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Tíík City Mmco, was vi6ted by n terrible eanhquuke on the 12th uit. Immense damage waa rione to ihe buildings, Sec. The Siglo of theday following say: We wcrc by clionce upon dio great square ai the lime, :ind wo witucsaed a spectaele not ealy lorgotten. ín an UUnt ihe multiiude, but n niomcru previous tranquil and lisilesa weru upon thcir knees, praying to ihe Almighty and coi.nt ing with anxiety the shocl which tlireaiened to conven tlie rnost beaúliful ciiy in the New World iruo a vast theatre of tuine. The chaina öurrounding the pórtico wcre violently aguated; ihe flag6 of the p'avément yawncd open. tlic trees bont frightfuüy, ihe build ngs md loíiy edifices oscillatcd to and fYo: thc imniense arrow which crowns ihe summit of thecnthedral vibrated wiih astonishing rnpidity. At 5'i minutes past 3 the movcmeitt liad cciscd. It is iniposaiblc yet to nscertain tbe extent oí destruction. Not a honse or a dor bul l)tars the niarks of tliis terrible cnlamity. Mnny ol them are cracked and gready injured. otliers nre tottering, nnd others entirely fallen; San Lorenzo, La Misericordia Tompeate, Zapo and Victoria 6treets nnd the Grand stree have particular!? suffered. '1 he aquedicte were broken inscvenl places. The biidge of Tozontlale was deniolished. The hospital of Siini Lazarus ia in ruins, and the churches of San Lorenzo ond San Fcrdinand greatly injured. The inagnificent chapeJ of Saint Teresa no longcr exista. At tho first ehock tlie cupalo. a building of astonishing strength and great beauty feil, and was soon followedby thc vault bencath ihe mbernacle itself. Fortunately all those in acburoh eo much frequented, succcedcd in escapinz. At eight o'clock last cvr.ning. beventcen persons had been taken from the ruina of oihtr buildings and car lied to thc Hoepital. A "bior gun" has been manufacturcd in Liverpool, England, for ihe Princeton, to tnke the place of the exploded one. So we have to go to England lo pet made the big guns with which we intend to bully the Bri;Í3h. Will not they make some for ttiemeelves, and in their turn Buil y us]


Signal of Liberty
Old News