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E; tata of ïöhn D. Armstroñg OTATE of michioax, córxTT of kuamnu „, iJ All periom having claims or demanda arain'J T tateoi John I). Armstrong, late of thTtoif! Lodi, m said county, deoeased, aro hereby nofiffi of to present the samo to the und,.tB' „Íai" the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor in'a' county, at ttuy of Ihe everal Eessions of th.'lv '"' Court for „aid county, „;, „,- bef.,,, Vé Int. , l"1 8th day of March 1865, for examinaron anrt „ ' n 'te lx months from the dote hereof, bting „1 ,?,",? e' cred.tors to present thcirclaims against said est,!' THOMAS NINI)KB.Iud?eof Prol',: Dated, Ann Arbor, ttpt. ülh, 1864. 4w674 SheriiTs Sale. CTATK OF MICUIGAN-, CorajT OFW,1SIm:s„ „ kJ By virtuc of a wrlt of flerlfiteias Issned out,'?"; under theSeal„rt),e Circuit Court for t L C „ " Ua,hter,ar, in the State of Michigan, and to ï rectedand delivcred, I did on the tweñtv (ft, 7 . leb. A D. , 18(;3, ,e and levy pon all & IXuLu nd interen of William C. Voorheis, defendanUlUl' named. in and to all those certain Wact, orparcett land .ituated n the City „f Ann Arbor, l"un Washtenaw foresaid, k,wB, bourded (Bd SÜ anfollowa. to wit. being all that paitof lotmïi eight b!„ck No. one of Bu 14 it ,"„" threc Ea.t, n SJiid City of Aon Arbor beeiniin, f Main Street at the north-eaxt corner ol Slof , runmngon Main ?„eet, afo.aij, south tw,„„ J feetthence running irest to the alley in the ,;„ , Baid lot, thence north to the north line of saW lot ll'l tL,enceea8tto the place of beginning, Tvith tlie Ck S(ore thereon. Also a pauíf ection „„S twentyninetown t-o south range No. eix (6) mt! tbeCtyof Ann Arbor, aforesaid, cominenein i„ center of Huron f-tm t, ever,tj rods and ra lhH„ „.! of wheresaid street crosses the secti.m line bttwef sections 29 and 80, and running ea.-t alonj? the ceili! of sa.d street nine roda nnd ui links, thence jnutb ,„ the ceter of Eber White's roaj, thence in a ,„ , westerly direction ninerods nd Jhirteen links tleif. north to the place of bcginning, contaming four m„ of land reserving therefrom ten rods and two ancj tlne, fifths links acro.-s the south end of said lo!, which Jifl propertyl hall offer for le ai publú auttion or "i due to the h.gheM bidder, at the froni door of tb, 5?Uót,?';Uee'ln theCitr of Ann Arbor, on Paturi, theMddaj ofOctober, 1864, at 13 o'clock, EotlB Jj riIIIJP WINEGAR, ShfriJ September 8tb, 1864. 973 Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MiniIfiAN, Connty tfWasHeni,. The undersigned having been appointed br the Probat.eCourtfnri.aid Connty, Comtnfasioner t„ I ceive, eiainine arnl adjust all claims and demandi rtill persona agamst the estáte of Daiid Lapham lalt 1 the townahip of Salem in said Coimty deceaseá herí by give notice that six m nths fr"m dale are ht , w of ad l'robate Conrt, allowetl for crerlitcrj , .,,, I their claims against said deccased, and that th,r "■,, meet at the late residence of said deceasei) L ,i Totrnship ofSalvmin said ccunty, on SsturiUv ihl twelfth day of November. aBd Tursday the iunrtVrnth day of February next, al one o'cloek, P. M., of ...i. day, to receive, examine and adjnst 6aid clainx ' THUJIAS Bl-SSEY, fsio' Dated, Augnstl5, 1864. .,Totj Chancery Sale. STATE OF HICniG,ïN-ln Circuit Ccnrt for the Coanty of Washtenaw, In Chancery. Küzii 1', k, Complainant. ra. Pebra Perlins, Uefpndant. In cm' suanceand by virtue of a ileciee of the Circuit Coort for tbc County of Washtenan-, in Chancerv made. the seeond (ay f Derenilirr, A. D., eighteen huntej and fifty-nine, in a certain canse therein perrtinr wheroin Klia Ptrkins is complaii ant, and Sebra l'erkms , defendant. Notice is ven, tltat 1 shsll seH at#ul)lic auc:ion to the highest bulder, at (weht o'cloct.noon, on Fatnrday. the sevc ntecnth djy of September, níxt,atthe front door of the Court ïomé of tlit Circuit Court for the Oounty of Washima,, (, the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waslitenaw and State of Michigan, ' fl&iest lüilf ..I the souih m.1 quarter of section fifteen, and the west half f l( north east qoarter of seclion twenty two, :nTo'nslnp one sooth of mnge seren east, in the ïownship f it. lem, ín the Countj of Washtenaw, and State o) Michipan. C. H. VAXCLKVE, Circnit Court Commis3ioner in and for the Couatr n! Washtenaw. O.HjIwkixs, Solrcifor for Compfainfint. Ann Arbor, July twenty-mnili, A. ït.,1864. HHj Theabove iale is postponed until the Zrth ia; o( October n ext, ut the same placp and time of ds l)ated,Sept.l7, 1804. C.H. VANTLEVE, Circuit Coust Commissioner, Washttnaw Counij. FÜBNITURE ROOMS One door North of Risdon and Henderion's Hardwan Store. The niuïerpjgnen havfug pnrcïjftped the eotira of W.D.Smith &Co.,;indaííded Urgely to tbtai -, ïs preared to furntsh his fiends and patn.r a gotui assortmentof well made furniture, of SOPAS, BUEEAUS, BEDSTEADSj BGOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIKS, of aTl kiDfís, and ia fact of everytliing iM?rta:oirgtolEre buaiDess. JL, O U i G ES. MATil ASSUS, fto,, &c.,inadp to order bj gror] and experíeocei A men, nnd warranieö to ive nattsfattioD. Iïp ' keeps a good assortnjent oCCbvrrj asd Wa1nutimfet for sale at rt-asonable pricea. And wil] álso jmy t- hiiiet murket price ior Oieny. WniLut, and Winte Wood Lumbtr. J. 8. He has also pnrebased the new anJ ELEGANT HEAESK! of öiaith .V Co., and is prt-pared tofuroish all kind of Wood Coffin?, Metalic Cases, A3STD OASKETS, On the shortest notïcf. Also attpnfl? n ln dect;asrd paroiu day an] nifíHt, withfuí cbavg fornitor dfliercd inthe.ity free of charge. W. U. EENHAM. Ann Arbnr, Jattaary Igíh, 180S. 940lf LOOK 13:33X1. A large lot of LINEN COATS AND SUMMER GOODS, alpi'ays on Land at M. Guiterman & Go% CLOTHING STORE. Giye ns a cali nd we can and will sell } on cIjpsF0 and lett r goods than anv nther house in ihüV' Uaütl T E M O V A L 1 N. B. COLE, has removed his STOCK of BOOTS SHOES, to the store of A. P. Mills Si Co. , on Main Streef. " he will be glad to wait on his old customers W1D public gene rally. GIVE IIIM A CAIíIí! LASÍTOALÍj ! "TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN.' All per.-ona indeMed to th( late lirn MII.I.KH.eitherby noteor hook aceóurt, are requested tocall and :n:il;c in iniiirdiate P8???? . theaame.aad thiwe vho fail to comply witV quest at theend.if SIXTY DAYS Ir. m tBre 'd -TJ h'nd their accounts in the baud.s of uu fo lection. Ann Arbor, October lOth, 1864. 2ms yISSOLXJTION OF PARTNERSHIP! The co-partnership beretofore esjstiM t),cl,c? Dr. A. (H A lr. and Dr. W, .1 . !Il!i ',li!1 ''„ solved by mutual consent. Each 18 to Bolt"1" charges, aud pay hiis own iudebtness. Dexter, October 17th,1864. llv' rTOUSE ANU LOTS FOR SALE. The house and lots occuuii d by Chas. fisl. ce of OrlransandPontb Dniversity Avenue. iK! j,,',,is g larir.' framf nnt, and is sitliated on Iv lot. ThcwholetobeïoldataMr; ymVVy Ann Aiucr.Stpt 6, lr.'J.


Old News
Michigan Argus