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Jeff. Davis In Alabama

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a ti Mr. Davis beguu by expressing a tentó ol gratitude for tliu occasiifO, which the kind fitten ion of t fie Legislature hid givcn liiin, of ippctuing .befurtí them, and assuring the ritizeiiH of Alabamu from that capítol in whiuh iho first. i,ot..-s oí our existenue were issiied .f bis rerneuibrance sind symputhv. He would not atteinpt to ( oncea! tl. e fací that wc liave osperióneed great dis astur.s ol hite. The enerny have pressed our armie.s bfurfeward into tho centre of Georgia, throa'.ened the borders of Alabama, and oomipied the bay oí Mobile; but the oi'y still stands, and will stand, thougii every wail and roof nhould f:ill to thei ground. He had been dHiippöinted in all his calculsitions in Northern Georgia. ATfer sending forwíird to the urnjy at Dalton all the rrinforcements he could collect (rom every quarter, incliiding the troops from Korluein MisKÍfeipi i, he liad coutídently expected a Biiuce-sful ad vaneo through Tennessee and Kentiieky, liad he thought that instead of the for vrard mov3ii:ent our nnns would have retired to Atlanta, lié would havo left his cid, lamonted and venerable' friend, Gen Pulk, to have assniltrd Shonnan on bis flank by Nortb Alabama. But ):e hnd yielded to tho idoa of concentration, and the sequel was anything but whnt he had been inauced to hope. Yet wo were uot without compensation lor our losse. In Virginia, despite the odds brought ngninst us, we have beaten Grant, and stift defiantly hold oui liues bofore Kichmond and Petersburg. That pure and noble patriot, that great soldier and Christian, Gen. Lee, although largoly outnumbered io front, largely outnumbered upon his flunks, commaudcd a body of men who had neverknown what it vías to be whipped, and never stopped to cipher. The time for action is now at batid. There is but duty íor every Southern man. It is to go to the front. Those who are able li?r the fiold shoald not heaitate a moment, and thoae who aro not should scek soine employmcnt. to aid and asist trie rest, and to induce their a-ble-bodied assoeiates to seek their proper placea in the anny. Mr. JDavta advei-ted to the part he bad hiiüself eudeavored to bear in the war, of his repug;nan(5e to the office of cbief, aad Lis desire for the field, inci dent to a military atnbition and some faitb iu his capaeity for arma. He also alluúed to his Jcng politica! career, and the anirt)08Íties and ill-feeling wlrch an aotive part iu the affaire of the country had engendered. He had feared, be oaid, that old prejudicea in others mighf be turned against him, and that old foelings in hiinself might influence his action ; but that he could declare to-day, after four yeará of expetienco, and in the same hall where ho swore before high hcaven to support the CJonstitution of his country, that so help him God he veas never induced to any course, public or personal, by any con. ideration of the past, He feit that it was no time, and ho was not the man to Lavo any frietuis to reward, or enemies to punish. Thcre are some men eaid Mr. Davis, who, when they look at the sun, can only see a speek it. I aui of a more sanguine temperament, perhaps, but I have striven to behold affairs with a cool and candid' temperament of heart, and applying to them the moát rigid test, am the more confident the longer I behold the progresa of the war and reflect upon what we have failed to do, we should marvel and thank God for the great achievements wbich havo crowned our efforts He nexl rapidly surveyed our biftory for the past three years, concluding his resume witha thankfulntss that the great staple óf the South bad been supersedod by graio and produce for the ■ upport of our armies iu the field. He paid a glowing tribute to tbe capacity, gallantry -and patriotisin of Governor Watts, and urgod upon the Sta'e and the Legislaturo the wisdom of his counsel.". In tho same connection ho poke of the soldiers of Alabama. They had fought everywbere, and well. They were still undaunted. Their esinple should be the prido and glory of the State, and tho eloquent appeal to those who wero yet behiud. Mr. Davis spoke eloquectly of tho horrors of var and tbe sufferings of the people. He desired peace, he had tried to ebtain it, and had rudely ropulsod. He should still strive, and by the blossingri of God, and the strong rm of soldiere, yet hoped to obtain, it. If thrre be thoso who hoped to outwit the Yankees, and by smooth words and iir speeches, by the appearanco of n willingness to treat or to listen to reunion, hope to effect any certain candidate in the North, they deeeive themelvos. Victory in the field is the surest lement of strength to a peace party. Let us wïd battles, and we sball huve orertures soon eoougb, Is there a man in tho South in favor of recorvstruction ? Mr. Davis drew a fine picture of the horrors of re-uuion, which means subjugtirn "All that I have to &ay," be xclaimed, in concluding this portion of his remarles, "is that tbe man who is in favor of tliis degradation is on the wrong side ol the line of battle."


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