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pÍ)14sb :l.v "' ■'■■ tlu-tliiru story of . briek bloc!. .." . . i-:i .- ■ s" M.ii" nd Hurón Ste., ANJI [ich. Untriinceun Hurón Street, oppositctho 'frinklinELIHU B. POSTD, Editor and Publisher. l'crms, $íi OO a Ycar In Aclvance. .lrcv!S:,i f- One square (12 linea or leas), one .mí tñcfeñt; tiirea wéeka i.l.50;and -ir, oens ft "Via i . K-MthiHi threo muutlis. ütte jnuáre 3 m Í4.( t' QuVrté col. 1 yeaj $20 One qua" 6 "M 6.00 i Half eolumtí 6 nros 20 oLjiiare I - r 9,fXl . Hall culumn 1 Far 35 SJrosa'rée 6 níos 8 00 Ön column moa,. .SJ '{ sq'Mfe 1 I ""0 c"llimn ! -VL':lr C0 Cmds a Directory, not to exceed four lines, $4.00 T?rtiSersto'theíirtépioff ,,uarl.T column, regu, tbn.R'l.l,,v.,:' üll.ato thi.r j,l in Directory without nln vluirge. .'- .ivertisements iiniiceompanied by writtcnor rb"l liroctiouvi'.M... puMei until ordero'l out. .■.■.I-! ;-,M „,sortl.-n, 50 et.p.r r r„ 5ícentlH-T folio lor euch subaoquent icsertion. W 'X 1 w " p. i..i..enl ÍB"V4 '"' -Ivorti.someul the rtoTctiU bí haed t liesatoé as Cor íirstmsert.on. Wd ító -1! '-- R.otlJ (:ara Prcss ',"",'' S3S SSSSSSS SonsJMH, Lng,CardftprinteaRD eUrt uotico. Cillai:'. -'i sairnplcs. ROOK BIVDIV-'"oclod wth i I, V-l ma n.'il nii'MiiraWe manii-r, al !'-- Í5S .XtaS 8Wa " the"s jffla. ■ , - ■7 C. W ATTS $ BRO. ' SritÉW n Cfodké, Watclie. .T-.velry and Silver U Ware No. 22, Nv lilnrk, Ana Arbor. C. BLISS. FV,iK,. VTatches, Jo-Tvelry and SUver [),{',. . Biock, adm Atfcaèi Ó71OiÏLLlXNr. gALEB i " Dry Goods, Groocrios, Crockcry, &c. ie. '" Philip Ij ach. nïALKKS in P.y fioo.Js, ï wccrios . Boots & Sliocs, i) ,tc, Main ut., Ann Arlwr. ' GBORÖB W.TSNOVBÏl, IMüLBBS in U.niuaiii, St"ves, li.usc fajrnisbilig D ólli; Tin Srt.e , te„ N'iifcck, .... ( flEO PKAY, M. D. DHyaCl ,N . . Residence and office on nEAEElHfl;.,.-, BdiSj fc, (i.nts'FurnWi1 i , . u .'■■ ■ I lastre, AnnArbor, Vftbigin. .V, jTsÏÏTlÏEilLAND, AÍKÑÍíor the N'mv V-rk Life iu-urauee, If .Ue tntstpprove sewing machiiiea. 8851f "EüHGH FISGUEN. MET MÁRKÉT- ijjitreo (Street-Jeneral dealer in fresh , I Sal íéltta; tteef, Uuu, l'ork, Hams, Poultry, Lrd,Tal)iW,ilc.,4M. "1ÏÏKAJ1 JüEAKEd iTTORNKY ai.4 l'.-un ■ Hoi i úw. ..nd Solicitorin A Cha.iu-.erv. OlHoe in Cily Hal. Biuok.ofer cjbster's Bo"k tí1 "ie. __„ - LEWITT & BEEAKEY. PnYSICUNS AXI) fL'ROKONS. Oflice at theresiienceof Dr. Lewitt, ourtli udeoi Huxoo, twodooiB west of División atreet. TJ. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE ana Retail Dealers an.l Manufacture!-.ofSeadz-Sfadu Glothiog, liapartersof Cloths.Caslimere, Dooakios, &u.. No. 5, Phosnix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Ready Clothing, Clotiis, Oassimeres, and Vo !.._'-. :'i ■!-, Caps, Trunks, Caruel liags,&c, PliOinix Block, Ma in SLAWSON & SON. AROCERS, ProvíMOn apd Commission ïtercliants, and UT Dealers iu Wati Í I ., r-i . ■. l.iMi'l l'hi-l,..r, aad Piaster f Paris, onedoor eau of Cóots Hotel. jTm. sgoïï. i MBROTYPE Md Phfltograpll rtis1 , ín the rooms il over Campion's Clothhig store, Puoenix Block. Perfect satistactioiii ven. O. B. PORTER. SUK8EON nF.NTIST. OfficeCorner of Main and Huron streels, over lUch k L'ierooa'g Store. AH culis promptly ntti-ndfd to Aprl859 MACK & SGHMID. DEALKRS in Forei,'n an.l Domestic Dry Gond, Gruceries. Hatsacid Capaj Boots aad Shoes, Crockery, fct., Coruer of Main íc Liberty títs. SPAFFOlirT& DODSLEY. MAXUFACTCKEKS of all kinds.of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shoji. etom work done on short ootice. Cor. Detroit and North Streets, and cor. North nd Tifth Streets Aun Altor. andrïw bellT DKALKR in Grocénes, I'rovisions, Flour, Produces, &c, &c, corner Main and Washington Slreets, inu Arbor. The highest market pricespaid lor country liroilnee. Sbfi I. O. O. F. lirASHTENAW Lodge, Nu. 9, of tlie Independent OrVï der of Odd Pello w meet at their Lodge Room, every Friday Kvening, at7 o'clock. S. SoxDiiKiï, N. 6. B. Rose, Secy M. C. STANLEY, PUotograplaic Artist. Corner Main aud Hurua otreets, Aun Arbor, Micli PHOTOGRAPIIS, AMBROTYPES, lm., ka., 'otbe latest stvles.and everv effort togive satis faetira. . 9-wtt " D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retai) dealer in Lumber, Latl ShitigfeSjSash., Doors.BUnB, Water J-ime, Ctt&u ftiver Pl.istcr, Plinto l'.iris, and Nails ofalleiKes A i ill an.l uTiVi.-i : :,.:.-. of tlie above, ;md allothe kiatx of building ui ; -nal ennstantly ori hatifi at th est p.issiblo ratea, on Detroit st., a few rodsfrom th tUlroad Depot. AUo operating extensively in th ?atent Cement Rooftag. ÍRANGER & FINLÈY ATTORXEYS & GOUNSELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agents OFFICE OVER DOXELLT'S STOUI, HUEON STRKET, B. F. Geanöer, ) Aim Arbor, Mich H. II. Fin'lky, S 28, 1864. 941t FOE SALE! AHKW GROVE .V ÜAKKR BKW1NQ MACHINE alo a NEW 9IHGER MACHINK, eitlier Family o ■anafaeturingpattern. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


Old News
Michigan Argus