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Meeting At Dexter

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On Thursday of last weck thcre was a large and entliusiastic meeting of the Deinocracy at Dexter. The meeting was addressed in the afI ternoon by Hon. üoiimix McGtELLAB, who spoke full two hours and a half, reviewing the poliey of tho administratiou. i It was an able effort, a clear exposure of the poaition of national affairs, appealing i to the reason, judgment, and conimon sense of his hearers. Ho disavowed all syinpathy with secession, pronounced the olainied right to secede an absurdity, and doclared for the preservatiou of the Union, in the langnago of Gen. McC'i.klLAN, " at all hazards." It was B speech to carry conviction to any who may still "hug tho delusivo phantoin" that Mr. Lincoln's administration either desires to restore, w e;ui restore the old Union. it wus listened to throughout with tlie closest attention. Hon. B. F. üka.nokr folíowcd with an able and telling speech, whieh stirred up his hearers, and created niuch good feelings, and great enthusiasm. Mn. GitAxaKn has been behind tho scènes, and apeales from the card. In the evening a large audienco convened at Costjellos' Hall, and listened to excellent speeches by Messrs. H. J Bkakes and R. E. Frazer. ïho meeting was presided over by Ilon. AV. A. Jones. JL3T The Democracy of Sharon had an enthnsiastic tiine on Saturday last In the forenoon a fine Hickory tree was raised at the center of the Town, fron the branches of which floated 84 smal red, white, and blue banners, one for eacl State, and upon whieh was run up a mag nificnt streamer bearing the name of Mc Clellah and Pendleton. As the flag went up, Wm. Sherwood, a wide-awake Democrat, under whose supervisión the pole was raised, gave the word, and three hearty cheers were given for our noble standard bearer. At 2 o'clock, P. M., a largo meeting had convened. Fine delegations came in from Bridgewater, Freedom, and Man chestcr. ïhe afternoon was rainy, anc the 'JL'owu House was densely packed while many stood arouud the door ani windows. Tho meeting was called to order by Hon. O. Hrn, and was addressed at length by Messrs. R. E. Frazer and B F. Gkanokk, of this city, and briefly by Messrs. E. F. Uhl and J. D. Pierce, of Ypailanti. Grangkr made some excellent but hard hits at hia old admirers in that part of tho county, hits well deserved, however. The meeting was a success. - In the trip to Sharon, Messrs. Granger, Fkazer, and ourself were indebted to Messrs. Samson Parkeb and Z. Chipman, of Lima, and J. J. Robison and H. Blackman, of Sharon, and their ladies, for the bounteous hospitalities which our Democratie fricuds in every ncighborhood seem ready to shower upon all laborera iu the good cause. J53T Ilon. O. M. Barnes, of Ingham County, addressed the Democratie Association of this city, at the Court House, on Tuesday evening, making one of the best and most effective speeches we hare heard thia year. He dealt in no denunciation, in no clap-trap declamation, and in no blackguardism, - the staple of so many Republican speakers. He dealt with the policy of Mr. Lincoln, held up to view tho conserpiences which had followed his first eleetion, and provcd, from llepublican authority, that he had usurped legislative functions, and was not safely to be trusted with a new lease of power. He also showed calmly and caudidly, and we think conclusively, that Mr. Lincoln's policy had been such, and was likely to be such, that while he might conquer the South, he could uot restore the Union ; and that in finally destroying the liberties of the Southern people by subjugating them, ho would destroy the liberties of the whole nation. It was the kind of a speech to set men to thinking, and we were glad to notice many Itepublicans in the audience. J53ST Messrs. E. C, Seaman and E, F. ïïm, spoke at Saltnu on Wednesday eveuing. The Demócrata were out ia goodly numbers, and showed a detennination to persevere in this good work.


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