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How Did The Soldiers Vote

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-The St. l'aul papers are quurreling over the rusult of tlie vote of the soldiers in Fort Suolliiif. The dermcratic papers declure that thö ol diere heartily chdred for MoCHellan, and ouly gave fueble rasponeo to a proposition to cbeer Lincoln. The republïcan papers admit that they did cheer MoCIulhin, but it 'wns uone in dunsion, und u-e novv luodust enoiifh to claiin only five hundred votes for Lineóle out of tvvelve hujidrcd. JJ2C" A telegram froin Chicago to tlia (Jnio.igi) Times, says : lt is statcd thüt Gen. lierman has writtea u letter to u well known gcutleman of IndianopCVM, declining to permit Indiana troops in his coiiimaud to uome homo to i)u to votu at tho eusuing ek'i;tion. Thu G ;ncr! coinnieuts severuly upon ha course oí certain partios to inveigle tlie anny imo tlio polhictl uruua, and deliues to givo it nny c.nn.tonuncu vffautror. Jlis letter, if' pub'ibed, wuuld bc a -uv(;re bKnv oo thu party in OF" Many Republican journals and speakers charge tbat tho Anministration has confidence in ncithcr Gen.. McClellan's abillty jior Lis patriotiam, atid that Uo lias been shelved becauso he was not to be tiusted. They charge that he once offered Lis services to tho rebels; that while ia coimaand of our armies he held private correspoDdence with Gen. Leis ; that he took undue pains fo protect rebel prnperty, and to save slavery ; and that he never raeant to take liichmond, or gain any signal success over the rebels. Men who degrade theuiselves and the nation by the attempt to degrade GeB. McGlellan should teil us who it is, if these thiigs are 80, that Gen. McClellan Las not been courtmartialed and deprived of bis commissiou. He is today, by virtue of a commission signed by Abraham Lincoln, the senior MajorGeueral in the Araerican Atmy, aud though not in active service out-rauks all but Gen, Grant, who, by special act, bas been created Lieutenant General. If these charges are true Abraham Lincoln ought to kuow it, and does know it, and if so knowiug he kaaps Uer, MoClellan io cornmission, to bim attaches damoing disgrace. More thaD tbis, if these charges are true, Abrauam Lincoln, by recently oifering Gen. McClellan an important position, phou!d forfeit the respect and confidence of every true American citi zen. That he bas fo offercd, or that sueh offer bas been made by bis authority, we have the testimony of Gen. NaotEE, Secretary of the fmnous Councii of War, held to decide between McOlellan's plun aud "my plan." Prom bis reoeut letter to Judge Kelley, of Phila. delpbia, see first page, we extract the iollowing parugraph referring to Gen. McÜLELLAN . 'So far as the objections to bis military qualilicatious aro conecrned, I have ouly to reuiiud you that, within the lust eixty days, a confidantiul frieu-d of the President was sent to offer hitn one of tlte must important cominands in tho army. But this prop sition was coupled with the moet dishonorable condition - that he sliould decline to be a candidato for the Preaidency. General McUlellan restrained his iudignation, and replied to the bearei' of the message, ''Go back to Wusliingtou ii ai say to the President, t bat whcn I rcceive my official writteu orders, ho shull Lavo my answei." 13ut there are Ilepu'.ilicau jiiurnals who have the hardihood to dcny this statement of Gou. Naolee, aud to citizens who have the credulity to bolieve . BUob denial, we offer the testhnony of es Postmaster General Blair, who despite his removal to appease the radicáis, is to-d;iy in the confidence of Abkaiiam Lincoln, and speaks as "by authority." In a speech made since liia removal, Li Cooper Iustitute, New York City, Mr. B LA ijs said of Gun. McClel'.an : "A quondam chief of the Union Anny - one whom to the last I btlieved to bo true to tho cause iu which liis country is embarked, and I may add, whom the President held to Ie patriotic, and had concerted with GeneraJ. Graut to bring back again into the field as his adjunct ijhe turned lus back on the propasáis of the peace junk at Chicago." Tbat this statement of Gen. Naqlee and Mr. Blair is true, is susceptible of positive proof and it gives the me - that is the word - to the slanclers daily heaped upon Gen. McClellan bccauae he does not sec fit to bo made the political tooi of the admiiiistration. . It was charged at Cleveland tbat sueh conditions wero imposed upon Gen. Granï, and tbc chargo bas ncver been denied. And this furnisbes the key to the "cordial" and "entbusiastic" support given by so many officers of high aud low degree to Abhaham Lincoln. It also fumigues a key to the wby Gen. McClej.lan was not. actively supported by the administration while in cotnmand of the Army of the Potomac, and to the venom with wbich he was pursued by the small beer politicians who constituted tho Conduct of the War Committee. But supportors of Lincoln in the light of all his endorsfements of Lincoln, aud especially of this last offer of a coinraand are stopped from oalliog in question the military career or military capaoity of Gen.McCLELLAN.


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