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RËG1STRATI0N JVOT1CB - - NOTICE is hereby gir.n Hat the Boards of Reiristr tion lor the severul War.] ..f the City of In ■ Arbor, will bsiu BesbfOB i Friday $ Saiurdar, ISiov. -Uh ■ Wi, 18C4 cornmoncinpr at 8 o'clnck, A. Sf., and closini? t o'clock, P. H.,at the followlng places ! lst Ward- at the office of James I!. Gott. 'tl " " " Store of liisrton & HeudersOD. 3d " " '' Shop of George W. Smith. 4th " ' " l-'íi-tímen's Hall. 5th " " " Store of A, M. Dotj-, for the purpose of eorrectlng aai eomplatfag the Ba istrationof Uiequaliliad electora uf said Wiinls Á persons who will ut the ensuinjr (ieneral election to b ueld un tl,e 8t)i doy of Nnretobor net, ba ent w-d t vote prcvinioiw of Section 1 , Ariiclc VII the Conatituttan , slmuH register their narnes. By order oí the dry1 Board of Registraron. . - „ JAMRS B. GOTT, Ghtbmaa. J. S. HKHDKSSOir, Sccretary. A.jn Arbor, Ortober ITtli, ISK4 Q Fashion Magazine of the World. IJTKRATURK, H.NE AKTS, AND FASHIOXS The i'ñ'í'i.rí'í01'' Sle' e"evmS. DOUBLÉ FAS1Iiu. J,Alr.M. Vood engraviags on eveiy subiect that can , In.lies. Crochet knittlng, Netting, En "Ijery, Articlea for the Toilet, for the l'allor the BouQoir, and the Kitcusn. Everything, in fact to The Ladies' Favorito for 35 Years. NoeaSpTii'.119 Wn aWe "' C"""lel - GODEY'S RECEIPTS d,aTams:Otlage1 [■"■ Migazínegive t !„,], with DKAWING j.ESSONS FOR THE YOÜXC. Another specuilty with Uodey. " 0BIGI: MUSIC WOT 3 year. Otter Mag. 2.nea puWish old wofn ut fflnsic ; the stbscribèri to Oudey get it before the music stores. Gardening for lidies. Anoth-ir iwculiaiitr with Godey. J Fashion 8 from Mossrs. A.T. Ftew.'irt .t Oo. of New ïork, ihe millionaire merchants, aj.prar to l.'.idey, the only Magazine that has them . Also.Fashionsfiom the oelebnted Brodie of Xow York. ' Ladies1 Uonnets. We give move of tucni in a v,-ar thananyother Magazine. In faet, the Lady's ii.H.k enables every to be her own bonnl t Mier. MARIÓN HARLAND, Authorcsi of ■' Alone,'1 " Hiddm Path," " Moss Sidt " "Nemtsis,'' and "Miriam," ' wr!tesfor(;,),ley each mnnth, and for no other magazmc. We have also retnined all our old and favorite contributtirs. TERMS O!1 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOK 1865, (From which there can be no Deviatiot.) Thcfollowingnre "ie teims o[ the Lady's Book for ISon. At present, we will receive subscribcrs at the folknrfag ra tes. Due notice will be eivcn if we are 'gHüadvauce.which wj A%jaaj ul„)n the jce Onecopy.uneyear $3 ro Tira copies , one year s or) Three coiiii-s, one year ....JMÜ" V 50 Four copies, one year .....".' 1U00 Kive copies, one yenr, and an extra oop't the person sending the club, inaking six ,..c;'lli('s-: 1-100 fcight copies, one year, and an extra cepy to the person sending the club, making nino copiis 21 00 Eleven copies, one year, and an eitrftoQpv' tó the person sending the club, makinx twelve coPilis 27 50 Additions to any of the abore clubs. $2 50 eacluubsenber, Co.loy's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine will be sent, each one year. on receipto'f $4 50 We have ue club witb any other Magazine or Nowpaper. Chib" ""'""''' mUSt a" bo stnt "t one iime for n7 Canada subscriberuniust isnd 24 cents dditional for each subscriber. Addresa Jj. A. GODEY, JV. E. Corner Sivh and Chestvul Slrteli, 9791 f PHILAVELPHIA. Side-Walk Notice- State Street. City of An Arbor, Recordek's Office, Oct. lSHh, 1804. ) State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss. To David Sperry, El Annis, and Mrs. Mary Maynard : You and each of you are hereby notified, that the Comraon Cotmcil of the City of Atm Arbor, has ordered the Side-walk on the West sido of State Street between Huron and liowery Streets, to bê graded and planked; tliat sncli srde walk is to be constructed fonr feet wide of pine plank two inches thick and spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, onder tho superintendenee of the Street Comniissioner and Supervisor of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards of said city ; and that you are about to bo assessed to piy the expenses of grading and ptsnklng such tide-walk in front of or afljaeent to certain premises in said city, owned or occiipied by you respectively, and that a report and assessment roll has been made out in the premises and is now on file in tliis office for inspection, and that the Common Cotmcil of said city will meet al the C'ouncil Boom in said city, on Monday, November Tth, A. D., 1804, at 8 oVlock, 1'. M., to review such assessment roll on the request of any persou considering himself aggrieved tliereby ; and you are hereby fuither notili d, that the party is allowed tliirty days from the time of the service of this ootice upon him, withii which to make such grading and side-walk under the superintendenee of the Street Cominissioner and Supervi or of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards of aid city, and that If such side-walk shall within that 'time have beeu so constructed to the satisfaction of such snperintendeiits, no expenses of proceedings to collect such assessment sliall be ncurred by the peí son so const meting the same; but if any part of said side-walk shall not be constructed within said time the premises so aaspssed for the constructiou thereof will be sold or leased for the shortest term of years at which any person will take the sanie and [jay the tax assesscd thereon for constructing such side-walk, with the interest amlall costa and charges thereon. By order ui the C'ommon Council. C A. CIIAP1N, Recorder. Side-Walk Notice-ITorth StreetT" L Citt of Ank Arbor, 1 Rkcobdjeh's Offick, Oct. l'Jth, 1864. ) State of Michigan, Couuty of AYaslitenaTT, ss. To non-resident ownera of lots bounded North h North Street, East by State Street, South and West bf Bower's addition: You are hereby notified that the Jommon Council of the City of Ann Arbor, lías ordered the Side-walk on the South eide of iorth Street, to be graded and phinked; thnt suh side-walk is to be eonfctrueted four feet wide of pine plank two tliiek and spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, uoder the 3uperintendence of the Street Com'issio'er and Supervisor of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Wards of gnid city , and that you are about to be assessed to piy the expenses of grading and planking such jide walk ir front of or adjacent to certain premises in said city, owned or occupied by you respectively, and that a report and assessment roll has been made out m the proiniscs and is now on file in this office for inupection, and that the Comnon Ciiuricil of suid city -x] meet at the Jouneil Room in said city on Monday Nov. 7th A. D. 1804, at 8 o'elock P. M., to review such assessmiTit roll, on the mjmst of any jerson eontideriag himsolf iiggriev'd theieby ; And you are beceby further notiiied, that .he party is allowed thirty days from the 'ime of the service of Ihis notice upon him, within wliieh to make such grading and iie-walk, under the superintendenee of the 3treet Oommissioner and Supervisor of the Third, Fourth &Fifth Wards of said city. and hat if such side walk shall within that time lave been so construeted, to the satisfnetion of such superintendents, no expense of pro ceedings to collect such assessments, shall be ncurrod hy ihe person so construct ing the ame, but if any pnrt of sueh si wal 1? shall ïot be construct, d within eaid time, tlie ircmisc3 so tssessed for ths construction hereof will be sold or leased for the shortest ,erm of years at which any person will take the same and pay the tax assessed thereon for constructing s-ieh side walk with the interest and all costs and eharjtés tlif-rcon. By ordfr of the Common Council, C. A. CBUP15, Rtoordt. MATRIMONIAL,! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN f yon wish to inarry, Mresa the uoderUnm nill end you without money and without i,r, nuble Information that will cnable yon to MarrT h nd peedily, irrospertivc f age, weiiltn ,,, b,í?I'í This information will c.Mt jon Dothing, an.) f „ ':' to niariy, I will eheerfullj you An i trictly conSdential. The d.KÍred lní.rmtl,5" return mail, and no queiüonn xnked, addreM ' Sarah B. Ijmiiiít, Greenpoint, Kimrj r. 2m979 NEW YÓRI. NEY FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICE3. C. H. MILLEN Ii dow opening a NEW STOCK of Domettii onii FÜR MY GOOI! AMO FAMILY GROCERIES, bought jiDire the recrat decline fn GOU) 1,1,. . at cousiderable ' ' lieduction from Former Pnces! theTauöoV.1"1 milC """ "" Ann Arbor, Sept. 1864. C' H' Wlf pAKI'CTS,0I(;iotl,5 and Hou.e FarnishinuG,,,,.. O a jood stock at "'' 870 .'. H. MILLENü. TO THE I.ADIES -A ,tock of elegant D,T Qítil Shawls and Cloak, for tbe fall trade no. ,,„' r THE GENTLEMEN ._A fine .tock ofCtak, rLwed ai""' nd Gt""B r"m5hio8 G,d,,jal 97fi C. H. Mtl.I.EN-S. THTNEWlTÖIlE! ' - II III FALL & WINTER STYLES! BATS, CAPS MD FiS, AI.?O LADIES' MI' (ÊtlLDffi'SMlS, Umbrellas, Parasol?, Canes, For Cash! Aan AsnoR, Heptemhrr, 1WTbe Bubícrlber has junt npestd n eotirfïil'1' Dsatuftl tocl in the aboveline, at the store ful"' ly occupied by A. P. MILLS & CO., MíikStbii',"4 ríspectfully inTites the atttntion of th Citii'"' Ajk Akbor axv TiriMTT to Iiis etock, whMi1'" their Fall and Winter Pelection in thl lin. " long eipeuence n the buainees, and mj rnii""'' New Voik, enables me to raake my selections ■ü'"1 frora the MANUFACTURER?, and to gire Htii''11' both in STYI.KS AXI) PRICK8. My stock ib'11'1' ways contain the I.ATEST AND MOST DES1Ha!lI TYLES OF GOODS, dijcct írom New York. Cali and examine before making your purcb11''1' OTRorlU-KTo iíüow ; E. L. LAVVRENCK tore formrrly occupied b A. I'. Mili fo. '"_ 0 E M 0 V A L ! 1ST. B. COJLE, ÍS rrmoved liis STOCK nf BOOTS $ SHOES, the store -f A. P. UÜla&Co.ton Main Stn-et. h'r 1 wi!I be ffla-J to wait un hU oM customern K1 lD mblir genera My . GIVE Hin A CAIíIíJ _, LAST CALÍ! "TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN." All persons udebted to the late Sito of .= Wn' ILLEU, eitbf r by nte or bo..k accmii't, are í"".;t tii'sttd tocall mu] make an mmeillte j.iv".D ' e-Kiime. and th-Kr who lo complr f1' '"' ñ ■ - at lliHcndof SIXTV DAYS fn m !"■ , nd th. =r. ,',., „„t.. i,, tl, e ln.n ol ; íl-' '"' ' cti-n. ,nn Arbw, Octobti loth, IM, !"


Old News
Michigan Argus