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DYSPEPSIA, AND DlaEASES EESU L TINO F B O .I DIS0KB3KS OF THE LIVEE AND DIG-ESTlVEgORGANS, AKK C1JKKD UY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING These Bitters have perfsruied more Cos HAVE AND DO Gif EBJTTEIt SATISFACTION Ilnve more TeUiuolty! [JAVE MORE RESPECTARLE rEOPLE TO V( UUII KOR 'I HEM ! Tlian any other iirticie in tïie rnarket. We dofy any onc to coñíradjet tliis Assertior., ANO PAY IJ1OÜO ïoany une wlio wil! prodgee i Cerf ilioato pablisheu by u.s, that is iiot übnchík. HOOFLAKD'S GERBAN BITTERS WII.I. fl-RK IN' ÊVEBY -A.-i: OF Cbronlc ei Nervous Debinty, Diseases of tho Kidneys, and Dlaeases arising fiomdisordeied Stomach. Observe thi follmchig nimptoms reMihinz from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Cunstipation.lnward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the n-ad, Ariiiüy, i)t flie Stoinaeh. Nauftoa, HeartourM Disgust lor looi!, FultaeiH or weight Sour Bruetalions, Sinking or fluttenng at tWpit of Stomach, Swinnning ot Ihc He&d, liurr i ■ 1 nut 'iiflicult breathïhg, Flultern.g at tl)6 Heart , Chuking nr Suffocating sc"isrtti'nis vhen in a Lying Postare, Dimness of Vision, Dotfl or Websbofore the Slgit, Fever and DullPain in tlic Eteai, Dt iidiency of Prespiration, Yellowaras nfthe Skin and Eyes, pain in theside, back, chest,limbs, ke-, Sudden llu.sUes of Heat, Barning in the Flesb, Constant Imaginingsol livil and Grcat Depression of Sp.rits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NT OT ALKH0IiI0, CQNT1IÑS NO RUM OR WBISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKAEDS, BUT ƒ ie TToWi ET READ WHO SAYS SO : Fiomthü ReV. I.ev C. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Church, l'v.nberton. X. .1 iorerly of the North BzptistUnurcb, Plnladelphia. IliaveknownHoollan,]' Germán Bitters foranumberot year.s. 1 have i.sedthem in ray owh, and have been so pleased nitl, their effects that I was inducedto recommend tliem to many others, and know rhattheyhavuoperated in a strikiníly benefloial - manner. Itakegreai pleasare i„ thus puhhcl, proOtoümngltbia fact and calliug the attention of thofe allhcted all tiiu distases for whiti! they are recomKendeil, to th bitters , knowfng from experience that nij recommendation ivill bíaürtained. I do thi.s more cheerfully as Hoofland's Bitters ia atended to benelit tho allücted, and ís "nota rum drink " Yours truly, LEV1 G. BECK. From R .1 Newton Brown, I). D. Kditorof theEncy0 opedia of Re igidus Knowledge and IShristma Clironiole, Philadelphia. Althougi n.jt disposod to favor or recornmend Patent MeJiuini'e in Reueral, through distrust of their Dffre enta and e&et, I yet kpow of no nftoieat reasooi why a man may uot testify to the benefits he beliavea hunseirto have recc-ived from any simple preparation in th'i hope that ho maj tlius co.itributo to the benefit ot otiiiirs I do thismorereadilïin regard to Hoolla_i' Cer man Bitters,, )reE.aredby Hr. 0. M. Jacksoï ut this ' ciiy, b.-cause I was prejudic.-d Rgaingt them ,„, ,u. ; years,underthe.impl:essi?n.thaitfteyWere chitlly añ a'.choliohc miMnvf. I ain Indebted to mv friend Rob ■rl sl maker, Eaq., for the reraova] of this preiudice bv proper tests, and lor to try thein when suffering from gieat anfl lon.L' contmued debMitv' ThcuseolthreebottlesoltLi.s,. l,ii„.rs at the beirinnins of the prescut year, was folloived by evident relief and restoratM.n te a degree of bo.lily and mental vigor which I had nut for six montiis befora, and ladllmnri dUpairea of regaining. I th,r,;.„.,, th'aU God and n v fneii.1, lor directing tr;e to tle use of ihera y .1. NEWTON BK0W.N-, Pbila From tho Rev. Jos. H. Keunard, Pastor of the lOth Ban tist Chufen . . x Dr; ïaik'soii :- Dear Sir:- I have been frequently reiuesleó to oonnect ruy name with Ciimmendatlons of different kinds of medicines, but ifgardipg the piactice as out of my appropriate sphere, 1 have in all cases deoUoedbut wit!, a cJêarprooïinTafionsmstanees and pavti.'uUily in mj fa,mily,of the J3r Hoofland's Germán IMiters, I depart f6r onee fïom mv usual coiirsc, to impresa my fuil ooaviction-that fol general debilily of tbe systi-m aud espacmliy for l',i-,-,r 'ouipl:iinc, ït is a safe and valuaWe prepara'tion In som e cases it may lail ; but usual i , I doui.1 not it wil! be vory bcnclidalto those who soflter from tue'abov cause. Yours, vcry rcspcctfully, J. H. KEN'XARI), Elghth below Coates Stitet, Pl.i'la. Frora P.ev. Warren Uandolph, Pastor of tliu Baptist Church, Gerniautown, Penii. Dr. C M. J.ioKs :- Dear Sir i_ Pertohaiëxpeiience enablcsini; tr, say that I regard the lütura ptepared by you as a most e$.eel ent medieine. In cae 01 ïevere coid and ginemldebMity I havo been gn-itiy bêneftted by tho use oí the üitlers, snj doubt not fhai wil! produce similar clÏLcta on otber-s. Yours, truly, WARl'.KN' ÜANIIDI.I'H , Gerniantown, Pa From Rev. J. H. Turaer, Pastor of Redding h F Chuich,lhlii. , b ïir. Jackson rDear Pit . - Haying nsed your Germán Bitters in my fainily frequently, J mi prepared tosav that it bas beeo of great service. I believe that in most cases ,:f general debility of the systcin it ia the satest and most valuable remedy of Uich I have any k'nowiedge. Tours (respoctfuUy , J. H.TURXER Xo.' T2r, x, Sineteenth Stréti From the Rev.J, M. I.vons, forinerly Pastor of the Co lumbuB, (N. J.) audMills'.onn, (i'a.) lUptistOliurc-hes New P.ocUuHe. .N'.Y.' ' Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Dear Sir :-I Telt it a pleasure thus,, -f iny own accord to beur te-limony to the excellence of t.lie Herman Bilters. Some years since, beiag niuch aMIicti'il with flyspepsia ï used tJnni with vrry beneficia! result. 1 have otieu recommended them to persons ctiKebled by Um( tormenting disease, ánd have heard lïoiu them the most nattering testimonial -as to thcir great valuw. Iti cases of general debiüty ï bolieve it to be a touic tluU eau not be surpassed ' J. M l.VDNv From'thoRëv. Thos. Winter, Paatoi ut Eo5Lorp(b BaplistCburcli. " Dr: Jackson-- Dear Sir: -I fe;-l i! duc to yoi r excel lent preparatinn) l{uo{lür j'j eri lau ü'. t. ;i,i,! ,,,, tc.'.liniotiy lo i he (iescr'( ri'pu'.ition it Jias obtai;;c' I have lorjcais, at times been troubtod .! ii uorder in my he.-idaud nervous sysUiu. ) Wft. :idvi„-l by n friona to-try a oHe:ttf'yt)nr Geráaú Bil didaoau.l baveexperkacedgmtMid (wfxpMWd re hef; my Kealth nas Ijeen very mtBi-li lli Iwnoli confldentlv r...'oinnii-nd tlie-artioÏH w vi-o i i,-., i ftitu cases similar to my o n , aw'. llïo Ijeen (i.-si.lfd by many of tho'r iooa rfi Rep6tfatly your, T. WJlfTISK,TStjio6tiga Pa: KromEev.J S. Hernian, éf tiie Germán Keforiaed Church. Kulzt'Wn, Buks Co i'a. Ir. C M. 'e!,wn - :iS)v!eil t .- l h:if been Iroitiiii-d wit1 Pyapejutia nf.arly twenly yearR, anditaye o-i'ii aiM n,-,l --i;!. ;(a! rtif :tm' ris mi: ■ n gottd as Hooñaut'.'s liiti, ;s. ! Hn very nu:c)i i(opro,ul I after ha v;; ! al ,-u I: i h botl II a ïiniTrf, ,vliii respect, J. 8. HiaiMAN. S, I C E S . Large Sif.e, il-.olding nearly ijuantiíy .) $1 00 pi-r bottle- halt doz. $5 00. Stasi) Size- t cents per Dottk- half dozen ï-t 00, BEWARE OF 00UNTEKFEIÏS. Stee tliat the signatura ..f " C. M. JACKS0X" iü on the WRAl'PER oi .a-i. höttle. Should your ncareut Oruggjst uot have ihe article, do not be put o ir hy iuiox'cathig pi-epurin ons that may bfi oliën d in its id.u-,0, but Send to us .and wo will furward, securely packod , by expresa. Prinoipu! Office and Manufactory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, l'UILADELl'HiA. Jones & lilvaiis. Succcxsor.1 to C. M JiJxkson Cv. l'üOrRIÍSTOIiS. For 4ale byT)ra(tgifltii and Dealers in every towo in the Ü.iite-1 ÖtfrU, 9521 'P0 (?í 1n}f w$ W j Búfalo Testlmony. 'S CUrI ,Li3 r '■' ' ' ■■■" '■ ' ' "Muíltni l..r iwo vv-ari .■'".,■.■ moreor lew cj-bi-j cUy. i hnve ,llt(. t ! ' I tbe'Peopiesl mv,-,,,,i 1:av(, ,„ t h d " puin !.;.■ lleftirofl u,n fcorLa uKo 'i 1 ' '■' " ' ] " tJ, a.n] u.,. mtdie'a. ! ■■■ ■"■' verJ ''rt1' i d guc(l_lU8t likt youu man thouírh I ;un sixfy (no ,-fars 'nld ■ CiODíKKyLCUEETKÍ,)(,0L-)Cilílgn8t. "'!' ■■' ; ;1' ''■'■" S""1 rfn [r, ,., i i , , „mímp ,f imatorj obaraiei for bitixort'Mi v.r Bl"lc'"" " '■ 'I', o„l,.. e,,,,...,, " ''"■'■■'■""■'.■'r;1-' - -■■ .:."..,.! M,n,„, ", ë,jö"u SÏÏTpSSS ind '■■'- .. .. JBsn Ibe advortfsemenl of th 'People's Curo' in thi. , toss cure sísar more ftffi t,n y,,„„ Wt. ly íinfl turea byAptu nsanj hlcb al tta tended over ,„.■ whole l,,,.v.a,,,l „nc,"f r t"l ?,Vd??! ei ty-aud 1 Ünnk ii.-y v.ill Cüt begrudíjí their dol 'I taWwdthe'People'sCWIn ,„v f.mily with great benefit, la c,.s ol 8 nofnl. aod Kalt liióu,n and CHA. SUl.UítT, ïTSMaii, St.,up-Stalrs." prJl'ï'i PTTTÍTí'1 fnresForaale FOl ï.L-s Vy U Jt üj WeakpM. mv 1 r"'V i'""'' feebllheaUil "Vli'' nee the Wrth of My boy, who Is now tvi%lve ycars oíd. I have hud manytruublesand aiiBcaW, all this ti,„e, unittiag msToteTerykindol 1,1..,:.:, , „n„,vc,,m fort Last summerlcommenccd taking the 'People's Cute, and have nsed Urt hélü's, and am nowalnio.t JLeUnwp Mr,imc„ti,s ],„,-.. all dlp! _ "IRS. ('ATTIARiXE IiEWALP, peoSe'í CÍTRF f'l""s ■"■hen oth "y w,fc. l,a,b,.en iiij.uorliealtl, lur a long time hwa rocently vori mu,.]. ,„,1SP. PüT live , DV s""1"'1-i Ptefife, lost au ile rtr?tífS eachdajroKiu.ope, She had niKht MvVats Ukeihe'tooples'i Curp. On the ojerticiae h. Ppeiyed a cninge at onoe. On th, thta, day Í fi! recove eJ her uppetite, n3 M ;,., rpgafning her sLt5SSL 85 For Sale !.,- iU [)ruKit= 9.,2 7 WONDEKFUL SUCCEKS. The attcution 'and rosean-h of the rnost ai .inguishc! Chênüsts and Phyeiciani for ycaM havj .(fiuli'vüt.dtotlif pr6dnetion of a rcmeily for thcus Bostawtressing maUdies Neukai.iii.i and KiÍeusiatisji" iftet long rtfftfy :,:■■; mány expeiiméots, a spiciji" ireparatw?, has been dlBooyoiei . ATgOJj 'g Xeuralcia Z-ing.M Vrrt mcriy.ia cur.:, thmtsavd, of caïe A-hei-enll otliorrenu-lie ■ utterly faiïed. We are ■■ liatiHsin moro -1 lfI",riY.K," reIievh,K f„r '':];:;.','"-' ' ■■", bt .ï apen 1 ' IWCand Cl ,e painful diseasel The MM „i l.i„iM,.niS. K.iUuucationsand Externa] ea niifs, winch actaij at'muJaatsoC te surfaceoBlr u-mm.lïl.,,,,,.,,;, ■.,.;, jjj jnd of doubtTbl ■rtae rhe M:ri(Ai...lA KÏXG rtachea the source „f 'Í c-s'"su'm' "Ud tlr?ctu;ill-' "lishes the disease fi-om Price- One Dollar per Bi-ttle. Trcpared by i „„„ '''■ WALKER, IJ8M Buffa.o,. N. Y., and Fort F.rie, C. W. F.M Sal,. b;. .tkukivs & WnrON, Ch.vuukí FcllÍR ïlifl C'. 1 BSKBAL1J {l i .,. ' Mrtnïïpoil : iiow Lost. llow K í-.ríorel. TÜST PrBLIÉffl . ■ ■ „ ..r Kr Culver. J mli'i Oi-lebriH-.! - s5i.y L,.,, l),oracíúl cuie (mlnont medicine) of Spéksutoi.iiw5í, or Eem ■ na! Weaknesa, , ,,,;„;,. Losüm, In. pdli'iicy, Müalal any , i vsical Ineapaeitv ImpediConBiiim.ti.jn. Foih-psy odiits, induccd bj -. :, fudHlgojn i , i sexual extra. partee. -(?" Prïce, in a sealed etïYrtope, only 6 ernts. The celebrated auttior infai(iadmiñkle essnv clearly demourtratés, fr ín a tffirtj feara soccessisl praotice, that the al_arniii copm mees 0(feí hIjuíp raar ■-' irse of ÍnterI) Pi tl. e kililu- pointillK ; ■ . c: r'air ajtd effeluai, by mè.uj iii irlrldi ,■,,,. uó matter wh: hisconAitioD m:iy lie, may sur; UinïaaH clioaplr privalcl.s.atp! , ■;,. F " ' „i..,. ,i, befn the liaiulVof ever'ï yuutliaiiiii'vciy uinn Vu', under nl, p a,r,Uiii.cnïctoic, ;,.,,ny Mri aU, ortffu .,Uimps. Addteas Lhe publif hei s. CIlAf.J. e Kl.IN'H, CO., 127 Bowery, New iforfr, l'i.l e b,'X 4586. 5o7tl WIZARDlïTr THISlPLEfDID REMEDY CURES ■ B TOOTHACWE 0 NKÜRALGTA W In Three M-itiuteB. In Ten Minutes. 2iïl0]IE ■ JÏAKACHE ■ Ia Viv.0 Miuutes. In Tin Minutes. CSA-MI? CÜUO DlPTUtRlA Iii Ten Minutes. ■' In a Few Houri. SORH ÏHROAT ' KHEUMATISM. hl a Few Haura )n a Few Dj. LAME BACK. Sl'BAINS. CUTS ANC BIU1S1CS. BURNS i'sn SCALDS. 0COKNS' ' g.qCUJLBLAl.Na. - ïhis iuvaluai.'lt; piopaiation pnly n.fda a tiial ta renöiflmend itB.-lf to everj Uoust-bold Iu the lani. Use one bottle anfl yd wïïl ;ihvajs tt'p iL on liwid tgainst the timo of ntttl. Price 85conts aud 7f cnt8 por buttle. The largo bottU'B contiiin nt'arly thvee Uiiiefl a muchas lh smftll onps. M;uiufactur'.'i bv J. A. H AMf-lN A IJKO., 1U2 Wdáhinfrtfm Street; Chicago, and for snla bj driigglflts generally. .... , , . u ( Fuller, Fullrr 1 v. . Wholesale Ag'U: -j LovU Cbcíiíío. Jl ('AMl'1 nifit tl;n ciictn.sure uf Wie PriVèWhw rn the lh uf A,j„.!, 104, i h.rtroKEl) COW, 12 or 14 -f.nv otjj sume wlute 911 tbe heily. Tho owner i rcij't.'Si.-.i in (yove propWrty, pay cliargt-s, nn take iaid l'ow aa v. S. BEXHAM. anu Aiiwn-, Bept; Bfh, 194i Gwy3, rpAKEN UP ! c.iii.t' !ntj tin; encTosure if the subTibrr or iho Ijth ,l.i.v ■! Augast. a fcED and WilITF. 1W. naH Thi' n . .n r U .■H(-1(M- to prove propertj . py eh. rge?j ■n: ' . t tilt I 'OW .1 -vay . Wm'i a.v, Loai,aept.7tb,18ftê. liwÜTO


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