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gytáü tm. Stop It fok Yoce owï Síke - Stop it for the Saks of those Intereat.-d in You. Stop thia disinclination to dischnrgü yoor duties, this weakness ot micd and body thise enervuting emissions, and total prostration of tlie urinary oigan ol your system. If it continue, it will render you blind, coofirm your impotency, reu der your couoh loathsome, and make of you a drivelling idiot, the pity of vour frieuds, and tlie impotent jostof wonien. Tako the " Cuerokke Core," a dim ple, refteUUle syrup, to re-strenpthm and cure you, which it will. Observe the directions that accompany it, and be again what nature made you- a man, possea sed ofall the faculties that pertain to man. tallfor tüe Cherokee Cure. Sold by all druggists. 4w978 lTsr73ÖTiöanr The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice Ihat sub scriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three years from August 15th, 1864, with simiann-al interest at the rate of seven and threetenths por cent. per annuni, - principal and interest both to be paid in lawful money . These notes will be convertible at the option of the holderat maturity, into air per cent. gold hearing bonds, payable not lesa than flve nor morethan twenty years frou their date, as the government may elect. They will be issued in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and$5,C00, and all subscriptions must be for fifty dollars or somo multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be .ransmitted lo the owners free of tracsportatiou charge as soon after the reeipt of the original Certificates of Deposit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons making deposiU suhsequent to tkat dattimuflt pay the interest accrued from dat f note to date of depoeit. Partiea depositing twenty-five thouaand dollars and upwards for tliose notes at any one time will be al lowed a commis-síon of one quarter of one per cent., which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon thereccipt of a bilí for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom tho deposit was made. No deductions for commis.iions must be made from the deposita. Special Advantages of this Loan. Itisa Natiosal Bask, offering higher interest than any other, and the best ucurity Any savings bank which pays its dopositors in U.S. Notes, considera that it is paying in the best circulating medium of tho couutry, and it cannot paytJin anything bctter, for ita own aaisetH arr either in government securities or in note or bondn payable in goTernment paper. Itisequally convoniont aa a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold for within a fraction of their freo and accumulateí interest, and are the best security with banks as collaterals for discounts. Convertible into a Six per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for three years, this1 privilege of conversión is now worth about three per cent. per annum, for Ihe current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than nineper cent. premium , and before the war the premium on six per ent. U S. stocks was over twenty per cent It will be Been that the actual profit on this loan, at the 1 present market rate, is not less than ten per cent per annum . i lts Exemption from State or Municipal Taxatie n. Butaside from all the advantageswe have enumera ted, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonda and Treasury notes from local taxation. On tbc average, this exemption is worth about two per cent. per annum, according to the rato of taxation in various partsof the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great inducementn to lenderfi as those isaued by the government. In ;ill other forms of indebtedness, the failh or abilitjof prívate partíes, or stock companies, or separate communittes, only, is pledged for payment, while tlie whole property of the country is held to secure the discharge of all the obliga tions of the United States. While the government offers the moet liberal terms for its Ioanst it bclieves Ihit the very strongest ap peal will be tothe loyalty and patriotism of the pople. Duplícate certifícate! will be issued for all doposits. The party depo.siting must rndorse upon the original certilicate the ilenomiuation of notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or payablo to oider. When bo eudorsed it muctbe left with the officer reeeiving the deposil, to be forwardcd to the Treasury Pppartment. SiinnurTiONs wii.i, nu BECEiVKD by the Troaurer of the United Stp,tes, at Washington, tho Fevcral Asaif-t ant Treasurrs and denignated lJppositaries, and by the Eirst National Bank of Ann Arbor. Mich And bv all National Bank which are depositarles of public money,and ALL RESPECTARLE BANKS ATD BANKERS througbout the country will gïvO further informitinn and aiford erery faclüty to tubscriberp. lOn-9.9 MICHIGAN CENTBAL BAILROAD. Puasenffei t fitins uuw lea ve retroil .Chicago, and the se veral Stations in ,a.s íollowi, : GOING WEST. Leave Hay Ex. Dext. Ac. Kvo. Kx. Nlght El Detroit. S.COi. M. 3.45 P. M. 6.0 I P. M 8.4SP. M Vpsilantl, 9.20 5.05 " 6.27 " 10.00 " Aiiu Arbov, 9.40 " 5.30 " 0.Í.0 " 10 L0 " Dexter, 10.05 P. M. 6. C0 " Ï.15 " ' Chelsea, J1.Ï0 " " 7.35 " " Ar. Chicago S 15 ■ " 5.S(U.M. 8.45 a. m. GOING EAST, Leavc. Ere. Ex. Dcx.Ac. Kight Ex. Day Ex, Chicago, C.COh.m. 10.00 P. M 6.30 A. M. Chulupa A.M. 7.46 .i. m. 4.05 p. m. Dexter, 5. 45 " 8.0, " 4 20 ' Aun Albor, 4 .20 A. M.' (i. 10 " 8,25 " 4.45 " Ypsilanti, 4.45 " 6.35 " 8 45 " 6.06 " Ar. Detroit, 6.10 " 8.00 " 10 00 " 6.30 " Tho Pay Express eaeh way is the Mail Train. Traint tlo not stop atstatious where figuro, areomittcil in the table. Trainsconnect at Detroit with the G rea t Western and Grand Trunl; RaUways"ol Canada, and the Petroitand Toledo, and Detroit and Mi'waukee Railroads. and Olevül-ind Stcamers. At tin Company's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago. Juliet and Lafayette, tliroufch tickets can be purchaáed toall the principal ei ties and towns in the United States and Cañadas. I.UXURIOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all nigut trains. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apnavntus upon all day traint - the best dust preventativein use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. ''["'O CONSUMPTIVES! Consuraptive suiïerers will rrceive f valunble prese riptinn for the cure of Consumptin, Asthma, Hronchitis. and all throat and I.ung alTectíons, (freo of chargy,) by iending their adriresa to Rbv. KDWARD A. WII.30N, 3m97ö W illiamaburg Kings County, New York. PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patiënt aud all otherB interrested will please take notice that ho will contin ue his visita at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during; 1864 and '65 aud at the oxpiration of which ho will dis continue bis visits and open an Inllrmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatraent of LaWg and Cliost dispases. DO YülT WISH T) BB CUREDÍ DR. BTJCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC P11XS cure, in lesB than 30days, the wor.-it cases of NKRVOUPNKSS, Ireipotoncy, Premature Decay, Semïna.1 Weakness, Insnnity, andallüninary, Sexuul and Nervous Aft'ections. no matter from what cause produced. Price, One Dollar per box. - Hert, post païd by iniil, on receipt of an order. One ïor will perfect the cure in most eaKes. Address JAMKSS. BUTLER, 3ui958 Genoial Agout, 42" Broadway, New York, Editok op argus: Dkab Pui;- With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will Bend, by return mail, toall who wishit (free), a Receipe, with full di rections for making and using a simple Vegetable lïalm, that will etfectuallv reraove, in ten days. Pimples, Blotches,Tan,Frecklea,andallImpuritiea of the Skin, leaving tbe saine aoft, clear, smooth and beauti ful. I will aUo mail free to tbose baving Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information tliat will enable their. to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Wbiakers, or a líoustacbe, in lesn than thirty days. AU applications answeied by return mail without charge. RospectfuIIy yourx, THOMAS F. CHAPJTAN", Cbemist, 3m66 831 Broadway, New York. A Cai-d to the Sufferhig. SWALLOW two or three hogsbeads of ( Buchu," ltTonic Bitters," ' Sarsaparilla," ' Neivous Antidotes' &c.j &c, &c., and after you are satisfied with the result, thea try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLTSH SPECTFIC PILLS- and be restorod to beulth and vigor in less than thirty days. - They are purely vegetable, pleasant lotake, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken-down and shuttered constitution. Oíd and young can take them wit li advantage. Imported and sold in the Unit e c States ouly by JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadw .y, New York. l3 Agent for 'the United States P. S.- A Box of the Pilis, securely packed; willhe mailed to aay address on reeeïpt of price, which is OXF, DOLI AR, post paid- moneï refunded by the Agent if eatire a.ti.sfaction ia not giveu. 3m966 AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWN Sï ITB FRUIT. So 8 ft good Physician by his tíuccessful WorkB. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREATANÜ CELKBRATKÜ PIIVSICIAN OF THE THROAT, LL'NGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Celebrated INDIAS HEBB DOCTOR! From South America, wil] be at his rooms, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th inst.,on the same date of and every subsequent mojjtji during 1802 and 18b3. A NE AT PAMl'HLET Of the life,study and etensive trarels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireone, free of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch. , aafollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, 21st. Adrián, Brackett H use, 22 d and 23d, Modk uk Kxamination. - Tlie Doctor discerns diseases bytljceyes. He, tkerefore, isks no queqtions nor req ures patients to explain Hvmptoms. Afflicted, come and have yuur symptoms and t,he lucatiou of your dis easee.tplained free of charge ., Á SPLEÑDÍDPIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Price ! ! VOSL'S new and improved PIANO surpasses anything now made fur GREAT DURABIL1ÏY ! Surpriaing richnesH and brilliancy of tone, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attention of the people of Ann Arbor is respectfully invited to an examinatiouof this beautiful instrument. J. HENRV WHITTEMORE, General Ap;cnt for the State, 179 Jefferson Vvenue Detroit. Miss K. C. Foster is my authorized agent for Ann Arbor. The VOSf.' TIANU tuay be een at her room lu the Exchango Block. Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BRADBURY'S New Scale Pianos In the Ascendant II! Seven first premiums awardcd ín four weekaoTer every competitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Renowned Pianist, says : They are tbe best anc most perfcel piano now ma'e, for thorough workmanRhip power, purity, richness, and equality , of tone they exctl. J.BENRY WHITTE11ORE, Gen. Agent for the State, 19 Jefferuon Avenue, Detroit. Miss E. C. Foster is my authorized Agent for Ann Arbor. Rooms ín Exclnmgc Block, SMITH'S NEW PRESCR1PT10N & DRCfi STORE ! Is tho place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, Writin-e: Paper, by tho Ream orless, and all otber articles in uur linn. 8tfF Especial attention to Compoundine flnd putting up PrescriptionH, at the mga of GOLD MORTAR,ExOhaege Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan JStf flf5-_ Profeaaonal calln protnptly attended to. 1Y9C0 100 City Lots for Sale. TËM OVAL! N". B. COLE, has removed bis STOCK of BOOTS & SHOES, tothe stovnof A. P. Mills &Co., on Main Street, where ho will be Riad to wait ou his olil cuütomers and the public generally. GIVE III H A CAIili ! TTOUSK AND I.OTS FOR SALE. The house and lote oceupied by Chas. Fisher. corner of Orlnans nn'l outh üntvereity Avenue The house is a lárice frame om-, and ís situated on two and a half lots. The whole to be sold at a bargaia CHAKtES FISHER. Ann Arbor, Scpt. 26, 18'4. 976w3. Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


Old News
Michigan Argus