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nPIÍE I.ÍOOTS AND THE LEAVE X "W'U.L be fur thu Uettlitg of the Nations. llible. THEGREAÏ AND CEI.EBBATED PHÏSIC1AB of th TliUOAT.LUXGS, IiISAlif, ÍAVKR ANO TUE BLOOD Knowu all over (.lie country as tlie CELEHRATKD i3Nrxji.asr herb doctor Ot 282 Soporte Street, Cleveland, ühio. Will visil the following place, v2 APPOI.N'TMKXTiS ÍOU 1862, 1863and 1864. Prof. R. J. I.vona can be consulted at the Eollowin placesevery inonth, viz: Hi'troit, Ruasel House, each month, 18tha?id 19tli. Ann Albir, Monitor House, each month, 20th. Jackson, Ilibbard House, oach inouth, 2L, Adrián, Uracket House, each month 22dnd33d. Toledo, Oho,Colllns House 'each inonth, 34th,S5th andSOth. Ilillsdalo, Stlih'. , HilIsdaleHouso, each mouth,27t! Coldwater, lich. , Southei-u Michigan ilouse, eae moiiüi, 28th. Elklmrt, Klkhart House, each month, 20th. South Beud, Ind., St. Jo. Uo'el, each month, 30. aporte', lud., Tee (arden Hl ise, each month 31nt. Wooatei-,Ohio,CrandellExchmgo, each month, 7t andgth. Mansfield, Oliio, yiler each month, 9th anc lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon, tach month, llth anc tath. N'ewark, Ohio, Holton Oouse, each month, 13th an tuk, Painesville.Ohio, CowlesHoune.each month, 4th CLEVELAND, OHIO, RESIDENOE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET ' Kast of the public square, opposite the Poatoflico Office day.-i eacli month, lst, 3d, 4th, ."ith, Gth, 15th. - Oilice lioiii-s froin 9 A. M. tó 1 M, and f rom 2 1'. M. t 4 P. M. UnSunday from 9 to 10 A. Jlaud 1 to 2 P. II 4jjrMaxiia.-..-.u -íuüy adbered to-1 giye sucli balmas have no fitrife, WitU aatuie or the Iaw.s oí life, Wüb uluodmy ]i;i:kLs I never stain, Nor poison men toeane tbeirpain. fíe is a physician indeed ,who Cures. Tb e Irilian Ilerb Doctor, R. J. LYONS, cures the fol lbwing compiaintsinthe mowt obstinate stages of tliei existeneo, viz: DiHCiises of the Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Stom ach , l'ropsy in the Clicst, Rheuinatism, Neuralgia, Fits or FalliuSickueKs,and all o t lier nerYousderangements Also alldiseiisesof the blOod, .such as Serolula, Krysip elas, Cancersj Fever Sores, Leprosy, and all othor com plicated cltroniccomplaintH. VlU'ormá of female diliiculties attended to with th h$piiien,t results. Jt is Ijo'ped that no ono will le.-pair of a CTire unti tlifv Ha Te gï ven the India n Ilevb loctor;s Mediciues a fiiir andfaithful trial. During the Doctor'i trav ds iu Earnpe, West Indirs, South America, umi th lTnited State,,he has been the instrument in God' hand, to restore to health and vigor thousands who were gíven up aad pronounced incurable by the most emin'entold school physicians; nay, more, thounands who were on the verge of the grave, are now living moüuments to the Indian Herb's Doctor's skill and nuccessful treatment ,andare daily exclaimiog: "Blessed be theday when first we saw and partook of the ludían Herb Doctor'a medicine." Satisfactory referencesof cures will be gladly and chet'rfully given whenever required, The Doctor pledges his word and honor, that he will in no wise,lirectly or indirectly ,induce or cause any invalid to take his medicine without Ihe Btrongest probabilíty of acure. ï@- Mode of esamination, whichis entirely different from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professea to disceru by the eye. He therefurc asks noquestions, nor doeshe require pntientto explain symptoms. ('alione and all, ind have the.symptoinii und location of your diseaseoxplained f re e of charge. ï"Tlu peprfihaH belibenilly considered. jfti-Po.stomceaddrebS, box '2G6'. R. J. LYONS, M. r. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 18G2 lyS80 O. 33 JLj X JEJ S3 Would take this method ofinforming liis old friendtt and patrons and all others who may favor him with their patronage, tliathe has greatly enlarged his Stock and Assortmeut ! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BUYING & SELUNG is prepared to Bell Goods at ügrlOAiaiOas. a.1 ■fcXO ]pi-ioo( His stock consista in par oí the fohowing: AMERICAN AND OTÜER In Watches I üsH? 'S -v! The Ceiebratd SETIITIÍOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CEIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CÜTLËRY ! Bazors, Shears, Scissorsaml Brushe8t ROGKRS PLATED WARE, the bestin market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, I'Al'ER anii ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Bookg for Instruments , SPBCTAOZjES, r. r G?fri Siloer, Steel, and Plaicd,tüith PERfOPICGLASS, a superior article. Persons haring difficult watclies to fit with glasfies een be accomodated, as my stock is large and complete, P. S. Particular attentiott to tbe of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Piniom, Staffs, and Cilinders. Alio CLOCKS, Sc TE-WELIEt-Sr neatly repaired and Varranted, at. his old stande&Bt side of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann rbor,NoY. 25,1862 826tl GREAÏ.GKEATER GREATEST BAIiGAINS EVER OFFERED 1859. p,1859, I n thi3 City , are now being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATOH, & je'welry StoiOTHF.SubscriberwoukUay to thecitiiensot Ann Arbor.ln particular, and tho reet of Washlenaw Cnunty inaenernl, thnt hehaajust ÏMPORI'ED DlRECTLY from EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All ofwhlchhfl bindahimsolftosell CHliAPr.Rtban canboboughtwestof New York City. I bave alao the CELE BR ATE D AMERfCAN WATCHES, whlchl wlll en ttr $35. Every Watch wnrranted to Derform well.orthe moncy retundcd. v Clocks, Jewelry, FlatedWore, Fanc. Goods, Gold Pen, Muiicallnstrumenta and Stringt, Cutlery, &c, and 'n f act a variety üf every th ing uaually kept iy Jewe Iers can be boughtfortne next ninety days at vour OWN F RICES! Persons buying nnything at this well known estabüshme utcan rcly upongetting good exaut'y as reprcsented, orthemoney rei'undcd. CaJlearly Hnd secure the best bargain eyer oft'ered in thi City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are preparad to raake any repairs onflne or com' moa NVfltches, even to mdkingo er the entlre watch, if nercessary. Repairing of Clocka and Jewelry as nsual. Alsotbe mamifacturing ot RINGS, BROOCH3, or aaything des tred, from California Gold onshortnotlce. Encravinein allitsbrauchesexcented witbneat. dbii auddispatch. J C. WATTS. JMssolutioii JNotice, rnHETIRM OF0HAP1N, WuOP k CO., was dissolved J-Jauuíiry 13, 186o, b}' mutual consent. C. A. Chapín an-1 A. U. Wood will scttle theaccounts of the firm. C. A. OaOff, A. B. Wood, V. CnAi'l.v, E. ffnu. Ana Arbor, June 24, 1863. Copartnershïp. TTE ÜXDERP1GNED entered into partnership Jan. li, 18'53, by the iirm name f Chapia k Co.,andl wil) continue the business of manufatturing printing nul vrapping paper. C. A Cubrís, N.CiiAi'iN, V. Ckat. Aon Ar)or,, "me 34,1863 UK


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Michigan Argus