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Speech Of Hon. James Guthrie

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iELI.OW-ClTI7.KN8 OF INDIANA Kentucky bids you (Jod-speod in this great work oi saving thé nation. I havo been ! in Chicago. I knovv the platform there adüpled by the assembled Demoeracy. í assisted in making it. I know what it meaos. It means peace, It moans peaoe upou the basis of the re-establishuient of the Union iu ili its integrity. Who would give up tlie mouth of the Mississippi and the grave of Jackson for a pcaec which divided thia Union ? Who would give up the glorious Constitution of our fathers for a peace whicli separates this great Ropublic ? Not the Democratie and conservativo eiasses now arrayed .under the standard of that herostatcsman, George B. McClellan. No, fellow-citizeus, it is another party wbich would thus disrupt this nation if its hideous dogmas of aboJi.Uon.lsm are not ïic cepted by the people of the South. The Chicago platform, and the letter of aaei'pianee of MeJÜlellan mean that the President of itho United States, and every official of the governnient, either iu the civil or military department, hall be as obedient to the Contitution a the humblest citizen or soldier. It is a peace .platform on the basis of the Union, the CoaaK.titutiou, and the lawg. Who dare be agiiinst sucli a platform ? Who dare say we shall not h.ase peaee poD the basis of the itiiogrity of the federal Uuiou ? If the South is against such a peaee ; if a frank, earnest aud persistent affurt to obtaiu thesi objects fail, then the responsLbjljty for uLterior .causequenees will fall upou those who remain iu arms agaiust the Union. But the Union must be preserved at all hazards. Such is the construction of the Chicago phitform as given 'by fíen. Mc-Clellau, the nominee of the convention. Sueh is the coustruction I place upon it. Such is the constructiou placed upon it by the Democratie uud conservative masses ,of the .country. We will nevei-give up the niouth of the Mississippi for Jeff. Da.vis and all his crew. I know him wcll, The South are for pence. Offer them peace upon this bayia and they will takc - yea, tako -it ,with joy, aod return to their allegiance. It is fciie principie of the iCousütutiou that the majority shall xule. It is DOtfor-oue mau to a-y tliat we hall or iha'f wc shall not have peace.! WLo is it that reverses this principie of the ■Coustity.tion, and says tiiat the ma joiity ehald not rule V Abraham Lincoln and his party ; he who euied the; people the right of free speech aud the libeity of the" pross. This is the first time sinco Abraham Liucoln was electcd - the first time sinee he violatcd tho Chicago platform af 18(30 - r-since he vio-, lated the Corwtituiion, thi.t the Demo i craticparty has had a chance -to speak And now it will speak at the ballot box, the great and sacred lorum from which every American citizen may ape.i'k with power. -Lhave a ripht, as a Keutuckian, to speak oí Jeff. Davis and Abraham Lincoln. They were both boni in Kentucky, and botli have disgraced that noble commouwealth, and her principies of egual rights aud just laws. iBoth of thetn tako men agáinst their willstto, fight their battles. Liucoln is doing this now - forcing men to fight for the abolition of slavcry. uot for tlie restoration of the -Uniott- seuding man into your houses with bayoneta to hold in awa peaccable, loyal citizens. He .bas tojivy scattcred throughout the loyal states of the North soldiers enough to sulijugate Jeff. Davis's confederacy, to dqnjiuate over a free people. I am for peace - for a peaco which irill back 'the old Union under the Conititution. .[ was ,ft meraber of the peace congress in 1801. In that congress .1 was for peace, concession, aud.renewed guáranteos to all the states. I believe theu, as now, that the great waste. of precious blood which has taken p.lace. would not restore the Uniou. 1 asked that tho seven border sfree states and the seveu border slavo-states might propose a basis for the settlement of all djiSculties. Taoy cojild have proposed bucIi a basis as would ha,ve been a full, Snal, honorable, and satisfactory settlemqiit. But the radicáis in that congress would not consent to it. Neither the ab'jlitionifits of tho Korth nor the secessionists of tho South would .consent to it. They would hayo notl)iog but blood. We)l, have we not had blood to the heart's content. of iho nation ? Even the preachers have preachcd war and desoiation and blood ; the temples of the nxeek and lawly Jesus have -been made temples from which war, and rapiñe, and blood haa been preached by uiinisters with hands drippiog in blood. This must be ended. We will hold out the olive braneh like a great, aud maguauimous, atwl powcrful people. We will offer to the Soutlj their rights in the Udíod under (ho Constitution. 'We will guar.ayfcee , those rights and dinposo of uouflieting ,and vexatigus questions, so that never again wil! the tocsin of war be souudcd whieh shall arm father against son, and brother against brother. We have, a, noble. leader to inaugúrate this work of the regenera tion of the üfl tion. George B. "McClellan is a young man - but thirty-eight years old; butube is a good man. He is a statesman, au able general, a great conimo.u'ier, a Christian gentleman. It is by his dobleneps pf heart that he has attached his soldiers to him. so tba they regard him as a fatber ratlier than as an austero commander. He is the soldiers' frieud. Such is the noble McClellan, the .s$;;u.dard bearer of the Democratie party. He will, uo doubt, get the votes of the soldiers aud all honest De.inorats au,d,couservatives; but he will not get the votes of the shoddy contraetors, and those who are making miuts of ïoney off the ad versities ot their country. I need not teil you to-day, my fellowc'tizens, how wo have buffered io i KenI tuoky under the iroü rule of tliis weak, vacillating and tyrannic adininistration. Our desolated fields - tho blood of our sous - tlie deslruction of oui' propcrty - the almost to'.ul suspension of our trnde, are knowu tlirougliout the land. If 'a ciüzea clares to utter complainfc againat this wbolesalu outrage and violation of rights, he is apotted by the inyrmidons of power, and is inearcerated in the dungeons oí tlie felón, VYhat agonies uutojd the peop'e of Kentuoky have suffered, rem al o to be tuld by future historian, when he comes to write out ihe history of this terrible rebulüou. But thia tyrannic polioy of tl. e party in power has been reviewed iu our resolulions at Chicago. We will now put a great and a good man into the Presidential ehnir, a man who, had he been sustained with the power thnt .Gmui has keen ustained, wonld have g'wun í'he country peace two yoars Lgo. Thero ia an uplicaving of the masses, and I believe we would bo less than American citizens if we did not make an effort to change the present state of affairs of the country. The ballot-box is the great weapon of the American pdople. It is the weapon of peaoo. To it let us appeal for a redress of grievances. But ,thö Jay might come wJien tlie eftort may be made to stifle the voice of tho peoplo at the ballot-box. Then I will not to--day say what the people should do. I council unitcdeal and exertion for the cause of the country and liberty." AU the people must wook to the same end. You have only till November to work. Be earuest, then, and jiealous. I apeak to, you thus, because that I believe that upon the result of this eleetion is s'uspeudcd the fato of the American repub lic. Every man to his post - every man to his duty : then all will be well, and peace aní happinesa will be agaia [ torod to the country.


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