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rpHE líOOTS AND THE LEAVES i A'. Vilil. be lur tte llv-a.i; - ol th Nrttiun. Biüls rxof. n. ar. xj-s-oxvíjs. Kl.Kl it.CTEll l'IIVSli'i K uf the TilKOtfijLUXüS, IlKAHÏjUV'KR AX1I XHK BJ.lfOl), Kuowu ullcviri tiit ootinfr1 as tlic I HiMlKATUll untuiait deíerb doctor 01 L82 Superior öu-eet, Cleveland, Ol,iu. Will vi.Mi the foUovrmg plaoee, vin a:'iuint.mi-..]v roí: i2, ïsosaud ïse l'rul K. ,). Lvuuscan bu cimsultod at thu Mlowin placesevery ñioutli, via: Detroit, Kussol Uouce, oach roonth, IStliacd 19th. An ArUur. Monitor Housu, eact monthÜOth. Jví&ob, Hrbfcard House, iacli iöajjth,21. Aill'iaa, Hracket Umsc, i'iu-li Djcntlj 2dsnu23d. Tuledu, ühio,Colliiis House. Ottöb moñtli 2-ltlj ".'jtl ;tiil 26tb . BiUsdale, Mfch. , Flïllsdnic Koosè, eaoh ïn.mtb 27ti Ciildwaifer, jMich., Suutheru Uicliigan Huuse, enmontii, astli. RTkhart , bHkljart lliti: ■ o, pacli ninntli , 20th. Sotatli Bcnd, Ind-, si. .).. II. . ol, cnch liioiub, 30. Laporti, Ijnl.,Too;G'iirJin Hi ise,.each month Sll. vvaoiiter, Uhio, Cranüüll iCxóluagu', eHcïi ïuuuth, 7t andöth. Mi nslic-Ul , tJliiii, liousi eacli rnoath. Oth an IG'.h. Mt. Vernon, Kenjuu Iloaso, cncli inoullj, lllli an 12th. N. W(lA, Öhio, Hollon Iiouse.each month, 13th ai l4th, l':iiiH'svl!c.o:i.). Ciiv, icNÜnii-iccicl' nionlli 4tli ULIVÍXAMI), (;IIIO. R15S11EK0K AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STEEKT Kttfft i'' i)v i ■ u ! ■ ' i nftare', oppiJSHc the Postofaoe I jöeaclrmoatlijlst, Sd,,5th, 6th, 15th.- Ollïee Uöurs ff.nn 9 A. M. to 12 M, i.nd ('rum 2 I'. M.'t 1 i'. M. OnSunciftj' from L to WA M.,aud 1 to 2 P.'m j6trM:iiuisstri{;t]y adhèred tí)-I ffiv(' such b;i!m L L:ivti nu strife, With untar;' Ox the Latl Of Üfe, Wi' I. b:n,i ;n v li-iii'ls I ni'vt-r slain, i.'or iiirt(jii lijm Locnso Iheirpuia. Me Ís a ph;:-iciani)id;cd,u-k( Cures. TIuj ïn-lian Ueru Doctor, R. J.LYONÖ, cures th; tollowiog corapiaintè In the most obstinate stages of tUeir oxirittTice, viz: Diseasc'.sui tWf Tlu-oat, Luugfi, Heart, I.iver, Storaach.Dropsy in tlu1 CbüSi , RUeumatism., Neuralgia, Fits, orFamöaickueRs.andallotheraerTOus't&rangetnoats. Also alldiseaiof the blood,acfa as.Scrofula, EryaipeLas, Cáncer , Fe ver dores, Leproey . aiid all ether conirfic&ted chronic complaintflh AUforms of female dilliculties attcudcd to with the h ppiest results. opea that no one will Jepair of a cure untiï tbey ha vu given the lmliíi,n líerb Doctor'a Medicines a fairand !'aithl';i I fcrial. i1 ï,.]Hiring tlie Poctor'i travls ÏB üirupe, West Indiea, .South America, and the United States, he has been the instrument in Üod's hand, to restore tohoaltli and vigor thouaands wïx were i(i ven up n ad pronounce! incurable by ihe mpst emhuT.t old sclioiil phy.sidans; nay, more, thouaruls Wno weré tm tfie verge of the grave, are now living mouujaenta to th ftdian Herb's Doctor' skill and successfuHreatmentjándare daily exclHún'ing: "Dlesjujü bettieday when ftrst e saw and partook of the EnvJian Herb Doctór's medicine." .uilV.ctory reforencesof cares will' be gladly and chcerluüy giveii w henevfr req uired, TheDoclor pledgea his word and honor, that lie will in no wi,stí,direQtl,v ui' indifc-ctly , induce or cause any invaliiï to tak e his laedieinu without tlie strougest probLbility of a cure. L(L"' Moe ; ' .vi'.nituation, which is eutirely different fi'om the facuHy. Dr. Iiyon professes to discern diaeases by the oye. Hi: therefore aï;s noquestiuns, nor rloeslie require patieatBtO explain symptoma. Cjillone and all, iml liav thesymptomü an i location of youxdÍMii--ri'xplainedf'rt'e (f charle. i! í? PíiQ poor fibk'H bo liberally considered. j8-Hofitonict'aldreas. box 2663. R. J. LYONS, M. I. Cleveland, Ohio.Nov. 25, 18G2 lyR80 i;-m i m ui il n ii i hu i ifcinifcti muim i ■■!..._ ■- .. tOZbiWHitfa' ■;'. O. BIjIS WouH takt' this inolhtx: of informing his old friends arnï pal ■ ■ ;' i;t': who miiy favov him with their ta%roiragè) tiiat ho has greutly enlarged his &ioek and Assortiment! and having adopted tho CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING &8ELLING is prepaiTil to sell Goods at ft OJEesOIXJCft"1 "fc!o 3rjCoeS3&f Uis stock con.sliit.siu iar ol the f oliowiug: ,gg AMERICAN AND OTHER felfe "+i TheCelebrateu v&dsl3P SETHÏHOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewehy Setts GOLD CriAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLEÜY ! Fazors, Slioars, Hcissorsaiul Rrnsbes, HOGERS l'LATKP WARE, tlie best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Slrings Sf Books for Instruments, of Güld, Silcer, Sltcl, and Platcd, wüh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having üillicult watches to fllt witli glfcjB can bc .iccomodatedj as my stocU is laige and complete , P. S. Particular attention to the 3F13E3 3P X:R I2XT Oopall kiutls oí fine Watches, such a8 Making and Setting new Jewels, - . Pinio7ist Seajfs, and Cilinders. Also CLOCKS, 5c TEWELHY neatly repaired and waraateil, at his old standeast side of M;iin títveet, C. BLISS. Ann rbor,Nov.25,1862 820ti GREAÏ.GREATEE GREATEST BAIiGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. g]859. In thÍ3Oity,areuowbeing, offeredat the OHEAP.CLOGK.WATCH, & j evg elry StoreTHESi(bertber.woulday tn tho. citizensol Ann Arbor i') particular, nnd the rest ol Waahtenaw Countv inirt-ncral, that hchosjuit ÍMPORFED DJRECTLY from EUROPK.o Tretnendous Stock of Watches! AU ofwhichho bindshimsolfto sell CHKAPEK than oan'bs bon'ghï New York City. I have also the CELÉBRATE!) AMEIVCAN WATCHES, wliich I wlll seïl ttr $35, Every Vv ateh warrantud to uerfürm well.ortlic raonoy .eiunded. ClocltK, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Fanc.j' GooiB. Gold Pens, MusicalInatrumoiJts aii'l dtx'iDge, Cutlnry, &c, and ;.Ji fact a varitity oí'cvery thinj; Udually kept y Juwelerscán be bough'tforthe next ninety dsyfi at vur O W N TRICES! Persons buying aiiythinj: at thia weli known estab iietimü nt enn rily ujuin gtting exactiy as represontpd, orthemonr-y rl"undt;d. Callearly and se cure the best bargainö evor oiï'fretl in thir City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We ar(ï preparrd to mako any repairs onfinu ur conk" men Watcbes, even tn inkingo er the entire watcb, it necBflyary. Repairin iC (Jiocke and .lew:!ry aft usual! A] so tbr1 mahnfffcturliifr ol RINGS, BROÖCHP, or auythin;: df-aired. froni '.:,t]i r)iQold on sbortnsttce. EnüraTii'2 in allits t nuchuiuxueuted witbneat a(;dS auddispütcb. J C. WATTS. mssoiiiiïo:i pjotiec', rjVIKFiR'.KJ' :■;! ]'!;, 'VnOP Í CO., Íbí dissoflícl -i.lani!.u, I'. I . ; ■;! .,,i -i ;ii. C. 4. Cliipiu tuid A. B. Wood .i;l il tll'u íliéáocounia uf tbc ín tn C A. Crt i . a. B. Wood V OtlAPiN, E. Wki.i.. A:ai Arbor.Jum; 24, 1863. Coiïai'inerslsiii, Tm IMii.-.-üXKI. t-iil.. i T.l Irite,, Jan. li', l.-ji j, !y the Hnii ttajue óf Cllapiu & Cu.,.-ui'1 ifiiiu(j the business of .toanufacturigprifltinir au I in-.ii. ,!v; ;,,,,[ i . C. CilAlMÏ, N.Cl.AHN, A..., A ' ..; . : : giotf BAN NEK" HAT STORE G O T O Beforeyou buy, Spring and Sumrucr stjles ol SÏIUW GOODS GENTS' Furnishing Goods, &c. ■Inn Arbor, April 20th, 1S64. Sn;OÖ3. EM13IRE BOOK STOEE! H.lving purcbasoa J. R. WEBSTER'S stock of Boois and StaUonery, I shall enáeavor to keep a constant üt scxiooii :oo:s, TEXT BOOKS! MEDICAL & LAW BW STANDARD AMD MISGSLLANEOUS WORKS, which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PKICE. Also ALBUMS, GOLD PENS-, SHEET MUSIC and a superior quality of CTAXtL F.AFE&Z andeverythingusnallykept in a well conducted Book ttore. Opposite Franklin House. G. W. SJVOVER. Ann Arbor, June, 1864. lj960 Rifle Facto r j! Beutier & Traver, [Succesf-ors to A. J. SutherlanJ,] Manufacturera of nd üealera in Guns, Pistola, Ammunition Flasks, Poncha Gamt - Bags, and Everjother article iu that Line. All kinds of done at the shortest notlce, anti intriebest manner a ful! assortmentalways kept onliami and nüulenrdcr iftB Shop corner Main and Washington -tn -i -ts. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 1362. . 873tf MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSÜKANCE CÜMPANY Kalamazooi ]NiEich.. ' Insures agaiust Loss oi Damagc by fr'ire or Iiightuing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Gunrantet Capital, by State Authority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kennedy, Marsii Giddings, A. P. Mills, Gko W. Snydek, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pre. T. P. Sheldon, Pr Geo. W. Snyder, Sec., A. P. Mills Tieas., H. E Hoyt Ati't Sec, S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. 040tf ]N"E"V FIRMü Q UNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE & EETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, GIGABS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, the undenlgncd, hep; lenvo to Inforra (he crriZENS OF ANH AKBOR nud , 1liut we havetUil duy i!tbliílifd a Tobacco and Ciftar bUMEtps iu tbis place, one d„ur Noith of the Vnmldin Block, Hain .tri:et, whcre we shull aln ays kec-n afull assortmeut of the best 4iiahlie.s of SMOKllVG & CIIEWLVG TOBACCO! as also a large andchoice selection of tbe beat urands of C I6AHS! PIPES, (Mcrsohauin, Brier and Rosewood,) C I G A H HOL DEHS3 INDIA RUBBER P0UCUI5S, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. sKi'";;'1" us ofulikiuis an"f ■■■'■ We shall icll all „f the above ni..i,ti,inc. arboles and mnny olin-rs wliich heloiiK to uur line oT Iradè -it the towest pqssible rale fnr cash. l'le.'ise callantl éSamiüe - X B.- Slgn-Sqow with eignr box, nik dnornortl: ol thrlianklin Mpok. orrxrr. j reyi.kk, Aun Arbor, M.iy 9,1. IJ'! .


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Michigan Argus