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"a Solemn Thought."

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Tlie editorial artielo iu Saturday's Chronicle, undcr the caption oí "a solemn Tiiouairr," contains intimaiion that inay well startle every lover of bis eountry. In this artiole, to which special prorainence is given, treason on the part of tlio Administratiou is gravely hinted, at. if ncit distiuotly tliretitened, should auother President be elected in November. Nothing but tho evideueo of our own senses could cause us to entertain a thought so monstrous, but we mako a sboi't extruct irorn the urticle and ask our readurs to judge : "Suppctsp it vvero at rcll within the range of human possibilily that Abraham Lincoln could, uuiiug these four months (the interval butween the election and inauguration of a new President) imitatü the example of his prededecessor and allow the navy to be scattered to tho four winds, and the arniy to be betrayed by its officers and the ïïeasury to be robbed by wholesale, vvhere could the nation be on the 4tb of Match ? ïhen there would be no country for any one to govern, no United States to presido over, no governme.nt to administer." It may add to the solemnily of tliïa tbonght, to recall the fact that the same warntng, in nearly the same language, was uttered by the Secretary of State ia his recent speech at Auburn. We appeal to the Admimstration organ to throw oñ the thin disguise and boldly spcak out. The subject is tuo sohmn and inomentous to justify useless amibignity. If we are indeed governcdjiy an adrrinistration that is deteruiined, in spite of all luw, to rule or ruin, let the truth, astounding is it may appear, be known. If the country is to be betrayed into the hands ot' its foes, ''the navy to be óattered to tho four wlóds, the army to bu betrayed by itsoflicers, the treasury to bu robbod by wholesale," why not, we ask, pennit the loyal millions of the country who are now resting in fancied security, uueonscious tbat threats are being made by the mouthpiece of the Ad.ninisti'ation, wjiieh, if seriously contemplated, should consigu their au :hors to a dopíh uf .inf.ntiy uever atlained by nmrla' man, why not, we ask, pioclaiin iu unmiistbkeabíe terins the horiid piogrannne ? If the Chronich is ■trifling with its readers, we udmu the subject is loo solemn, and none bul a tíeud from tLo pit could tako delifrbt in such cruel mockery. Suppose the intimation had been ragaely hfnted at irom any other than I a Ilcpublican source. Imagine the holy I horror, hear the cries of treason, treason, I no languago of bitter hate or withering scorn, bilt what would utteily come , short of dealing justly vvith the subject. j What, Lint, eveu vaguely, that the 1 President is so sunk in iufamy as to I prefer the utter Uestruction of bis country 'to seeiiig a successor, lawfully eleoted in bis place ? "Solcmn thougltt" indeed. None but the pritico of dai'kness hiniseli ever prompted the suggestion, and none but bis iaithful io 1 iwera would have ever givt-n it expression. Aud this ivs the man, he who threatens by bis org;m, to suflar the "treasury to bo robbed by wbolosale" so that "there would bo no country f r aoy one to govern, no Uuiled States to preside over, no government to administer." This íb tbe man who presumes to present himsolf before the American people for their votes ! Noble appeal, surely, lofty qualifications, a secend Washington in exalted patriotism and purity, how like the Father of bis Country in similar circumstances ? We would not do the President the injustice of scemivg to have believed him capable of such atrocity, nor are we y et propared to consider him a full blown traitor. We think ho has been vilely slandered by his own mouthpiece, and that with indignation andeontempt he hu ris back the iufamous suggestion, in the teeth of his ealuminators. We never believed bim guilty oi treason, and it wijl take more than the word of the Chronicle, and the Secretary of State eombined, to conviuce us oi the contrary,


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