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DYSPEPSIA, NL) j DI.KASES RES UI. T I KO FROJH DISOEDEES OF THE LIVEB AND DIGESTIVELORGAN8, ARE CCRKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GEEAT STRENGTHENUÍQ Thcsi1 Bitten have peiforined more Curr HAVE AND DO G1YEBETTER SATISFAdiON Ilnvc more Tetlmoivy I HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE TEOPI K TO VCUCU FOH THJBMI Than (iny otlirr articlfl in the marktt. , Wo defy any ono to Contradi et this Aasurtiun, ANO ftffUL PAY SlOOO ' Tu uny uuo wüu wiii produce a CertlflcfttO pobiiibtd b UH, that l(t ngt UENCIMi. illOOFLAKD'S GERHAN BITTIRS ■ WILL CUllE IN EVERY CASE OF Chronlc 01 Nerveus Debliity, Disaas of tho Kidneys, and Dlaease arising fiom disordeiecl Stomach. Obtcrrê th fvV'r-vttf simptoms rtithin# frovi IHêcr&m of the Digtsiirc Organt t Conltlpfttïön , Inwrd Tiles, FuHm-ss of IïlotxJ to tk IickJ, Acidity, óf tlifl (Homnthj Nausua, Hcartbori., Disgust for lood, Fullnuss or wtight inrheStomick Bout Eroclfttíoni, Sfnktng or fluttrmg t tl pil uf tho Stomach, Swinui'iiip oi the Had, Hurrled mul diffieulj, i'lti rtPi-iYg at tba Huurt , (.'huking or Suffocatirig tít-aatiuns w hen In a L) ing Posture, DimncáÁ of Vistan, Dot or Web befora ti,. Siht, Ferer and Dull Pain in the Ilwtl, Defidiencjr oí Ire pi rat ion, Y IloWneM of the ?kin and Fye?, %tn In thö lld. back, cliënt f Iimbs, &c.,Su(lü?ri (luhtvi f Heat, Bnroiag fn tlie Flesh, Constant Iinttgiuiüga of Kvil and Great DepreHiion of Spixítí, THAT THIS BITTEHSIS NOT AL1OHOLIO, CONTAINS NO RLTM OR WHISKKY. AND CANT MAKE DRUNKARDB, In A World. í- READ WHO SAYs SO : I'rom tha R. I.ori O. Beek, Pastor of the Baptiit Cburch, l'cmbtrton. N. J.,.'oruiorlr of tlis .NurtU Bptbt Cliurcli, l'hil JcIijIiU. I have known Ilooílund'ji Germán Bitten favurabl r for uumber 01 iear.i. 1 luive useil Ihrm In uj owa fumily,aml hHTcbcun o pleaned ith thfir efffet tht I was iiuluctd t(i riieummeütl them to many otbers and knoir 'hat tbey liavooperated iu a trikinRly bentScUI mamior. 1 take grent pleasuro n tbus pubhejr proclaiming thia faLt,and caliing tba attcutiun of thol nfflictfd withthediseanesfor which thoy are r.cummended, to thuee bittors, knowiDg from experience tliat my recommendation will bi'sustained. Ido thia mor clieevfully aa Huoiland's Bitters ia ntendod to beacttt tbeaíllicted.amüs "nnt a rum drink." j y. Youra truly, LEV1 G. BKCK. From Rcv.J. Kewton Brown, I). D. Editorof theEocrclope-Jia of Reügious Kuowltdge and Uhrijstlau Chronlck-, Philadelpbia. jltlioui{h notdisposed tofavoi orrecommend Patent ilediciiice in goneral, tb-ough distrust of their ini'rtdiint undeticcts.l yot know of uo sufficirnt nu, why amanmaynot testify to tbo benefit he bellrt l,ims.;lfto have receivcd from any imple preparatiom in tin hope tbat lic may thus coatributo lü tilt bemOt ofotberü. Idotblsmovoreadily in fo;ard to Iloofland'i Geu mun Bitler8,pre[.aredby Dr. C. M. {akara, of thfa city, tiecausu I was prejudiced ugnij.t ',i,;M for man jeari, underthu irapression tlia-, tljey w ob,i,eHr aá alchoholic mixture. I tm iudebted to my frieid "RoV ertSboemaker, Eaq., for the remoral of thi prej'udle br proper leslf, and for to try then when uffering fn.m (rreat and long continued debilitr The use of tkree b.ottles ol tli ese bitters at the berinning of the present Jent, was lollowed by orident relief and restoration te a degree of bodily and mental Tigor which I had not for 8ix montbs befoie, nnd had almeet despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God ani ui frientf for dlrt-cttDg c;e to the ase oí tbea ' Frooi ILe t. Jo4, ö. KuiBrt, Piitor cd lh.o joth Ba tiat Chuiah. ' Dr. Jackson :- Dear air:- I have been frequeatlr raquested to connect my nanie with commendationi f different kinds of medicine, fcut rf gardiug the piaetice asou,of my appi;íiptiátsphere, I hare in all caiet ducltaedjlxui wiU a clearproof in variou intanu anii [mrticulaily in my family.of the usufullneii of Dr üooftand'a Germán lïitters, I depart for once from my untaJ caurse, to expreM my füll coniiction that, !r general debility of tlio systeiu and enpenially for Lirer C'omplaint, it is a safe and Taluable preparation. Ia ome casee it may lail ; but usually, I dou.t not it'will be very beneücial to thoae who suffer from the' abara cauie. Yourí.rery rsspecífnlly, J. H. KENNAgSL Eighth belo-n Coate Strí.t,íi. From lier. Warren Kandolpfa, Paitor of lii Bjptiai Church, Gormantown. Poun. Or. C M. Jacfton :- Üear Sir : - Personal experlena enables me to say that I regard tho Germán Bittert preparu'l by you as amostexcel ent medicine. Ib cate ot ftevure eold and generaldebility I ïiave been greativ beneflted by thü use of the Bitter, and doubt uot tb-ef will produce similar elfect on olbers. Yonfi.trlj, WAI-.BÜX RADOLPH. GetiBAIto,w fa, From Rot. J. Turaor, Pastor of Ueddiur M B Cb.Jrcu.PhUa. " Ir. JiiiCkaon i - t)tar Hi.r .- Haring uied jour Cerma Bitters in ray family fröijuenllj, 1 uoi prepared to aj that it haatten of great se.-vjci-, J bVUjvo that in au cunea cfKeneml ilebllify of the system t il the ■!■ and ruoit'Talmtble reuiody of rrbich I hare any knarlToura,rpootfu;ly, J. H.TÜRNB1. No. 720 X. Niaeteenth Streel. r'roir, the BeT.J. M. I.yons, iormfrïy Pastor of tha Ca. lu.inbu., (M. J.)andMiliatowu, (Pu.) BptistCharliei KUT nocimlle, N. T. ïr 0. H, iiOf&fiD :- DearSir:- I fejt t a pleaiara tliuiji.f ir.y uu accord o blar tortmi;u? u the axeel. lonco of timmerman Bjttor SSÏ yai 'sipce, beinr much aiHicteU wptb Dfrapepai, 1 tMd tlier.i with Terr bdneucial rnuln I have ofte rocoionirmjtd tbeia % psrsons t-irf-ehVi' by tha.1 !'rmonting dt.seao. adLa hen-ñ from thoM the u,,st Sattering testimonial ai t Hioir gi-t'At Tftfaa. I'i cases of general debiütj, 1 alioTe Uto bo aiouio tliatcau aot bosurp.iswed J M I.TOJfS. irom thfüov. Tbo. Winter, Pistor of Koxboroai-k Kapfni Cl-.moh. Ur. Jrvksi'n ■- l'sr Pir: -I fo-l riduo to your exaallnt !'. i .ir.tinu, . '.n.tnd's'i'ermaa Bitter, to aili bit Ultnobiijr lo tl.o 'lxsrrTi'il rKpnti.tii.ij it hai obtaiae. 1 live fnryir, .-it tiines, ban troubled with irreal Ut'. orilor in my hoaauri nervous syntfm. I was adriieá hr rriond to iry kottlr of your Germán Bitten, I iihIk.i n-.i-l liare upeiii nccl irn-at and unexpected ra lr7 uiy healüi nan N -n vcry materlallr bKneflttf(. I aouAclentlyreeonmeivl tliearttclov ero I mret with ciM-minii'sr tf. inr O'.tn, and have bern aisortd br innnv of ll)0:r gnod rflects Kipoc:fully yours, T WIVIKR, Roxborough P. üev.j. s. Hermán, oí the Gorman Reforma Church . Kn!7.t'.'Tii, Brjki ('o Pa. Dr. C M. IsrUf.n :_ I!eperte,l Sir .- I hare Veea iled witfi Dyspepsii Dearlj twntv years anrt hara i-nr nsiWI ny mertloinr-thnl Uil iminniutb [eo4 aa II" .JKtxt's iü'.ler. 1 ,-im verv much improvrd in healtb iifter ha-. ',nz taken lc bottlci 'Yourf, Wth rfpect, J S.IIERMAK. ' - 1? l=t I C E S . izl íbolriing inri! rinublc qti.intitr .) il 00 per bdttle- half itoz. S 00. mai! Ti. cents rer liott'.o- half doien M 0, IEVARE OF COUNTEKFEITS. S... that thn tk'nritnre i,f " C. M. JACKSON" il aa tbc WBAPPÏK of éach boiti... Siuml' y.n.r nc;.rf:t Dmirtrist not hare the article, uot bc )nt off by Iv1ox'vktinn nxpwatlofM that itiaj aa offerM in its pl:ir.e,but end to'uF.and wc willforwar íecui-piy i' cxprcr-i. Ti-ir-cipül Office nud if:inufactory, NO 631 AECH STREET, POILiDELl-H.'A. Jones Sc JEvaias. Succesiion to C. M. Jaclcton Sf öo. PR0PRIET0K8. Por Bale by DrnfB'yts iúi CéalWs fn tfety tiwn [n the l'aited ftates. Jj2yi


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