLiaas G-Iíüssosí Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all otlier goods kept in the best and largest lionsss in the country. We iRepilo MOÓbd hand furnituie c.r Auctiou gooün. CoUius kept crinstautly on hand, and made to order. My gó'ods onered at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N.B. I must have mcney, and respectfuKy request those odebted, tu cali and flx up tbeir old roatiers without deluy. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. 926tfRIS DON &HÊNDÈRSOA BUCK.EYE CRAIIM DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufiictured til Springfield, Öhio. rpHE VERY I.ATEST IMiT.OVEMENT, and betterthar. X all otlii-rs: adapted to sowing Whcat, Rje, Oats Barley amiGia cod. lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wül soto all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never hunc7ies the Grain éth. Never ireaJcs -tlie Grain. 5th. Sowè Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long ïlopé, lth. Has long and tvide steel pointe. 8th. Il has a land measure or Surveyor. 9th. Jt has doublé and single rani drills. Oth. lt has a self adjusting shut oj) slide. lt is neatly and substan.tiallv made. There is bardly a Drill offered iu tbe mmket but caí boast of more or lesa "FIRST PREMIUMS'" They are jbout as indiscriminately bestowej] a tlie tïtlt of "Professor, ivlüch is ñumetfmés a pp ried to tlu cijiddler7ov ilbootblackj" They cease to convey tin ilea of merk. The Buofcey e Drill has been on Exhibition at qoites minibar ofritnte iw Cov.niy Fair.s, and wiiiiout Rekinj fitvcir at the banda o i' any Cominittue, bas receivcd ib full sbare of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We give the followmg oaméa of a lew Kamurs in tui vicinity v,-:5n liuve buuglit andvipe'l the Drill : Godfrcy Miller, Scio. Jaci.iiiNilliL'NiUf, ' Jacub Reinier, " Thomas White, Xortbfifld. John Brokaw, Christiau Kapp, " ]■",: ward Boy den, Wet.sttT. Jinea 'frcadwll, ' AnnArboi Daniel O'Iiarü, lt " John (. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, il L. Edmon'.s, Sa Hoe. George Cropsfy, Green Oafe, Ut. Co, Wü arealso Ageuts fbr the Ohio Heaper & M. wer, acknowledred t be tbe vor beat iu use. We arëjust in receift oí 100 Grain Oradles Which we vvrill sell clieap. Also álkrgfeásaórtineñí c ' Grrass And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STXJT F FOR CARRÏAGESevcr before offered in this market We also keep a [arge and full NAILS, GLASS, PU'lTr, PAINT.and MNSEED OU.. A complete assortmeut of STOVES, TINWARE, AXnEAVETROUG'ISalways onliand and put up L tbc shortest notiee. BISDOW & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor, June a9th,lS2. 859tf are stlling fargfl stock of BOOTS te SHOES, CHEAPEB 'f HAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Mon's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " Bewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Womaii'a " Lace Uoots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congrcss G-'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youtb's and Children's Shoes : : : :15 a 1.50 Now is the time to huy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidiy adrancivg in Eastern Markets. TI1EY ALSO MAKE WARRAÏWED JB3C" WORK TO OKDBE, S3T AND UEPAIR. Remefuber we can not and will not be undersold. Pleaae callaudexaeiiBc tiivïr .stock LAWRENCE NOBI.K, CHAKLISS RIBER. Ann Arbor, Feb. U tb, 1884. !Ui. Estáte of John 1). Armstrong. STATE OF. MICIIIiíAX.C.mniy orWJUMBuv All persons luivin; claims or deinands aüiin'., ú .-state I John h). An,„trnng late of the towt,"], , ' I.oói,in said county, deceased. re bereby nrtitted required to present fhe saine to the underslrneii tl... protote elBce in citj of Ann Arkpr iB oountjr, atanyof the eeveral sessions of the 1'ruS.' (ourt fur sai.I county, oa or beforc '■■.lnscl-,v ,, 8(h day of Marcli 18iiO, lor examination .uu! allo, six mobtlis from tiic dife hereqf, biipg allmycu creditors to present their claims against said est. THOMAS NINDK, .ludgeot prowi Dated, Ann Arbor, fc'npt. ÜU,, 1804. 4w974 SherifPs Sale. STATE OF MICHIÖAX, Co, t,rv oi-Wasiiiïm,. n Byvirtueofa rit oL furi 'faciat lasmuj unt óf , under thescaUrthe Circuit Court for thu Count. Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, ana to alt recterland detiverert, 1 rti.l on the twpnty fiftl, j.. reb.A D. , 1SÜ3. s.-i.e and levy upon all the richt ,. and interest oi William C, Voorheis, ,1, -fi-ndantth,,, name.l. in and toaH those certain tract, örparcêi; lan.l Mtuat.,1 i„ e City of Ann Arbor, c'J„ " WashtenaH , aforeaid, ki,on, bonndi-d and ilesciil as folio-, to wit . benig all tht part of lot oüifc eight, block No. ose Xoith oi' Huron Stre-t ,,, threeF.ast, insaid City of Ann Arbor, begi Mam Street at the north-enst corner of Mialoci runningon Main Sirect, afivesaid, south twentv ,," feet.therjce running nest to the alley in the ré, said lot, thenee nouh to the north line of Hajd lot ,. tiience east to the place of bcgiuning, with the i„j' ftore standing thereou. ATso a paitof section nom! tiver.ty-ninetown two snuth range No. six ffi) M„ t e City of Aun Arbjjr. alore„'ai.l, commencioï jn il, eenteruf llur..n Miv. t, sevoi. roda and six links S of -hereaid streel oroses the sectinn line beton aëetiona 29 and 30, and running ea-f ajong thé M MM street uine roda and kix links, thenee simK theisitsrpfjEber White'.s road, thence in , westerly direttion niuen.iU and thirteen lints tlL HOrtï to the place of iiegiuning, contaming four m„ ot land reserving therefrom ten rods and two ani ui. fifths links cross the south end of said lm tthicbS propcity i shall offer.for .-uit. a pubUi auctltinot, due lo the highet bidder, at the front door of ik, Couit House, in the City „f Ann Arbor, on Satur.i, saffida V'fcteber, l-.d, ,ii V u'olod,. ,.,■,;, rilfl.lF WINECAE.ShMiff September Sth,J8'4. 973 Oommipsioners' Notice. STATE OF MICÜIGAX, County of Hasbtenw,, Ehe undersigned haTing been anpowtíd In", Probate Court lor salí C,.u„ty, Com'tf Lroners ?„ , ceive, examine and adjust al! clairosand demandg ,■!, person aeainst tbeeatate u( David La., ham lat" thelownsbi], of falem in snid Coiinty deteksed hei bj notice that six m. nths froio date, ar. of said l'robate Court, allowed for creditors to JrS their claims agaitut said deccasett, and that t!i,.F .il meet at the late residenoe of aid deceasej „ n Township of Salem in said ccunty, on Satiir,',,' ,ï twelfth day .f Xovember. and Tuesday the fburieolk dny of Jebruary on... o'cJock, P. J; ,," éy, to rutcivv, examine and aiijust said claims rHOMA3BÜSSEY 2' I'ated, Aufnstl5, 1864. ,,;(IM Estáte of VanValkenbergsT" STATE Of MICFJIC.AN, Ctwxf! op ' Washtímt _- Ata sessioi, of the rol.:: Court for the Cuiiihv Wiisl,t..i!..v,h..!,!..n1,tth,. ri.hiite (Jflice ia tbe tftrS Aun Arbor on WeiimsJay, the twei ty fouith daj 'i Aoguftinthe year nné thuu.-ar.-l eight J.undru'l ■ ij sixty four. l'resei.t, Thomas Ninde, Ju.lge . I In the mnttor of the rtute of Ula O. VunValHáil ■ K:nma T). VanValkenberg, Ruth J VanVilkeaberr i?d Albert E. VanValtenberjr iniin... On readingaud (ilinf the b(t ti'.n, duly rè Jobu S. Jn9efiB, .,'m miau of said mincfor Uernwto aelj p reitl , -pi.. i s:,i, minors. " Thereapon it is Hn'ïn .t. tlmt Friilay the tci'r third dayuf Se feraber r,e t, at ten o'cluok io tif lm. noon. be assigned : ,r the hearing of said p. ■ thstthe next of kin of saM minors, and al! sons interi-.-te.iin said est.ite, ;irc recfuirtd to a sessioL uf sai. 1 ('ourt then t, k hpldenattl Offlce,in the. city of Ann Arbor, in sii.! couitr u; show cause, if aiiy the're be, dfl t ti..ner should m-l Ie L'.airf-.l. And ir is furtSer at , 'i ■.■.! t;::t ;n,i ,. t tioner ri ■. ■ uutlee to the f .-.! i ti said e.tate, , f the ien.!eni y of sai an.l tli.' hearing tiu'r.of, 1 y cauiicg acó) yol 'Ier to be publisheil in the MirJi 'fan Ar gin AoewituW lri: t.'.l aml uirculatint; ■!, sai,; Coui:ty of H'nsl t-ni threesuccessive weeks to said day ol (Atrueeopv.) THOJHS N1NIÍ 9'1 Judge ■ Election Notice. Sinci'.iFKs Owitl, A.v.v .iB.ioj.i iept.i:nh.I-i;, , Tothe Itlectorj of the County nf Washteuaw . ' Yuu are hereby notified tl'at a I the licnrui EMiw Mbehtld on the Tucsday nevt sneceeding tt.p iir-; Mdliday of Novi-mher nex't, II M the rbllowing offieeïs are Eo bo élecfni, vii: Kijht Klcftors of Puwdeut and Vite-l'n' tlia Un:ted States, a Uovern r, I.ipntenanl timttm ■ Auditor üeneral, Secr. tan of state, Ëtite Treiitréffi ' Commissiotn.. oi the Ma I,,.,! office, Atwrnej üinti al, Superintendett of nst luction a (e ■ the State Board of EnuraCon in place of Witter J ín: h-r. wl frn ol' nffle.. wiU expire Dccumi ■ 18:4, anda Kepresentiitive in Congress forh. g.esj,ii:tll'i-t.i' t. to ivhich i.",,r f'outi Also, a enat'il lor the'ïth ,-Vnat'urial Distritt, inúsKtmgní the ty of A'nn Arbor, th . Superior, Slem, Aun Arb r.Sci; XoillJi.ü Lima, !.)■.■■.; Yashtenav. 416, :i Senator f..v th.. Sth Senatorial Pitricvt siiting of the ('ty ,.( i'psilanti. le Townships oL fft lantl. Augusta, PittsS. ..i k, l.oili, ialioi Mc;.i--ev;.1.T,SUaron, :,y] ïan.:l;e-tT iü the CoutU ,'f NTasuteuow'. Albo, a K.-preseiitati ve for'each rf the fonrSïf Iii-tricts in the c, uf iVash: folloivs . lal Dttftcl- Salem, Superifii, Vpsüanti iiel.l. an-i t'psilant: Towo_rf District- Anti Arbor City. Anti Arbor To.ti field and Vcbt.r. 3i n;.!rdAnu:usta, Y.jrk, Saline, I.0.IÍ ' wator, :tn 1 Manchester. ith District - Freedom. Sharon. Pylvan. Ij'ii. &'"■ Pexter, and I.yndi n Also the. lollowing' Coun+y nflicers for tV 0 n lf%{ Washt-naA, are to be ulected at the .-■■. to-wil: (Ine Judge of Probate, on.' S : County Clerk, one County Tre.isurer, Deed, on Prasecntiag Aiíi.rmy, two Circuit Coirf Commi. spinners, two Curo ners,and one G'om.iy Si.r."( " W1NEÖAK, Starr.t. ■ a ' - ' Chancery Salo. STATE OK :if'HICAy_ln Circuit Court for the Cmnty of Waahtenaw, n Chancery. K' !'"-'■ Coniplainant, rs. Sebra l'erkins, ltefendant. In pi.r suanceand by virtue of a deciee of the Circuit fwiri fop the Gounty of Washtenaw, ín CLaucery", the secon.l day ({ December, A. 1., eighteen and iiftv-nine, in a certain' cause therein wherein Elizn Perkins is complainant, and Sebrft Pti' kins is defendant. Xotice is heieby g'ivcn, thitliW sell at public auclion to the highest bidder, at tel o'clock, noon, on Faturday. the seventeenth, ds; '! September, r.ext,atthe frunt door of the C". of the Circuit Court for theOounty of Washl the city of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenf. l State of Miohigan, ' Thevest half of the si quarter of section fifteen, and the west ha u..rtl.-e:it quarterof sectioo twenty two, hiTo orie south of range seveu east. in the Tt.wu lem, in Couutj of Washtonaw , and Statt igan. C. II. VAXCI.EVE. Circuit Court Coinmiádioner in nd for iheCounKw Washtenüw. O.Hawkixs, Solicitoi ■ for Complainant. Aun Arbor, July twenty-ñtirfn, A. 11 ,1864. W" riieabo ,' .-aU i MfoAe4 ui.til the 2Tih .v ' October n ext, at the same nlace and tiine of day. Dated, Sept.lï, 18C4. - c.H. VAcu:re. Circuit Court Comoii-ioner. WashteuawCoiU'ty FURNITURE BOOMS One door Jfoi-th ofltisdon and Uendersou's HfM" Store. rilhe un.'.t'rsined hATJBg purcha.SLd tbe . ,' 1 nl'W. n.Smitli kt o., and added largelytoU is ].repared to luruish !iis fjmndfl and patre' - assortmentof well made furniture, consisting ut SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEOSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES nd CHAIRS, of all kinds, and in fact of everything pertaipiPS business. LOUNGES. MATRAt&ti, ttc, &c.,mit.0e to offller by pood anu experieK men, aod warranted to give safisfiiction. keeps a goód asso.tu.eiii o for sale at prices. And .■ Ligliest roárket prict fór Ciieñy, auü """ Wood Lumber. ï. S. lie has also pur. hu I ■■! ttte .,,■„■ and ELEGANT HJSAESE! ofSinith &Co.,an.l is prepared to fnrnish sil k'níií Wood Coffins, Metalic Cases. A3Xrr CASKETg. On the shortest notice. Also nttenils to lyi"! deceanf.1 persons .layan, i nighí, without clarg. furui:t.ui-eJU( in the city fireeofchi W. U. BENHAM. Aun AiSjor,Janiwl-y Jgili, 1S63. SlOtf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. .


Old News
Michigan Argus