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$}fmi potte SlIEROKEE (JUKE! Sto It fob Yocr ow.n Sake - Sim' it por theSakh of tlinse Interested ia You. fftup lliis tlisincliuution to disuhurrt your duties, tjiiftiyeaimenn oí mini and body tin hg citervating einissiona, anl tutül proctratjoü ol tl" urinnry organs ol vour syHem. If it continue, it wili render you blind, confirm yoar iuipotency, ren der your couch Joathflome, and mako vf yon a drivellinff Idiot, tliti pity of your friend.-, and the imputeut jsl of wiimeu. 'fake the " Cuekokkk Cikk," u nm plr vegetable syrup, to re-a treufc' tin n and cure you, wlnch it will. Oiwerv the irectjons th:it uccompan; it, and be ag;iin wbat nature made you - a man, pointes dl uf all the facuUies that pertain tb man. Cali fur the Cuvrokeu Curu. Sold by 11 drufigisU. 4wy7Ü llOHItJM CENTRAL IAIÜ8APÍ Pés&vngei t rain.s ii ow ] f,i ve I'etroit .('hicayo.Ktld the 46r$raJt%tifUDjta thisl'ounty ,un CaUown : (ÍOING WEST; I.eave Duy Ux. Dext. Ac. Eve. Kx. Night Ex tj.00 A. ï. Ö.45 v. M. 5.00 f. M 8 45 f. M Vpsihuiti, 'J.'JU " 5.05 " 6.27 " 10.UO ' Mn Arbor, 9.40 " 5..10 " 6.. r0 " 10 '.'0 " Deiter, lo.os'i-. m. 6.C0 " .15 " ' Chclsea, 11.20 " " 7.3f " - - ■ Ar. Chicajo S 15 " " 5.;10j.m. S.4S i. x . GOING EAST. I.HK. Eve. tl. Dex.Ac. N'ightKx. gt; El, l'bii'll;'f)t 6.00 Y. M. 10.00 1'. MÍÍ.oOa. M. ('helsea, a. m. 7.45 a. m. 4.05 r. m Deiter. 5.45 " 8.0 " 4 20 " Ann Arbor, 4.20 a. M. 6.10 " 8.Ü5 " 4.4,-) " Vpsilanti, 4.45 " 6.;!5 " 8 45 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.10 " 8.00 " 10 00 " 6.30 " The Day Express each way is the Mail Train. Traitu do not i top at ritatiouu where ñgureaarwttmit d in the table. Trainscimnei-tat I)„tioit witti thiroit Western anil Graml Trunk Rallwaji ..f Cunad, an.l tlie Detroit and Toledo, aad Detroit anti Milwankeu HailroaiU, am] CleveUmd .Steamcrs. At thE Companj'8 Ticket Office at Detroit, Chicago, Juliut and l.afajelte, tlironh tickets can by purcliae(ï al! tlieprincipalcitien umi toWna in Iho Uuitüd dtÁta tncl Cañadas, LDXÜHIOÜS SLGGP1NG CAES upon all nightirain. Kuttan'fi celebratt-d Vcntilatini; Apoaratus upjjn alt laj trains - the best dnst preventatirein use. R N. K1CE. General Superintendent. 'T'O CONSUMPTIVES! Coiuumptlve sufTerers will rcoeive ri raluable ireseription for the cure of ('i)n.sumpti"n, Asthraa, Bronchitis, an.l all tliroat anil l.unj; affectioos, (free of charge,) by tendf g their addresa Ui Kkv. EDWAHD A. WII.S0N, m976 Williamslmrg, Kmgs Cciunty, New York, Ga t'KOF. It. J. J.YON'S' l'atients aud all otlier nterreated will plèasetake notice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at the expirationof which he willdiscontinue Ijis tisits and ópen an Infirmary at ClevelaDd, )hio, tor the treatment of Lung aDd Chest diseasea. DO YOU W1SH TO B CURED1 DR. BUCHAN'S ÍNGUSB Sl'ECIFIC l'Il.I.Scuri'. in less than 30days, he worst cases of N'ERVOtJSNESS, Impotency, Premaure Decay, Seminal Weakness, ïnsanity, and all Uninary, Sexual aud Nervous Affectious, no matter from what cause pro-luced. l'rice, One Dollar per box. - :er.t, post paid. by mail, on receipt of an order. One iox will perfect the cure in most cases. Address JAMES S. BUTI.EK, ra966 Oeneral Agent, 427 Broadway, New York. FniT'iK op Argits; DkakSik;- Wlth yiur permission I wish to aay to he readers of your liiiper that 1 will send. by return mail, toall who wisli it (fre), a Receipe, with full di ectioos for inakin' and using a simple Vegetable ialm, that will etTectiialh' remove, in ten days, Pimiles, lïlotclies,Tan, Kreckles, and all Impurities of the ■-kin. leaving the same soft, olear, smooth and beauti. ii 1. I will atso mail free to tho.e havin? BaM Heads, or Vire Faces, simple directions uid information that vill enable tlieia to start a full growth of Luxuriant luir, tt'hiskers, or a Moustache, in less than thirty lays. All applications answeied by return mail without harKe. Rtíípectfully yours . TrTUMAS F. f'HAPMAN', Ch.-mist, 3iu'6( 831 Broadivay, New York. A Carel to tlie Suffering. QWAl.l.OW to or three hogsjieads of " Buchu," O " Tonic Bitters," ' Sarsaparilla," '-Neirous Antidtftes," &c, &c, &c, and after you are satistied ' with the result. then try one box of OLD IX)CTOR ' BUCHAN'S ENG1.ISH Sl'ECIFIC P1LLS- and bê retored to health and vigor in less than thirty days. - 'hey are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt nd salutary in their eftects on the brokendown and hattered constitution. Old and youog can take them vith advantage. Imported and sold in the l'nitet? States oiily bv JAMES S. BUTI.E1Í, No. 4J7 Broadw .y, New York. 5 Agent for the United States. l'.S- ABoxof the l'ills, securely packed,. will hu lailed to any address on receipt of price, which is XE DOI.1AR, post paid - money refumled by the gent if entire satisfaction is not giveu. 3m966 AGOOD TREE 18 KNQWÍÍ SY iTSfBurr. So is a goúú Physïcian by his Successïul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THSOKEAT AND CELÉBRATE!) PHYSICIAN OF THK THKOAT, LUN'GS AND CI1EST, Known all over the countrj as the Clebratel IND1AN HEBB DOCTOR! rrom bouth America, will beat lliw rooms, UOL'SE, DKTBOlt, OnthelSth and 19th inst.,on the same dato of and very subsequeat month during 1802 and 1863 A XE.1T I'AMPHLET Of the life,tudy and exteusive travels of Dr. I.yon an be procured by all whodesireone, free of eh&rge. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, Jacksou.and Adrián, 'Itch.,asfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Hrackett H use,22dand 23d. M.)i)K or ExAMi.YATloi.- The Doctor discerns diseauan ytkeeyes. He, therefore.asks no queitions nor r. lires patients to explain symptoms. Afllictcd, come ndhave your symptoms and the location of your disaseexplained free of charge Á SPLENDID PIANO FORTE ! For a Moderate Price ! I VOSKS uow Aud improvfd PIAO urpassei &Dything Huw made for GREAÏ DURABIL1TY! Surpríaíug ríchnesa and brilliancy of tune, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attention of the eople of Ann Arbor is respectfully inriteü to an exminatiou of thia beautiful instrument. J. HENKV WIIITTEMORE, General Agent for the State, 171) Jefferson Vrenue Detroit. Miss E. C. Koster is my authorired agent for Ann Arbor. The VOSE PIANO 'may be seen at her tooms n the Excbange Block, Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM, B. BRADBURY'S New Scale Pianos In the Ascendnnt II! Seven first premiums awarded in four weeks oTer every competitor. GOTTSCHALK, the Kenowned Pianist, says : They are the best a tic inost perfect piano now mat'e, for thorough worknianshi j, poirtr, purity, ricbnes., aud eijuality , oï tone tliey txcel. i: HENUY WIIITTEMORE, (in. Agent for the State, 179 .leifyrson Avenue, Detroit. Miss E. Ci Koster fa my nuthorized Agent for Ann Arbnr. JioumK In Kxcliango Ulock. PRESGB1PT10N & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writina Paper, by the lieun orless, aml all other articlcs in our liue. ■ tt-it' ECspecfail attention to oniponndiim and pirtfing Up l'nwriti.ns. at tlie lgn .f GjOLD MOKÏAK.Kxcnange fflock, Ann Arbör, HIchiganlGÜ' tjf?. l'ruft's.sonal calis prcuaptly attfnded to. 1Y960 100 City Lots for Sale. IJ 0ÜSË A.VÍ) I.OTd h'OR SALE. 'lli house aud totl occupitd by Chas, Kishor, corner if Orlfanf and Otttfa L'nivci sity Avenue. The house is lurgt1 frani on, aod is situated n two and a half lots. The wlioh1 to be sold at a rtrLin c i.vhis fishfr. Aon Arbor, Pfpi 26, leC4. 9T6wa.


Old News
Michigan Argus