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Address Op The National Committee

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Fki.luw Citizuns- It no longer admita of a doubt tbat tho un.erupulous supporters pi tbo present Dcümbent of the Prewïdential chair, have detennined to ernploy for bis re eloclion to thut high office a system of violenee and iritud, unknown béfure in our history. TVy thereby admit that his honê&t, legal re-election is itnpossible. Thereby thoy airendy confosa defeat, The polling of everv democratie and c.onservutive veto ín t!ie loyöj States will maks hi ro-eloction ly" fruud, impossiblö. We beseech and esiort you to let notliing whatever prevent your cds'ing thíit voto. In tha Stato of Indiana, administration n:ijf)rities have been manufacturad byjhe indecent exhibition of thotwauds oí' lh'cnl votes. In Mtr;,laQd n üitary forcé has been used to MÜeneo tbe democratie presa, and íhe Federal g .vernrnent has diotated the institntiöpe of a State. In Tonnessee, tho abolition candidate for ihü Vice-Presidency, hoidrng, by tbe rijipointment, aud at the plensure of tbe President, a pro-consular office unkuovvn to any law of Congress, has assmied tbe anned control of polls eoiumanded by him to bo oponed, and tho Presidetrt of the Uuited States, appealed to by the free citizens of that State to right anch wrongs, has troated that appoal with coarse oonteiDpt. Last of níl, tho legal rígíit of the ; eoldiers of the repubfic freefy to join ! with tbeir fellow-oitizens in tho choice of a national Cbief Mngistrato is I actd and made a mockery. Their I campa thrown open to the politic;il agenta of the administraron, are sou,ht to be closed to the Iep-al represent ativeis oi the dcímoGi-aey, under pretests whioh leading organs of the aliolition party find theinselves compeiled to deDoiince as ineuïtmg to the common sonso of the natioö. The aiaifs are violated to seize the votes that have been cast ogainst him, and to place his own ballots in their stead ; and when it has buen dWotefed that the votes of the anriy, whie!) our eandidute first orgnnizcd and led te viotory, were cast in great tnujority for tiieiioM coamwoder, a plot was contn'vod to aeize their votes, arrest the agents who had colleoted them, ónder i -tense of puni.b ing f r au de, whiuh cap only bo dweovertd by inspectora óf t-lectfon vvith hvr poll lista before Ihern, whioh could o:nv be conimilted and c'omploted tbere, and vthich can jus'.ly be puninhed only nnder the stringent laws, and by the officers oí the States themselvefi. In the presence of tuis odious aod unexatupled gpeetacle, the Democratie NationalJ Committee cali upon all. of whatevep name or party creed, lovers ofliberty and the U;iion, now more truly than ever before "one and insep arable," to put torlh :J! their strengih in one final and triuiüphant effort for the salvation of bol h. Wielding tbe most gigantfo systern of official patronage and corruption wbich the world has ever seen, the udmini.striUion, in whatever direotiuu it turns, fiuds itself cunfrcnted by impendïng defeat. lts open eomplieity in acts of fraud and viólenos is a í'uil confession that Abraham Lincolo's ra-election oannot be accornplished by an hnnost appeai to the uubuught wilt of a natioo of f'reemen. By such an appaa! tho ra-election of Abraham Linccln can yet be prevented, in spito of fraud and violence. 8uoh an appöül the Democratie National Oomuiiltee nr,w tnake to their fellowcitizeas in all the State, but more es peoially to thu thousauda of trpe and loyal men, who in Maryland, in Indiai:a, in Ohio, in Kentiieky, and in AlisBOiiri, now Buffering in their pereons, fheir ,'eelingf, nd thoir property, frcm the reokless usurpations of the Executive, and tha cliartere'l tyranny of bis coriiniissiioned agenta, havo almost deapa i red of tha repnblio. The democruey ueíer desp ira of the repubILe. The party whose successive triumphg have marked the stages of tbe nation's greatness, triumphant now, can reseuo the nation frorn the ruin ■srrought by the conspiraoy ot rebels at tho South, and fanaties at tho Nortb ; can restore to her liberty, and order, and law, and plant tier feet securely in tho paths of republican empire. Tbe day star of vietory rose with tho eleetii ns of September, in Müine. The subskling deluge of fannticiem wil! once moro bare the granite peaks of New Harnpshiro to tho sunshine of liberty. The State of John Siark and Daniel Webster vvill give her vote in Novembur to tho Union and the Coustitution, to McClellan and Pendleton. Conneoticut, the ancestral home of our noble candidato, led by tbe spirit of Truinbull, a Sbertnan, and an Ellsworth, pledges herself, by a clean majority in November, to assist in tho salvation of the republic. Beyond peradventure is the result in the Empire State, in Pennsylvania, and in New Jersey. There wilï be no break in tho front of this great triple column in tho grand army of the Uninn. ïho Keystone State redeemed hereelf in October; in November sho will lead the redemption of the nation. New Jersey stands wheru she has ever Btood, in war and peuce aliko, true to Union, the Constitution and the laws. The deoisive vote of New York, at the Chicago Oonvention, gave to the cause of the Union its candidato. In November, the decisivo vote of Now York will herald tbe proclamation of' thíit candidato as President of tho linion, u hich, "at all hazards," he hits iforn to preserve. Gallant little Dclaware; Maryland tried, temptnd, but alike unterrified and unseduced, and Keutueky, are surely with us. Spurning with eqi al scorn the troason and the tyranny which have once more made hor rich and rural plains "a ark and bloody ground," tho State of Kentncky stampa hor proud foot, and twears she will be tree, Missouri, f'our jears ngo the garden of the further West, an empire "in her teeming l'uturj, to day our Mexico, , in ail l:er length and breadth by invaders and oppressom, wliat hope ■ bus Mteaoun #.ive in tbe truri!h ofn . soldier who can guard her borders, and of a statemn who can respect her will ? Missouri will givo her voto to the Uniot! and tho (JonstitutioD, to McClellan and Pondleton. Iliinois will stand by hor sister of the MÍ8SÍ8ppi, Her Vote it) seauro for the ciiLse in whiuh so niany thousands of her sons have bied on a hundred battlo-fields. The "Soldier Statu" of tho VVest vvill havo no more of Abraham Lincoln. The iact ihat Indiana su Sera undor the rule of a Governor just re-eleoted to office by tho most stupendou coinbinution of' politioul frttud with military force, eannot shake bar conlidence in that noble State whieh has carried tho ba u n er of dtmocracy triumi.hautly through matij hard tought battle?. In the eleotioiis of Oclober, nearly Forty thousand frauduletit votes giren to the abolition candidatea turned oar legal victory there Hito an Ilegal dofeat. It is not probable that tiwse irauds ean be repeatod upon so eolossal a scale in November, and if thay bo nut so r-epoated, Indiaua will beyond a qaasüon go for McUlullan and iJeudletOD. It is mposstble, too, that the States lyin'g around tho head waters of the reat river of the continent should not vote to open the needful markets for ibeir crops and their necessary highway .o the aeüa. Evyu from the Peninsular State, Michigan (so strougly runs tho patriotic and batioDal tide), our friends send ua ' : worcls oí cheer, and bid ua hope that i ! tho homo of. Lewis Gasa, rniarupreseoted i ■ so long in tho uationul Oougress by a Senator wb-o longed lor a uinúe bloodletting," niay nut itself right with the Union by a sonad uiajority for McClellan and PendletoD. The tido wili roll to tlio sboresof tbe Pacific. California und üregorj, bound to all our hearts and htarthstonós by u the mystic chordd of memory," cau have nuihiug Lo eominou wilL tbe parly whüse leaders would f ai a loDg sinca havo severad theni frora tho Union. All that we hear írom those golden eradles of empiro promisos us their voiue und vote ín Novenabor for our caudidates xi our cause. With such HÍyns and oinens of victory, with thu glorkus i-ecollectiona oí the past, and the proiniseá uot less gloriouu of ;be futuro, to cheer u, vrliat true man can novv daro to Falter or to fa'l in this crisis of our uatioual iate ? Fellow-ci'-izöti1, llie ptaeeful reinedy fff such vvroiigs as Aiiiencar:s througliout al! úma t coine, akall biush to iomeinber, could bo done iu tho naored name of libery upon Amoriuau soil, is now within your reach. The glorioua and honorable terrnination of a war whose victories are all uiiharvestuiJ, Finco the; huve nut beeu garnered together with the viutoiies uf peacc, is now within vour reach. An end to the acuurnuli'tioa of a liint itle88 debt, u!iady mortgaging baif the resources and the industrio of a great peopie, g now within your reach. Tbe trtumphant restoration of that manifioeot nntkr,al temple wbioh our faihers retired to freedoiü and to justice, is no-w within your reauh. Tbe madness of tbe men in power is an argument lor more than hope. It is the homnge oí deaperate ainbitions to the gathering power of the paofile'g will, Tbe dreud bandnüng wbich ihey read upou the wall bid you press forward with decisivo entrgy to the certain triumpb now within your reach and grasp. It 'm not njuch' that your country now aks of you : but all tbat you bold dear, al f that you have or c-n hops to have oi liberty, of peace, of prosperity, dep.enda upon your giviüg to your oonntry what your country now asks - wisdoi to see your duty, courage to do it. Witb you. nader a benignaut Providente, it reits, to determine by your rotes on the 8th of November, tbe death or the life of the ooblest rupubiio ever etablished among men. jquestious as to tumis of inten-aI ar. again nponyou." The great dv4Ll I of victories, my frieud, is in opóüimJS , way for a wisu, eonoiliatory, heá ! pohcy, to come in and gettle th9 pu,, at issue ; and it i tbus at the ven l ment wlien tht'e victories are acbiev,' that we most nectl metí at the lieail' tho government who can (urn thT uuiph of our armies to the only M' for vvhiuh tliey are worth a gtváw U thw -the HppIicatioD of a wíse, cóncifi! torj, healmg poücy-whiei, must ol cdDM apon the track of military tr "h in order to make it fruitful It ig tTf for wbicb the present administratiou wo, is wlioH meapucitated, 'J for wbioh we bellere a new admiüi, tiou is the great and paramount nece8sitT of thehüur. Itisiathia view that v c, matead rf impairing trio prospe ot General McClellan's electioo, ou to plead trumpet-toned in bis behaV Ihe qKMtion prompted by every victar, hüuld be, "Where, where are the Zl wbo can turn all tbis coutliet aud car of!:id'aüdrenderareWbere are the meo wöo eau 8a,.u, trom the reproach of havin shed Ibia preciouB b'ood in vaitt, and can 0J mate aud parsue a poücy wllich bLs make that poliey effeetive for the heuliu,, of the Dation? Whero are ihe men wkere M the an who oan extrieate hi.' country from impeuding ruin, by extricatmg himself frora aW mere Kctionil aud partiaau pledgea aud entangtementi and by planting himsclf on the simpl, platform of the Constitutie. [Loud cheersj These ure questions whicb each suoeetding victory should cali un on U3 to put to ourselves, and these ar tbe questiona which, m my jud"innt eau ouly bc satisfaetorily auswe?ed"b theresolutiou to chauge tho administration. Ifauy man would vote for Gen McClellan iu caae oar military succes8cï had not occurrecl, a hundred fold more should he vote for htm iiow. [CLeers 1 Withuut those suceea.-es it wuuld cot hav,. maitered who was President. Ws could have accoiaplished uothing.' But with tbfm a way ia opened lor a m frosideut to restore ptace to eur land Bhftll we n-ot have a new Pieeiient to take advautage of ihat opening P'Yes J-es."} L '


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