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DYSPEPSIA, ANII DIítEASES RESUL TINO F ROM disorders of the livee and digestive;.organs, AKK CUUED l;Y HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING. These lliltcrs have performcd more Cures HAVE AND DU GIVEIiETTER SATISFACTION Ilavi moro TYstlmony ï HAVE MOJiE RESPECTABLE PEOPLK TO VOUCH FOR THEM ! Than any utlier article a the raarket. We det'y auy one to contradict this Assertion, AD WILL PAY $IOOO To mi y oiio who 1! produce ít Cértlfieaie piibllabed by us, thatis rnt UK-VClMi. HOOFLAP'S GERMÁN BITTERS i WU.h CURE IK EVERY CASK OF Chronic ox Nervous Debi.ity, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising fiom disordeied Stomach. Obstrtt th( folloiring syviptoms resvhing front Dlaordert of tte Vigeuíive Orgnns t Constlpatton.Inward Piles, Kullmn of lilood to the ïh:h, Aciclity, of thü ïUoinuch , N;m.soa, IletLilburn. Disgust for lood, FullnesH or weiglit in the Stomiveh Sour Kructutioiih, Sinking or Huttering at tbc pit of Hip stöniiinli, Swiuiininy of tb Head, Hur ije-i ;ui'l 'lilli.enlt brui t hing. KI ui frii-K ;it the Heartv0hokmg or SulW:iting Seuhati'itis wben in a I.ying l'o.sture, Dimnens of Vision, Hots or Wébs before the ffight, Fener anil Dull Vnn in the fïeal, peii-lieney of l'respiration, YeUoWaess ofth Skin vnd Eye, pain in the siie, hack, chest,liinbs, A:e.,.Suldcn flushes of Haat, Unrninij ia tin Flesh, Coinitunt lniagiuings of Kvil and Greut Depression of Spirits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALCÏOHOLIO, CONTAINS NÜ RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BI.T In the World. ÖT RE AD WHO SAYs SO : Fromtlie Ber. I.uvi 0. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Uliurc)], ,. J orulorly of t)ie .Vortb liautistCliurcli, Philadelpliia. Ihaveknown Hootlan.i'i Germán Bitters l'avorably for a numkr oí jegr. 1 have use.l them in my own ramfl)-, and have been o pli-ased witb their effuct tliat I nasiuilucedtc. recoinnien.l tlicni to Oiany others inil know that they hare operated in a atrikingly beneiiciiil marnier. 1 take great pleaaiire in Ihus publ cly proslainiing tuis ract, and ealling tlis attention of those fflioted Wlth the diaeaws for wiich tliey are recommended, to these bitters, knowlng from eiperience that rny reconimeinUtiou will besuStalned. I do this more cheerfully as lïoolland'ri lïitters ím ntended tu benefit the afllicted, and is 'not a rum drink." Yours truly, l.EVI ü. BECK. h'rom-Rcv. J. Newton BrowD, I). D. fcdttorof theEncylopedla of Religloiu Kuowledge and (,'biistian Chronisle, Phlladelphl. jllthough not disposed tofavor or recoinluond Patent Medicine in Kencrathrongh distrust of tbeir incre iientsandetl"cts,I}-et know of no suffieieut reasona ivhy a man maynot teatiry to tlia benefit he believes liimselfto have received from any simple preparation ,n th-i hope that he inay thuscoitribute to the beuotit jfotherw. Ido this more readily in regard to Hootland' Cerman Bitters, prepare,! by Dr. C. 11. Jackson, of this :ity, because ] was prejudiced aainst them for manv , fear, underthe impression thal they vera chielly .in ilcliohnlic milture. lam n.lebted to ray frii-nd . Rob ?rt áhoijmaker, Esq., for the reiuoval of "this prejudice t'ï proper tests, and for to try them wnen ttutTering fromgreai and long continued debility The use of three bottles ot these bitters at the begin' nmg of the' present year, was fnlluvred by evident relief and restoration tu a degree of liodily and mental Tiuor which I had not for sii irlonths before, and liitd alniost lespalred of regaiutng. 1 thetefofe thank Uod and my friend for directing iie to the use tst them J. SfEWlON BROWX, TUÁ From the ReT, Jos. H. Kennard , l'astor of the lOth Rau tist Chmch. Dr. .Tackson : - Deur Sir: - I hare been frequeutly requested to connect my name with coTnmendations of different kinds of medicines, but rfgarding the piactice as out of my appropriate spliere, 1 have in all cases declined ; but with a clearproojC in various instances and particular ly in my fnmily,of the usefullness of f)r Hootland's Gei man Bitters, I depart for once trom my usual course, to express my f uil cunviction that, for general debility of the system and especially for Liver Oompïaint', it is a safe and valunble preparation. In soine case it may lail ; but usually, I doult not,it will be very beneüeial to those who surter from tho above cause. YourB, verj respectfully, J. H. KEN'NARI), Eigjjth bolow Coates Street, Phi'la. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germautown, Penn. rr. C M. Jaekson :- Dear Sir : - Personal eiperienee enables me to say that I regard the Germán Bitter prepared by you as a inostexcel ent medicine. In case of evere OOld and general detíility I have beon greattr benflfited by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not the; will produce similar ellect ou others. Yours, trulj, WARREN RAKDOLPH. Oermantowu, Pa From Rer. J, IL Turner, Paitor of Hedding M. E Church Phü. Dr. Jaekson -Dear Sïr .- Having used your Germán Bittora in my family frequently , 1 am prep&red to ay that It bas beeu of great service; I belieo thtt In most cases cf general debitity of the system it u tlie aatest and most raluftblo remody of which 1 haTt) auy knowiedge. Yourijrospoctfully, J. n. , N'o. 7-'O X. Nint'teeuth Street. From tho Rer. J. M. I.yons. formerly Paitor #f thu Co lumbui, (N. J.) amlMHlatowu, (Pa.) BptiitChurchej Nevr Rochelle, N. Y. Dr.C. M. Jackson :- DcarSir:- 1 feit it a pleaauru tlms,..f my own accord to bear to.-timony to tho ecïl. lenee of the Gorman Bitters. Some years fiinec, bwing much afllicted with Pyspepsm.I uaed the witl) Tfrry beneficial results. I have of ten recommemjed Wem tö persons eafeebled by that torinenting disease. and have heard from them the most Üattering testimonial! as to thi'ir grft value. In oasea f jteueral debility , 1 bntiöTe it to be atouic thutau ml besurpasned. ). M l.VÜXS. Krom the lleT. ISioa. WiüWr, l'aslíír. üt Roiborounh Bapfiat Church. Dr. Jackson ■ - Dear Sir ; -T feel itdu.o tp. your excf 1leut preparalu4 Jtcortand'ítíitrman, HtUcri, to add my tentisjonv to uliif dsserjed reuutation it kH obtalom). I have forceara, at times, fcfocL tuubled witb grot dion'wr il] ujjr headand nervoiia yte. l rm adrid oy Wend totrya bifttle of your Genaan ü I did 50 and have expericneed great and unexpecWd re lief; my health has been very materially benefitted. I emlïdentl.v ri-c.u:iu.i.-Bd the article w ere I meet ifith cas.-ssiiinhir to mv own. and haie bern atsór'd by many of tlir gijl rti, ... ks. Rfspectfully youra, T. WINTER, ioxtorough Pa. l'r.Mi ,!i-v, . s. Hepnan, "f tho Cernían Iteforined ('biirrh. Klttïitowrf, Berks fu Pa, Dr. O.M. laoKson :- KespiTted .ir .- I b'aTp bien tvOHhJed rtli Ivsiu'i.iii rifarly twnty yeais. ;Vhl,i Lave liever use.l any mcdipiiic tli:it dif m us loiieb c.s"'i :i HooHand's lütters. 1 am very much ii,u,proved in liealth after havinp tnkcn five bntllc'5 Vours, with respect, i Sè.flRMAN, PBIOEg, Ijirge Si.e, ího)di:ig nfarly (tuhK. )MUntïiy,Ji tl 01 per luittle- tialfiloz. S0. Small Sizc- 7i ceuts per Uuttlc- half dozen ti O, BEWARE OF COUNTEKifSlTS. Sec. that the signatiire of " C. M. JACKSÖNl' is on the VU.ri'i:i! ofeaoh bottle. Slipuld vuur uranst UniKsrist noj have thcarticle, do not be nut olí by iutox'catinir préparafiona that ma v be otTereil in its plu re, but send to u.= ,and WO will forward, ecuffily pased,by eipress. Pt'incipul Office nl Manufactory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHTA. Jones & Evans. ISucccssors to C. Jackson Sf Go., PROPRIETORS. For aiilehy.nruggistaaad Dealers ii) cycry tmvn " the U.lited States. MSyJ Buffalo Testimony. tuk PTT D V Cl"- )'KO1'1.F.'S VUlilli Rbeoniitlnn. ! wag'tTOubled vith ribeiiiriutUni fur iy ,,.flri miffcring more..r 1,-ss ew,y ,lnv. I lllT taken In bottlosof thc'FeapJe ('ure and ]inve not luid aar pain sinrs I lcft il o(l more tlian four'ekj ao. 't c nsider myselfae eutixelj cured. aed the mediciu Iim miiiii' me fee] ver.v lijdt nnd good- 'jügt lik young man thoogh 1 ib sixty Uu veors 'old COlll'JlKY.'aiKITiil.oa'MinhiganSt." "My wife luis been suffn-ins [Rliei n nti.-n. r-f uu iillammutoiy charictcr fnr boot si.x or KtvMi mtl sometimos very acuti-ly. Abutti tl, f fint of June' Int 8hecomnieuce4UkinJr.ili 'People'n Cine.' nd continuad i., táke .; .„.„„■ tin weel. In ten da ft r ibe commencad, Ui. Kwelling and atiflheii of lier lointi very imte-rially lewsned, and „ thrco evk. had disappeared altopetlier. R ,r i "'"J"J,'Aii ''"IIorK, („tW.II. Ulem.y'i.) "Hulfnln, October 1, ISo".! " ,T--s CURE r.L'L„. ''"" "' .ii,t. ,,ft ,(.m alllictcd witll badFerer Sore. tl, .er irlth RheUDiatlsm-ÈMlnf seen th.'.ve,tiseii,.,i,t of 11,e 'People' Cure' il, t!,i paper, i„ix),,l the Medicine, nnd i,,iv, after haring il,.., .1,,.,-lily trisa il, report to as,c.nmiihding it it heartfly la a thorough reniedy In tlieir case EdiUr. Christinn Advocate. TUK T'T) 17 OufM Disea.i PEÖPLE'S ly U 1 tJii „f the Skin. 'Mv tace has fur nioré than tCB ycars boon-Matly disflguied l.y mil.lM.nsiiml I, in, il, ,.s , w],t), ot timo m tended dim njy hule 1, .:,„, onee forti re. dmti """l" blind : but baring taken t bottl cil the 'IV.)]. ]■;' j,,y acquaintMnces lia'dly rg. ogniM me- Indesd I hardly kno a I nm now a woll ,, .-,,,. Lilall wbi. „ro llke afflietrd try tl,. ■V,-„v,- Cnte.-lbe ífedi!neprPard l,v tl.e S.nit.ry Socicty-uud I tl.oy 11 not bl'griujge 4ol;wU CURE títf.BSí Tlmtè unía the 'People's Cure' in mv fa rally with great beneflt, 'n mwi of SwofuU and Balt Klitum ua have recoramended it l'n .j mul 1 v t" my f -ieniis, al! of wboni I bellere liave been üenelitted. and moat of tbm sntirely cuiert ly it. CIIAS.SOIIAPKF, 273 Main St., up-stairs." l'l'.Ol LK'S OUKTj Wéakaetrai "I have been in f.-eOle henltli ever since the birth of my boy, lio is n.. twelve y,;,rs oíd. I have had many tr..ubles arfd iilli„lln „, all tl,is time, unnttinj me for e very kiiul ,,f labor, nd .iftMroying all my comfort, Last suinmer I neuend taking the 'l'eople'i BUrsi'.and have used leur l.ottles, anii iim now anell loman. My .lifliculUes havenearlv 11 dip. peand,Kiidi feel clieeitiil and happy. "MliS. CATHAKi.N'E DKWAI.D, PreBsniaker, (qodell Allev, ,t. "MnlTalo.Uct. 20, lr,-2." I'I-.OF]..;'S _j U Itlli medicines fail Mv yrité has been in poor bealtb.for a lon tim. liavmg frequvntly tu culi a phvsiciau to nttend but Ibe was recent ly very mu, h worse. F..r five or sii week si, e bad no áppetite, bist all her streng tb, and waseach ilay ïiouini; wnr-e, Sbe bad niglit eti cuich.-.l a great deal duuing each night an. considera' 1)1 y rtirrrng il,e lay, and we all iopposed she was Roinir ■ir win, tl,r -oii,imiition, when u friend advised her to take the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the medicine ihe perceived a change ad once. Onthetblrd daysli. had recovered her appetite. and was faxt réntalas hr itrenjith. until, on tbr Vigblh day, not yet haring taken .,,„■ bottW, s],e has etoppéd taHng the medicin. ïayinj; she was as wellas anybodr conld b, nd ih. nab contmued so ever pince. ..x! ir , r "''AUI' KLEÍN, Gardner, 82 Pearl tt. "BulTalo, October 1, 18C2. Kor Sale l.y all Drugglata. 900,, C. CROSBY, (ienera! Agent, No. 255 Mam st., Buffalo .. 1 ., to whom all orders ihould be addmued. For gsleby Sxa J8 Wiuo.v, Qwariu.1 & Fi-lii imd C. EB8RBJCH & Co. WONDEKFTJL SUCCESS. tftf The attentli.n and re.iearch of tbe most ilii. tingulshed Chemists and Physicians for years haT to tbe prodnetion of a remedy for th(!e mostdlstreeaing mata-lies Neuralgia and Rmiumííiíim, After long study ;ui.l inanv experimenta, a tpicijts ireparativn has l.e.n .liscnvireí . WAtSOÏTS Neuralgia King, an Internat lievttdy.y dring Ihousauds of cans ivhereall otherremedies have utterly failed. We ar. Issuredthatit is no niero " ANODYNE," relieving for the nn.nioïit wltiifthe canse remains, but is a porftex SPEClFlC'and CORE for those ] .ainful diseases. Th. vaat lui nifcev of l.iniiaents, Fmbrocalions and Kxternal Medicines, wbich act as stimulants of the surface only :irMiu-rel.ytcinpori.iy in their etlects and of doubtfui nrtiie The NKl'üALGIA KIN"(i reaches tho source uf ill tronble, and ellectuallv banishes the disvase from Ihtrsystem. l'rice- Une Dollar per Bottle. Trepared by C. K. WAÏ.KKR, 1 J922 bóBaio, N. Y., and Fort Krie, C. W. For Sale by .Stkuülss S; WilSón, CüKSYlLLKk FL11 und C . í:he1;iiach & Cu. Manhootl: How Lost. How Kestored. JCBT rUBl.l#IIED,a new edition (,f Dr. Culrer. Well'a Celebra tert Essay.m the riulital cure (without medicine) oí or Sminal Weakness, Involnntary Seminal, lmpotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimonts to Marriape, etc. ; alo Consuraptlon, Koilepir and Fits, induce.l by belt' iiululgence or sexual extr. ga nc e. l'rice, in naealiKl envelopf, onlv f cent?. Th.' celébrate.! autl.or ,11 Ifift admirable essay clárly demonstrates, tri in u thirty years succcssliil uraotice, that the atacmiog consequenee of helt abu may be radically eurei without tbedancerous useofintrnal medicine ui the a],plication or the knife- pointin outa mode ot cure, at once simple, cortain and0etual, by nieiuu of which crery sulTeriT, no nillut wbM hiscoii.lition may be, may cure biini.lf clieapli prÍTatelytan.l radical!;. fl. This I.ectnre should be in thu hand uf it youthandeverv nmn in tht-lxnd. ' ij-nt, under weal, in Ajiluin envelope, toany addr.o post-paid, on rsceiptof six tent, or Iito utaiaua, aL? üress thf publiiheri. CHAS.J. C. KLINK CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Poat otïice bvx 46S6, S(,Tt WIZ.ARD oIlT jftV gê 'Ir f A JH THIS'-IfLENDID REMEDY CURES S TÜOTJIACITE S3 NFIRALOIA O In ïhree MinutiS. In Ttn Minutpi. EwüSSvÖÏÏi ■ KARACHK " Ir liite Minutes. V1 "ïou Uputt. , CBA-Ht CO-LIO ÊlPTHKlll" In Ten Minutes. In a ew {purs. ■30KK TMROAT ' '■ KUEUMATISII. tn a t-w Huura. I a Few Da-yiL 1.AMKHACK. iü'Il.VXS. CUTS ANDHIiyiSKS. IIUH.VSasu SCil.US. GOENS. CUILB1.A1NS. Tl, is inval, preparauor ptn,ly needs a trial lo rcc.oininend iUvlf to cvery houeehold in the land. t'sc One bottle and y..u wiil aiways ket-p it un hand ayainst th.ï time of ni cl. Price 8.")irnts and 5 con.t ppr bottl?. Tlic larife bottl-3 qantaln nearlv tim.s-R muchas the mail mi'. M:i,iuf;,rtu,.-.l bjf 1. A. 1IAML1N HIK)., 1W Wasliinaiiii siri.t, Uhicauo, aud for lalt by drujrgists generally. „„ . , , V Vuiler, r'inch t Kuiler Í ,. fc-_ Wholcalc $ 13: - Ij01.,, l Plllith [ Cluoajro. CAMRiqfotbe encloaure "f the Subscribir on th 1011] of An.mi.-t. 1864, ii iniyeRED C0V, IV or 14 yeVr ,1(1, soine w Ii ii on the hoy. The owner in reitm-slcil to iini c ]no[xrty, pay churges, an-1 takp i&id Clow w n v. S. BENIIAM. .win iVrW, Sept.Stii, lr,4. 6wlí73. , - ... I .■ . pAKKN UP! CnmPiiito tlu .■n,:l.,,; ..f tb.' snh.i-ril.i-r on th Utli day ot Aueusl. a I!KI nnd WHITE COW'. -mail size.l. 4 hr "l years ol.l. (,'iv,. a sni.ll lil.'S Of milk.- The iiwitcf is requested t-l prove proprrty . py cfal rgft ■ui.l í ike tbe Cow awav. (. ÏUMCIIÜKY. I,odi,?epl.7lh, 1SC1. tiw'JW


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