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Mcclellan In The Army

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líov. A II. Quint, Chaplaiu of the 2J Massaohnsetta líegiman!, wriies as follows in the B.jbIüu (Joiip;re'':itonulist oí' &pt. lé'.h: "Ho.v s!i;il! we voto? Not the lie pub'.ijJns, for they will surely voto Cor their ouwdidates ; uot tho Djmocracj', for they wtll equtlly rcaJily support their moü aud platfonns; but thora is a class, ho, while approviug u part of tho policy of thu Admiiiisti-atioíi, yet. respect and loye the Democratie candidato. They huve sarv_-d uuder hi:n ia thé field, aud entertain still the aíiei-tion with wiiiüh lio inspired them. Thuy 'know bini to bü a brava aud able General. They feeí that he aebieved all that tho oL'Htacles thrown iu bis way bv designhig men at VVashingtou made possible ; tliut, had he been allowed, whilo ín his Peninsular cumpaign, the unrestraiued powsr now given tó Gruneral Graat, that eu:nraer would have w.tuessod glorious roaults. Aud they know also that ia his lust battle against superior forces ñushod with victory, he saved the National Cap i tal. They know that (alsehoods, suoh as are on record iu the report of the Committee on tho Gouduct of the War, sadly injured our caus;3. linpufetiöns of dialovaltv or iueflieienev thev scorn. Thoy soe that later campaigus b:tve justiü-jj triumphaiitly everv act of bis wliicb bas boen cnticised. The personal attaoká already begun in party pa pers and cauipaign documenta - mean, maliclous, and untrue - oniy strengthen their regard lor tboir belived Gcueral. Scores of ihousauds enteriaiu suoh feefings, If you want to aliénate theni, Reputiliean leaders, keep up your ulurs, dpare not your attucks. ''Tbe :irmy tluit lovos Cicneral MoClallan is not madu up of fouls, nor are you, wbo huvjs always stayed at home, any butler aoquainted with his military abiliiy ttan tbe uieu wbo served uuder him." "Thoso wbo deelared, whon hc was iu commaud, 'that thia man mu.--t bo orusbed,' bave only made him tho most formidiible aderaa-y to tbeir stay in power. Kee[) up this systjjm of abuse, aud hit ebaraoter will ouly eume out tbe brighter as a man, a Christian, and a soldier." "Of súcii men I ponfess mysolf to be one. What I wrote in tbis paper tbree years syfp, and stilt later whoa McClellan was removed, I have never eeased to büiieve. I tben thought him to bo tho best öenaral iu the servica. I tbink so still. 1 knew tbei) that be was true and loyal. Now I lairgh at the iuibecilo who hints the ejutrary. I thonght it was a sad mistake to remove him trom command. Two years' observatiou has pi oved it. I wrotu tben that he would bo haard of st the next Presideuüal eleotion. He will be."


Old News
Michigan Argus