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m. A. noovs Philosophical Theonj and practtce of Penmanskip, in threeparts, eachpart in Four Books. HMHlS jystem is now in use in Bangor, AuJL guata and Portland, Mc, Boston, Mass., Providenoè and Newport, R. I., New Haven, Conn., New York, Albany. Rochesier and Hui" fnlo, N. Y., Philadtlphia, Baltimore, Wnshington. Richaion'). Petersburg, Norolk, Cfuirlcston nnd Colmnbia, S. C, Augusta, Ga.. Mobile, New Urlcans, &c. I: ha9 also been lateiy introduced into the Public Sehools of Detroit. It is sysiematic, philosophicni and economieal. TeacherB nrc invited to cali and examino. Fot m'c at MOSELEYS BOOKSTORR. Muy 27. 213-tl Ready ÏVIadc Olothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. TfIE largct nnd beat ossortmem of ready made clothing ever belore offered in thit Simo, now on hnnd and for eoc, Whulcsilc or Reuii I, at the Cluihing Emporiuni of the Sub scriberg, consisiing in part of Fine broadcluih Frock aud Dress Coate. Tweed and union cassimeru, eatinetaiid jean Frock and Businesa Cüals. Summer Coats in great varieiy and very cheap. Caseiniere, cloih, tweed and summer Pahts ol all atyles and prices. Saiin, velvet, edk, valencia, cashmcre and Marseilles Veáis - u largc stock of ncli anii la&li lonable siylcs. Also, au extensive assortment of Ifosicry, Stocks, Scarls. Handkeichief. Collais, Shlití, Gloves. Graváis, Suspenderá. &c. Sc, all ..I which will be oíd low forat.A They wuöld reapcctfuljy invite all, in want of retidy made {■arments, to cali and examine their stock before purchnsjing elaewheraj as it has btíeh selecied wiih caie in the Easicru mnrket and manufacturad i.i the iatest styles and mosi durablomanncr. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Corner of Jeflerson fc Woodward avenues. Deiroii, April 4, lH4o.Osgood's Cholagogitc. WK liavc just recetved a supply oí thia vnlunb!e medicina and shnll rake care nol to le out of u agnin. MAYNAÍID3, Agcnts. May 15. Id45. 2l3i3w Q{ KECÍS of White Leud in üil, 500 lüs. Ovl Ditlo, dry, fur sale cheap for ensh. MAYNARDS. May 15. SIS-Sw 30.000 Pounds WOOX, WAKTBDTHE Subscnbcrs will p;iy C';isii inr Woól, ai tlioir Store, io. lltí Jtlférson Avenue- Groot cure slioald bo laken by Wool-Growe.f ■ n clcansing iheir Wool, and piittihg it u;j fur inarkut. JNlaiiy Knrmers are in ihe hubil o1 clipping tlieir Woo! wiiliuüt waslu'ng, wltich rendera it uumerchfintable. Lei it be well washcd. and rolled as light as pouible, inside uut, aud faítened wífh a strong cord. 'J'hose huving Woul to sell wil! consult tlicii intciost liy cuUiiig on us bciore selling. NEW GOODS. WK nrc now recciving uur Spring stock oí , GooJs, which wu oflr íüir Cnh or iuce, ut ilic very lowcst mn.-kiv prices. S.MITH. GLOVEIt&DWrGHT. ) Detroit, May, ltT45. 2l.'}-tfPaper Haiigings, B0RDKK1NG, U'jiidow Popara, Kire Bonrd í'apws. tfcc. will be eolil at verv fow prices !y V. A. HA V. MONO. Dciroit, May ID, I84Í. 313-6'mos■■ H wt B i Bi 199 BV 9 BI ; YHP S's'-'-ihers are now receivl.n direct frotn (New Yol k and Boston, a full assortment of Goods, Dry Goods, Groccrics, Crockery, Bonnets Hnts, Acamong wliich are the fuÜowiág articlés : BROAD CLOTHS, Blue, Black, and Gray of differeDt qualnios and prices. CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, i m!dCïrkers'"V VÍXd ÍU'Íped and fWÏ of 8" alíties PRINTS, 130 pieces of all qualities and of the latest styles; Blue, Oraiige, Pink, Mourning and Fancy patterns. SÜMMER CLOTHS, Of different kinds, suitable for the season. Also an excellent article of Kentucky .lean GLOVES.' Ladies i ancJMisses Black, White, Cotton, Kid and 8ilk Oloves, Gcnitiemen's Gloves of various kinds. HOSIERY. Ladies' White, Gray, Black and mixed Cotton Hosetientiemeus cotton and woolen Hose and Socks. SHEETÍNGS AND SHIRTINGS, Bleached and Brown, of various prices. LACES. ' Jnconet, M,ill, Book and figured Muslins, Bishop'g Lawn, Insertions and Edgin.'s? PLINEN. Finelrisli lmen, table linen and diaper; linen towels SHAWLS. ticfe ShaWlï' bOrderCd DC LaÍnC: Embro5dercd, and plain, a beautiful arRIBBOiNS, For Bonnetí, Caps and Dresses of ihe latest fashipn LEGHORN HATS. Atesxorr Gentleiiien' & p---BONNETS. Florence Bonnets, of different styles; &lo Siravv Bonnet and n.hpr kinds lor and Misse?, n good aiprlment Alo f V h ïft en and Colton Handkcrci.iefis Cotton win R , ' l ' Lm" Checks, i.ckmgs of variora u.d-hs,,, DriIJinparas'oí;Pc.HAI1DWARE. All the nrljftlWin ihis .lepartment us,,ally k,.pl may ))c foun, at tI of the bubscriber, „mor which arcSpadcs, Forks.Sl.óvek A,e. Fi ei &c The öubscnbcre is!, lo ,ii9!ose of the precedió lot of Goods and of u But they vvould cspeciallly invile the aitcnlion of woo3L anowERs mên?ofJiliOn' 'heS'0Ck berr 'n:nüon';d' !lyhave a valuable assortDOMESTIC CLOTHS UH Iu74l:e"lian?e fr WOül " 'er"1S "S faVorablc' a3 bo cbAn„Arl,nr,r,o,vorTo,vn, M., W1 FSR & CO.Pcople í'roni íhe Country VISiTNG Deiroir. ;'or ihe purclinse o( Dry Goods, Pnjier fiangíngs, or FeniUars, while guitig the round to ascerroin the vnriuus siyles or pnces of Gooda in i(jo ciiy, aro ícquest (1 to cali ar W. A. Kayinond's Store, Xo. 148, JeiYersjn Avenue, boing ne door above Bales St nnd Dezt door lo [lie 'Vlnnliai'an Siore." The undcrsigncd Jias takin n greál deal of pnins m seiecimg Iiis goodö to :ct racJjinnnble eiylt's ftrid deotra()le qunliticá nnd he s oonfident ihaihis assorimeni i)ariicirar!y of such ijoods ís hie derrubie for ilie country trádej isas complete as nnv in (he ciiy. He has nn hand Ginghams, Baraiines, Ijiwns, Musim do Lkioes, Calicóes oi" cvrry Mulla, Laces. tsy'e ldginBs, lililDiia, l'arusnls, Sh.iAis. Dresü HandkfHluc.'ê CrovJifS, yutHÍs,Veils, bloves. Flosicrjr, Brawi ,tn eiis. 1 Irfichecl Lirtens. Talle covers, 'IV lelilí" Sinriiiiüe, Slieeiingsi Gtuntirics, lHusli',a, b)rk", blue black int! f.ncy dn as Siiks, Bfn Sks', Linen Coiubtic Handkcrcliiels. ALSÓ, rihOAD'ci.OTHS, CA88UIEirt, RATTXETTf:, VESTINGS, TULL CLOTHS, MOLBSKINB, DRILLIXr.S, 11L.1CK .VD FANCY CRAVATS, And iiifltetl. nlmoet cvcry nrticlc fH!onyr to ihe Dry Goods buwtfcas. il -fWliich i ) Ie sold at Af crry ivtctsC rètts, for C.isli. dñl .ni I sce for yoiirse!vcá--iitno are eiccil it Imy if tlu'V do nul fin j priccs full as Kw, if o ttUtè luicer thau clsowhcrc. W. A. RAYAIOVO. Drifon, Wy 2:i, t45. 213-fimo Travëïïiïg Bakct5ü, " LADIF.S' C.irpt't Bjys. irnwnnd CWn Bnra, for sale by W. A. HAY. MOM")." lAtroit. Muy i 9, !845. 213 -linio ISOLOMOiVS TEMPLE Tl'AS the wonder of .i,e wor]d. but L-. üned J'S lllilt P PratIS ?■ M" i líese Pi Je luve proved of the createst value " rin coanierwÜDé the influence „f diwn bv' SS5ÈS íí18'"' Í-h"g'"the biS.' a5ï cold JS hcadno!,Kl indigestión, dyspepsi.i.'jaundice, ne.vous and ch.l fever,, depresaion' of 8 -hoy w, I be feÜnd d.rcclv cnlctUatod to tJH& ante of the , Hl.ced. Tbo high dcgtoL coL virkües ol tho different vWe priacU plM cmpng tl.ese püla, cnalvk ilwn to.oiftr ta intf public a meriicir.c the be ad&ií fer femily use, ahd possnsstr.i' in eveïjr respect sperkr odvnntages. Thesu Pül8 wHtbe found uiild but ef. lectunl in the; opcraii.oïL Scverol Onjinent pfcjsieiarw, wko re vrif acqmnied, the fiict of the5e Piffs, onJ eoni oí tlicni bavms usetf tlcu e.ttnsivey in their practico for fm) ycftis. have kindly offewdf 'heir unmes, "rectxnmcndifjíí them os a valiKibl 'uedicinc. among are the tbDbfrteg: O. LA KR! MOR E. M. l). Niics, Mich. S. -R THAYKR, M. D. Kaiamazoo, " S. K. mmLINGGAMK, M. D. Cnlhoun. J Ti;NNICLIFF M D. Jackwui. M.cli. , S. W. SMEAD, M. D. Wnsh. Co. DANIEL MEEKER, M. D. U-,porr i, íírnnJ Hiver havin.q hecome naviaahle Zor smnH craff, ns Oir smnh as iny 'Pili 'faciory. I II suj.ply the inhaliiutnts üf the Grand Rjvpr V;illc}', and tlic Western Country genexatiy. wilh Acdk Pii.i.s t -25 cents per box. oud Itfa B.fers at 5D ctH. per bottle, No. l, emiat to any, sxcopi m ihe price. Fir unie by Recktey. Foitfj fe C... V. S. &. . U. Maynard, G. Grcnville, and by iho princii[- droffcsis ihrotigho'm ihe State. IOw-210cesc Feathvi'9. TIR Subscriher has iilwayg mi hand n good nï of Ge. Rï Pwtlhen which he Will srll n qiinniitirs lo suii purolw.tir8 and at the lowest narhnt re (o. W. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, Mr,v 2.1 te4íx 2!-3Gma. Flc$h ofbead Auímal. TUK Subs-TÜwn; will buy nt a tnir price (hefliíh of Animnls (hal die of dleeaee. which issiiitablí for iinkiii' Kup, nt thrir factory, 2V miles west oí Ann ArW on th" flrron. s w: fostwv co. May 6; 1645. íu


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