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Maryland Meanness

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- the fiukimoreaun snys; "John Cliappell, a colored boy, and Clinsiian Lightncr, o whife boy, were arrested on bundcy while pitchin cents, in a !ot near Green Mount Cemetery. The white boy wor diechnrwed, und the colorod boy corntnited to jai] - Sun. The reason Tor releasing the white boy, the Baltimore Patriot ave, is "that there h a law for committiHgr black offenders of the kind, but none for white ones.1" Such a law is not nianly enoiirrh to be called barbarons; its oniy proper dcipnation is mean. We do not wonder that deccr Marylanders ore nsbamed of t and others ltke it. How lonp will they nllow a few lazy, proud, self willed tloveholdern to lord it over them, and cover them and tlieir Stote with disgrace the world over? A. S. Reporter.05 Virginia, one of llie largest slave breeding Statep, pcems to have gone 6trong for atmexation . The vvhole result of the late election stands thus: For Covgress - Dcmocrats 14, WhigB I. For Senaie - Demócrata 21, Whigs 11. For Hovse.- Dcmocrats 79, Whigs 55. On Joint Ballot - Democratie mnjority, 34. His thooght by some, that os the dividing line hetween the two partios in this State is nlways more or less indistinct end 11 defined, the Whigs will not attempt to estabhsh a rigid pan y orgnnizntion ootfl the next Presidential cloction shall approach. IG Gov. VVright, of New York, has vetoeu the Canal appropriation bilí, and it was subsequently lost. The A bany Argus says tlmt this bill oppropriated the ascertaineo surplus revenue of the cañáis (S179.000,) afler complying, according to the languageof this net, with the plcdges and guaraní ies of the cetof 1842, nnd paying $200,000 to the general fimd, for tho preserva tion or complet on of unfinished portions of the Genesee Valley and Black River cariáis, for bringing nto use such works on the Enlarged Erie Caiml as the Canal Commiseioners shall decide will best to prooiote the inleresta of the state, and for the reconatructior. of certain locke, &c. &c. (tTA destrucive firo occurred in Boston on the 16th of May. Thirty or ibrty dwelling housea were consumed, and one hundred families were rendcred houseles. The lire ia tupposed to ha7e orignaled near a carpenter's shop, n-here some boys seven or eight years old u-ere cooking clams or oystera with shavings from the shop.The friends of Peoce in England are beginnini: to concéntrate public opinión againtt war by offering for signatures the following pledge- "We believe all Wor to be inconsistent with the Spirit and Precepts of the Gospel, and destruclive of the beet inieresta of Man." An exchange paper reckons, thnt according to the increase of our population for fifty j'cirs past the number of peopln in the United Slates one hundred years heuce'wiH be .'Í20 milüons. But the population of the pres ent twerity-ejght etates will not probably exceed half that number, in 1045, as thero are impassible liniits to the increase of human being8, os well as the multiplication of all other animáis. dCf The Bufialo Pilot admonishes the many thousands who are waiting to trv the cheap postage, that the newjaw takes eficct "f rom and after tlie flrst day of Ju]y next" - viz: the second day of July, and letters tnailed on the first wijl pay the oíd ratea of postnge. So look out! 0? Charles G. Hammond has been nppointed Collector at Detroit in place of Edward Brooks, resigned.Du. Franklin condemning the proprietjMJt requiring a property qua)ificat;on for the exercise of the riglit of the elective franchise, said, "I will put a case. - John Smith, owns a Jackass worth 300 dollars - he is then entitled to vote. Mis Jackass dies and he is then -disfranchised. Now was John Smith or was his Jackass the real voter?"Axn Arbor, May 23, 1815. The Wheat market stil] continúes without much varintion. 75 cents are oflercd this morning, but transactions are light. Wool has come in during the week with considerable briskncss. Buyers have purchased at all prices froni 21 to34cts., according to the quality. Most lost have been bought partly wilh cash, and partly with goods. These rates, we learn, are considerably higher than nre paid in Detroit, and are fuJly equal to those paid lor Wool in tliis village last season. Butler Ims fallen with the ncreased supply, and agood article brings but 9 or 10 cents. The weather has been quite oool, fires being necessary for comfort. But vegetation is forwnrd, and the whole " scape presentsn green and thrifty - anee.


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