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MICHIGAN CENTKAL RAILROAD. Passengei traína oow toare Letroit.Chicago,und tlit severalátatiousin thiffUunnt; ,arfoil?wti : tírOING WEST. I.eave Day Kx. Di'xt. Ac. Ere. Es. Xijjli t Kx Dflruit. S.JO a. m. 3.45 J'. Ji. 6.00 e. x 8 -16 r. Ypnllanti, 9.Ü0 " 5.05 " 6.27 " 10.00 " Ann Arbor, a. 40 " 5.S0 O.fiO " 10 20 " Dcxter, 10.00 p. ii. 6. CO " ".15 " ' Chelnea, 11.20 " " 7.35 " - - " Ai-. Chicago 8 15 " " 5.80 a. x. Í.45 j. a. GOING EAS'l', I.eave. Kve. Ex. Del. Ao. N'ight Ex. Pay Ex, Chicago, O.COi'. m. 10.00 r. m 0.30 a. m. eiielSMi, i.M. 7.44 a. M. 4.05 l-.if. IJoxU-r,' 5 45 " 8 0 " 4.20 " Ano Arbor, 4 .SU i. a. ,6.10 " 8.-5 " 4.45 " Ypsllanti, 4.J5 " B.?.5 " 8 45 !' 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, ti. 10 " S.OJ " 1000 " 6.30 " Tíic (iiy Expresa eacb wuy s the Mail Tnüu. Traint do not itop at stations whert ngure;-.areoniiitcilin tlio table. Traína eonnect si D.-tioit willi theGreat Westemaud (irruid 'i'runk üailw :i s ol rimada, and the Detroit und Toledo, and Detroit aml Mllwaukee Hailroad. and Cleveland Rtoamera At tht Company'.s Ticket Ollices at Detroit, Chic-Ago, .Tuli'-t nnd J . ; t f ; 1 1 . ! le, tluotiüli tickets can bu purchased toall the jtrinoiiial oiÚca and tuwns int lio United í-tatrs and (' . fcCTORIODá SLEEPINO CARS upon all niglit traína. Kuttun'a celeUrated Veniilating Apnaiatus upon all day trains- the beat dut preventativo ín use. R X. RICE. General Superintendent. ryO CONSUMPTIVES! Consutuptive suffe rorn will reeelvo . valuable proscriptinn for iho cure o f Consumption, Ast luna , Broiich.tU. aa&ftll throat and I.ung atfections, (free of cliurgo,) by íeuiliny their ft(iflrcns ín Rbv. t,I)WAUí A. WIION, 3ni975 W illiamsburx Kinga County, New Vork. 43" PBOF. 11. LYONS1 Patients aud all others iuterresteü will pleayo take Dotice that he will contin ue tus visiU at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, durinf? 1864 and '65 and at thu expirutionof which Uo will discontinuo liis TiHita and openan Inflrmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of Lung aud Clieat dineases. DO YOU WIH TO BE CITREDÍ DR. BUCHAN'S ENGIJSn Sl'KCIKIC PTIJ-S cure, in leas than 30days, the w-ort cases of XKRVOUSNKS, LtDpdtftDcy, Prpniature l)cc;t, Seminal U'vukuesü, Innanity, and all l.'ni nary, SiíxiuiI an4 Kervous AfWeti&ns. no matter from wlmt cause produced. I'rice, One Dollar per box. - Sor.t, post paid, by mail, on receipt of :tn order. Ono Bux wj[l perfect tlie í ure in niot cuses. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, 3m96 General Agent, 427 Broadway, Xew York. Edito of ahguk: Pb.k With your permission I wiab to Baj tu the roailvis of your paper tliat I will end. by return mail, to all lio wioh it (free), a Receípe, wtth full di rectionH for niakini and u.sinp a flimplo Vegetable K.ilm, that wlll RlU'ctiíallv remove, in ten days, Tim])l's, Ittotches,T;in, Frocklos, aud all Irupuritiesof the Skin. Icavinj thw samu aoft, clear, smooth anü beautíI will al.o nuJl free to thoae hnvinj; Raid Hoads, or Bar Facs, simple (Hrectiona and information that will enable theia to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustaclie, in lesa than thirty dajs. A1I applications annwetod by roturn mail without charle. Reijiectfully ynurs. THOMAÜ F. CH I'MAN', Ch.-mist, 3mr66 831 HryadwayjNew York. A Curd ti the íSuffevíng:. SWALLOW tvro or throo hogsheads of "Htichu," ' Toufc BittorSi" ' Sarsaparilla," ' Kti lotni Antidotes," &C, (te., te, and aller you ar 5atis(ii_Tl with tlio reduit, thn try ona box of OLl DOCTOR UUCMAN'á ENGLISH SPECTKÍC P1LLS- and be restored to lieúith and vigor Ín lesa than thirty days. - They are purcly vegütaolo, pleusáut to tiike, prompt and nalutary in tht-ir eftecti on the broken-down :md tihattered oonstftution. Oíd and young cau take them willi advantKgtí. Ini'jorled and Hol in the Unitoc States ouly by JAMES s. BÜTLER, No. 42 Brondw .y, N'ew York fp Agi.-ntfor tlie United States P.S. - A Bux of tlio l'ilh, Hccnrely paíked, willbe malled to any addreüH on roccipt of prico, wliioli i ONK DOUAl!, post paid- nvmej refunded by tlio Agunt if entire satisfactiou is not given. 3ni960 lïlÊRÖKEE CUUeT" Stop Ít yon Tfiü own Sakk - Stop it for thk Sake of those lntereol' d in You Stop tli.M diníocltttHtíon todischarK' your duties. thir Mealntítis of mied and body tht-Rtí enfrvating cmissionH, und total prohtratioo oí tlifl urinary oijfins ot your yt:in. , ]f t contiimeh, it wül ren. k-r you blind, conürm ytuir impoteney, ren dw your couth loatUiumA, and niuke of you a drivelling diot, the pity of your fiienda, and the impotent jestof woinpn the -'OukkokiíIí Ci:kb," a rijn pi, vegetable Hyrup, to re-Mtreiifthi n and cure you, which it will. Ot'Kervi tho directiuns accompany it, and b jnin what catire madf yuu - a man, pQflsefi sed of all tlie f'acultits that pertaiu t) man. (';iH for the Cherokee SoM by all Urugista. 4w97S AGOOD TREE IS KNÖWNBY 1TS FRUIT. Sü is K j;uo.l l'liysician by liis Huccesstul Works. PROFESSOR ft. J, LYONS, T1IKGKEAT AND Cl-XKI!RATi:l I'IIVSICIAN OK TH! THROAT, l.L'NÜS AND CIIRST, Known all over the countr; as tbe CIebrated I N 1) I A N HERB DOCTOR! From üuth America will be at his rooms. RISKLI. HÖÜSË, DKTROIT, ÖnthelStli and 19tli [nei.,on the samo dalo of and rery subseuent moctn 'luring 1802 and 1803 A NSaT I'AMI'III.KT of the lifetudy ami ottyn.sive Lravels of Dr. ï.voph can be procured by all r!iorU'irt;one, freo of charge.' Dr. 1, will visit Ann Arbut, Jackson.aiid Adrián. H(ch..urollovaj Aun Arbor, Monitor ÜAiue. 20th4 Jaclcsfta. HiUliar.l House, 2Í.st Ailnan, Krackelt H Uíe,23d and 23J. Mie of KIAXI5ATI0K.- The Doctor discerns iliseasta bytheeypr'. Ht, torofore, aeks no questions nor req in", pittienta to explain jmptomn. AfilicUd, come and hav yonr symptiinK and the location of your diseaseexplained freo of charge á splendIdT piano forte ! For a Moderate Price ! ! VOSKV new and imjiroYed FIAXO surpasses anythiu notv made for G REAT DUHABIL1ÏY ! Surpnsiog riclinefrs and brllliancy of tone, ELEGANCE OF FINISH! And MODERATE PRICE. The attontion of tho pcfiplt of Ann Ailjor in rcspoctfully invited to an oximmatlon of tin benntifiil in.triiinrnt. J. ilENHV UllllltMOKF, General Apmt fr theptti, 179 Julïerson Vvenuö Detroit. iïifls E. O, Koster is my antlioihed agent for Ann Arb.r. Thn VO V l'IANO may be icen at hor rooms in the Bluck. w i z areTïlT THIS 'SPLENDID BEMEDY CURES B TflOTHACrfE IB NEURALGIA L In Three M-iautes. Jn Ten Minuten. tJfcSScïïË PubTohk Ih Fir.e Mioatea. In Ten Mlnnts. ■ GftMf COI. 10 DIPTIIEHIA ín ïen Minutes. In a t'ev Houj-s. ■8OKB THROAT " HIIEUMATISM. hi a TeiT Hour. ]n a F,.w Dsj.,. LAMK liACK. 8PRAINS. CUTS ANDliliflSES. BURNS iD 8ÜAU)S. CORNS. CUILUI.AINS. Tliis tivaliKibli? prcpftJ atiop only iircde a trliil to ree-ommend tRclf to vvery Uouwhold in the land. Ust' onr bottl; and yon wtn ahvay keep it on huud againot Ibe tiuie of nt-ed. l'iice 85ci'nts and 7 ent per bottle. Thi large buttks conuün ncarlx tlute tiins as much as the i-iall one. ílañuíaoture ly J. A. 1IA.MUN URO-, 1í U'fiBl.lncton Street, Chicago, and for sale by l)jnggUH gi-n.i nlly. Carao info Ihr cnckï.:urQ nf tU. snbscriber nu thfl 15rh dayoi A-iffust. n ]K and WHITE (OW. m.kiU n.'d . 1 Ot S OU. Given a snui II ini"iS of mHk. - ! 1 owiipr ie retjncfted to pruve propprty . tav 1 n jenj ijl'i (4kl) tho CüW HWU7. j tVx. ITL'ürHïlKV. :■' .Pej .t.?ïh, ISC. CwlH


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Michigan Argus