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We Are No Admirer Of The

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tion of slavery, rio Later of tbe negro; and have no desire to 8ee the former perpe'uated out of jjl-will to the latter. But slavery existod ai the foruiaíion of the government, it was recognized by the Constifution, and without such recognition the Conslituíion could not Lave becn adopted and ths Union creatsd. It 3 a local íüstitutio, aad can be regulated and abelished by tho Otates alooe, and not by Congress or thu President. Wo shall be glad to seo its existence terminated whenever it can be done íor the benefit of both master and s'ave, but we protest against the warbeingperTerted from its legitimáis object, the putting down of tho rebellion, and indefinitely prolonged for the immediate extinctie of slayery. To prosecute it for this object, and to its ulti'nate ncomplishinent, is to viólate the Oonstitution,-aDd that once buried in wreek nd ruin, we hold our rights as States and citizena at the meroy of Asiiaiiam Lincoln and Lis swarra of military sub ordinates,- to slaughter millions of white men, to pilo up an untold debí, of which we can not pay even the interest, and all to oonfer a doubtful benefit upon the colored race. We say doubtful, for while gradual euianoipation might benefit the white race of the South and elévate the black, we fally believe that iiumediate, unconditional emancipation wíj] 8ow the eeeds of destruetioa. in the black race. 80 thinking, and so belioving, wo shall vote for GEouan B. MoCtBLtAN onTuesduy next, confjdont that if he is elected the war wiil ba prosecuteJ upon Cenetitutional ground, the reheilion put down, tho Union preserved, and an eaxly. aDd honorable pcace given to tho couRtr'i. JJ335T Don 't be afiaid of being called " Üojiperhotid." It'g nothmg wben you are ijsod to t. Jacket tlie intendcd insult, tiisnk your nei].bor for the com plimcni, aud vote f-r Giooihüj B. HoC.LELI.AN. trSï" No loyal eifz!ii nced fear thu tbritsry nots of tho ProsMi nt and bis underlings, ia tbo argument wilh wbicb a!J oomplaintl are mot. And no loya] oitlien wil] f the Courts are peruiitted to sit 11 judgineut upoo tbelr acts.


Old News
Michigan Argus