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"a Straw."

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-No vote was taken at Ihe Eepublican meeting on Tuesday, or al least we have heard of none, but tbe follovving actual occurrence rnay ''slight!y" indícate the charactor of the gatboring : - A zealous and prominent Republican, whose latch-string was out, found 8eated at -the dinner table, selected promiscuoasly irom the crowd, six gentlemen, casual business acquaintances, when he was surprised to fiid that he had for guestn five Democrats and one Republiean. We noticed a " right smtrt sprinkling" of Democrats m the square during the epoaking. but hiirdly supposed that the preponderance was so great. - An idea "just strikes" us that as the hospitable host is a candidato for an important office, there may have been more design than accident in the d visión of his guests, and we would suggest that -his opponent return the the compliment by filHng hw tablo with Republicans - suy ftom Northfield or Webster - when the next political gathering takes place. E3IC Senator Cowan, of Pennsylva nia, one of the ablest and most patriotic of the Republiean memberd of the TJuited States Senate, ba come out for McClellan. Having been behind the seenes he sees the a iré end of the radical policy - final and disgraceful separation. JL2f There was a large and enthusiastic meeting at Saline on Wednesdaj eveuiug, a meeting which shows that the Saline Demoeracy are up and doing, that they appreciate the importanee of the crisis, atd mean to do their duty, The mectiug was addressed by Megsrg. II. J Beaucp ard R E. Fhat'er, of thig e ity.


Old News
Michigan Argus