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GHEHOEEE GURE TUE Ül'.KAT IND1AN MEDICINE ROOTS, BAEKS AND LEAVES Ad un ruiling ure for JSpémttUowhaéL. &&nÍ0tcá )yèaktust foctyrntxl Km.iuimt imd all dicaaca caudu'! by .V'{'-WííV, b'ich in ton f Memtryt Unie nol Í4WBÍttt, WJ í í''C fcA', Dimntts of yls'"'ny Premature QUi geWeoU Xtncs, 'Jh'tlifHtiy „■ },, ■ .1 bliitffj Wak' f 'ttl '? e .■, Srupitottê ' mi de ■', J'iIk CAxMitettn, hiüuiH:t Qtttstitftt f tton and all tlic dii-elul coraplaliits causcU by dI);,iTní rnitu pfttli of rwlttre. fSy Ttiu medicine is a simple vegetable extract. ;i:i i ou wid ti :i!l can rely, na il luis btren UfevQ in uwr practicti for manjr yeari, und.wWt Uiousan'U ( t rea t uil, it ba not ftilled Id a single tnstance. lts curatlVe pw imve beun sufHcknt to gam v-ctui-y oVüT thtí tOOSt slubboru CKe, ïo tiiosB whö have ir; ipítf tt cwrítufwn, imtil th.-y tliink theidst'Uea bejrostf llis rascb jf mcalical ald. we irayld ifjr, dmpaJKWtI theCFtKKOKKK OL'RK wiil rtstoro yotl to helln ni)l Igor, umi aftcr all quacli doctor liave falied 1 - ■' Two Dollars per bottle. or Utree bot tic fór Vitv Dollars, and fcrwardud hy KxprM to Ril part "f the world. jigr t'umjmKt fient liy muil free of postftge, by DR. W. R. MERW1N & CO., t;3 UMrtf t., New York, Bel Prwrittors. GLAÜ NEWS FOR THE UFÜRTüNATB. The LonL sought for Discoyered at Last Cares infrom one to thrce dat8. CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE INJECTSON, Öompounded from Eoots, Barka and Leave3 C1IKUOKKE REMEDY, the f?reat ludhtn Diuretlc cures all dlwnea of the Urinary Orpan, toch aa lucoutiiifiicc of the Í-VíIí, liijUtinmution of the Bladder i bjÁammatian of the Kidne's, Stune in the JilaOder, 8trictur% Grarl, Oovorrhea, dieet, nad Ih esp'iciidlv recouinK-nded in thoM casea of Flour Albu, (o WhitcH in fuñíales,) ulure all tli old iiaustous medicines have failcd. j It s peepared in t highly conoentruti'tl fbroi', the close only bots fioui oiie to two tcuiioon' fuU Ürec tiiiifs per duy. tT It Is Uiuretic and alUrvtive. ín its ftcüon : paHfytpg and cl-.-tnsinr the blood, cauain it to llow in all of lts origin;il purity and vigor; tlms reinovind from the ftystvm all perolelooi causea whicli have iiiductíil I i acuse. llllC()kïi: IXJECTION Idlntended asuually or ualsQant ba the rlierokee It mOdy, and bhould be uscd in conjunctlon with that ujclicine in :ill cases óf Glfiet, Gonofrhoa, Fluor AUju-j, or Whites. ItsefTect are healing, soothïug, luid demulCL'iit ; removing all SfaïdinK, heat and pain, iitütead oftbe burningand altnoat unendurabls pain that is expt-rieliccd with ncai'lj all the cheap quatk ïiijt-ctions. - ily the iWtOf the CIIKROKEK REMEDY, and CHEROKBK INJECT1ON- the two medicines at the same time all lm proper dlMoli ar pesare removed, and th wi-akciied organs are gpeedily ri;8tyrcJ to full vigor nid Streogtn. " Prloe, 4'lierokee Kemedy, $2 per bottle, r three butilos fyr $5. l'ricy, Eherokre Injectfon, $2 per bottle, ur tliree bottk-s for $5. Sent by üxpiess to ïny addrüsson recelpt of prlco. L" The CUorokoo lleiucdy, hcrokee lnjoctlou and Clterokce ('ure, are su!d by ail edterprtslD4L Drugiata in the civilizad world. Some ooprlnclpled dtalers, however, try to st-11 n-orvhlcsu compound In place of Umae : thosa which thvy can purcliaáe at a clieap priOQ, and in:ikn money by svllin, tliftn tbe.v can ou these medIciuuá. As you valué your health, ayo, the he&lth of your future oCTsprhijf, do not bo dectrlved by such uuprinclpled Drujfx'ists, ask for these medicines and Uikf no vthem. If tlie Drugglatu wilt not buy them fui' you, sncloae the money In a letter, nnd we wiil S'Mid theíá to you by KxprèM, socurely gealed aud packoii free froui obaervatlon. Ladk-a or OentU-raen can addreas us In perfect eotifldunee, stut ing fully anti plainly their dUaasei im d symptums, aa we treat all dUeaacs of a etironio nature in male offemale. Patiënt neednot liesituta becaaae of thelr inabiüty to vidit ud, as we havo trcK'd i)atit.-uts íiicci-srtfully In uil portions ol the civ tllzed lobe, hy correapondence, l'atienttj a-Jdrcddiiijf ïis wiil picase state jjlaluly all thé gyroptuBls of tlicir cumpliünts, and wrlte Postoflles, County, State andnamy of writer, plaln, uud posttige ?)t;iinp for n-ply. We sffid t'ur'i'l paffe P-nnphltt free to any addresd. AJJicSd all letters fur Pamphlïts oradvlco to tUti projjriiora, Dr. W. R. MERWIN &CO.( N'o. 63 Lilxrty streel, New Yok. C. A. COOK, ClMCiuo, No. 2 Markct Street, Oi-iifl-al Agolit fur the States of Illinoia, Iowa, Wis. coiijiu, Michigan and IiuÜHna, vho wiil supply Ui u.i'gitd Kt uur regular calil ijrices. 8old hj Wholajiale Dtugjuts in Detroit, ulna b 8TLBB1NS & Wli-SÜN, Aun Arbor. S2yl Mr. Mathews flrat prepared the VKN'KTIAN IU1I! DYE ; sincf that timit bas boen usttl by tbou.sand3, and ín uo nstance ba it failed to give outtre satisfac;iou. TboVF.NETIAN DYEIs the chtapostiu the world.- lts [uice is only t'ifty Centa, and each boltle coutains doublo the quantity oí dye in those usually aold for tJ. The VEN'KTIAN' DTB i warranted not to lujare tho hair or tho ucalp in tho sürfhteat dc,'rpe. The Vi:VETIAN DYE Tiork with rituidity and oertainty, the hair MtjUtring no propavation whatevor. Tlie VKXKTIAK HYE produces any sjiade that may be desired - one tlmt wiil not fade, crock or wah out - ono that is aR permftnent afi the hair itsolf. For salo by all druggial.- Prioe 60 i:enta. A. I. ÏIATHKWS, General Agent, 12 Qold treet, New York. Also, Mannfactnrer of Mathkwh' Aksica Haib Glosr, the best hair dreauíng; in use is largo bottlos, price 60 centa. ljOOÖ CLOTHES WRINGER! The ONLY rt-Mauio alf-AvUU6ting Wringer. H WOOH WOKK XO SWElfli OK SPLIT. NOTUUMB-CKtWSTU GET OUT OK OBDER, VAKKAXTED W1TII Oit WIÏUOVT C(X WHEELH. ]■ i-ok iho 1-1UT l'KKMIVM at Fifty Seyen State nnrt County Fair in 136S, ani ii, without sa excoption, ttio börtt wringci' vor made. WHAT hVhllT IÍQIíY líNOWP.Tii: Tlmciron woll gaWnnizcd wil! noi rust; {, Tbat a simpio mivchmo in bettei' thau a complicat.l 004; Ihít a Wrínyoriihouídbe aslfíiíjustinguraUo and efficreol ; 'l'luit ibumb-ScTews and Faatoningg caue deliiy anu ti nublo t rgfilaté andÊéep in oidor 5 Tlint wo"d Ronknd tn bot water will evrctl, ubrink and spilt; That wyUa hcaringR fovtbe shaftío run in will woar out; tho Pulnaiu Vrinrajr, wüh or TpUhoat coLwIimIb, Irill Dot rea? thn cïoUim; : 'Ihnt cop;-nh''(l OUtlíMtOffl we not eytlal; Tila'. '!..■■ tftnain Wringer han Ái.l tli a'rTRutageB, an'í ',i-t no of fhr rliHrt'ivantíesabnvft rnñbi 7'hatall w]i UaL$ Iftí-imi it prooounce it i best wriiujer dvor ■. Tnal it v,U) wring a tíircad or x bel fjuilt without att !-.! tte niiiit nll the ;íiper witli tottimoniAls, hitf insrrt oulj few to ( nrBce t!nl ;Uop;:cul t i f Btud there b kaü i . %l, t' t i'i.Li:;.msp. i .ngov. TMt'ifTrtpBOl'GHT.T with ANY ftnd ALL otborn, aml if not Giitircly sati.ilactorj rvtiuu it. rrrjiM'MAMTrTiKiG Co., (..uütleumn- I knoir from practical eipérlotee tbni Iron TroUgaluntsed with rinc wi.ll notoxi lizo ar rust Olie partiólo. Th i'utniui Vrii-er n as .-ifiar perfecl a p..ihH',ail % caí; cl'etfuHy reeomoand it to b Llu; buL i llfffti KoRpectfulIy jcnrn, JXO. w. WBBei.KR. ClíroithJ; Oblo. Many vears oxperieuoj) in tkf fcilvanúing businsfí enohlo me to mdoise Ihe abovo Matf-ment in all particultire JXO. C. I.F-FFEKTS, Ku .100 Betkman Street. X.t vrlL, Janqarj, lfCiWe have toted l'u' imi.i's Cío t hos "Vntigcr bv practical workinf?, anii km m that it wil] no. ft Ir l,-i;-, ni himple; it requirj .o fffOta wlu-tlur ..; wQr or at rflüt; a child gun i't-rulo it; it Jöpr it iní.v thftroughly; it nave time smt'ií u.ves war and tear. Weearncfltiv itdvisc all who have Muru wanhlng tu -! ■. with 11 in''i!iirfh't porsnn who have w, to buy th wringer ït ivill pay for Hsclf in ft ycar ftt most. Uvs, HORACf QJÏEELEY. Patente d in Iho Üoited StftteH, Enciand, Cana.da aníl Australia. Energetie iftn en mitke from 3ti ló dollaTf pèrïy Ájentf vtinMd ih e vi ry t", and in all pnrts of th wih-1'1. Sample Wriiprüeat, Bxptwi ]aítl, on reccipt of pricf . N.). 2, U.SO-j No. 1, $7.50; Xo. F. S?..",0( No. A$f) ñn. Mana factn rea and sola, whoVsnltj and reí ail by Tnr.rurxAM MANUKAcrrmxa co ( Ko.l5ri-ttStrt'et K-jw Tork. and rir-.-pIn-nd, Ohío &c:tf c. p. yoitiHKOi' A'-Lt


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