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The Grape Crop

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My grape vines, last Fall, were pruned laid down acd covered, as ís my custom ; nd came through the winter with the wood mostly alive, although a large proportion of the fruit buds geem to have been injured. The past sutnmer, although oxcessively hot and dry, seems to bave been favorable for so much oí this fruit as had been ablo to escape the trying ordeal of last winter ; and the erop is of the finest quality, aud unusually eaily. HARTKORD PnOlfflC Has borne a fine erop, and has besa ripeüing during the last tvvo weeks. It ia noff fully matured. It has fully maintained its pravious reputal on for superior hardiuess and produotiveness ; and, although by no menns superior in quality, it may safely be said to be the best very early grape, for the million, yet generally know.o.. KA.RLY N0RTIT8RN MUSCADINE, Although much bo-praise'd by itsproducers, is, aceordiog to my experienoe, only moderately productiva - no earlier than the preceding - smaller in buncb, and more inclined to drop its berries; while in quality, by an educated taste, it will be condemned as not even tolerable. It is an unmitigated, wild, fox grape, and has all the hardinesa as well as ths aroma of its class. DELAWABE. Is now also fully ripe, and ifg beautiful little bunches are truly a tempting mnreeau to the lover of this fruit. To any and all, who will give it the care and culture it deserves, we would say, by all roeans plant this ; but be sure not to forget thatjf negjected it will come to nix. REUECGA Seems to have come through the winter quite as well as Delaware, and is now also fully ripe. This aud D.elaware, with many characteristics of both vino and fruit similar to the foreign grape, appoar to possess all the hiirdiness and freedom from mil.dew of the natives, WiWy ns these two varieties differ, both in color and flavor, I coufess my inabilily .o establiah in my own roind a prefor ',ci-. Both are excelfent in the ■ ... y ; .. b-oso who would plant the Delaware, we would say plant 1 1 1 Ja this also, i CONCORD Is also uow colüriug fiuely, and in a few j days v il 1 bo mature. TIjís s ilso a hardj, pradnotLve sort, of passuble rjualily, and ims hcretofore bucu considered oue of the most desirable of its season. Indeed, with our prei ent experienco, we have uo well tested sort, of medium se..son, that can bo recommended iu its stead. But the motto is "Excelsior " and with the many promisiug varieties now ou trial, this soems nlinost sure to ba laiu on the shelf before tho planter oí to-day will be able to gather his first erop. To tho planters of this variety we would therefore say, "Make haste slowly." Plynioutb, Sept. 12'h.


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Michigan Argus