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REIilSTRATlON NOTO! -r- NOTlCE ia hcreby gjv n that the Boards of Reci-stration lor the severa! Wftrdfl of he City of Aun Arbor, will boiu senaion Friday S? Saturday, JVw. tth Sfbtk, 1864, coicmencïng at 8 o'clock, A. M., and closin ut 8 o'ck'ck, P. M., at the following places : lat Ward- at the oíüco of James 11. Gott 3d " " " Store of Rudun fz Hemleison, Bd " " '■ Shop of (.icorgii VV. tiuiith. 4th " " Fimnen's Hall. 5'.h :' " f' Sïore of A. M. Doty. l'ur the (sarpo&e of correcting and oompletiog the Reistiation ut" the qualifunl elect rs of BáiJ Warrts. Aü j:i.-r.-ons who wilt bt tho ensuing (.ieneru) elécflT, to be ln;Id ou the Sth day "f November next, be ert't-ed to vote UTïderthe rcVTftiODi of Scction 1, Articlo VII, of the Constitución, should regis tur tiieír nainet. By order of thé City Board of Registratlon. JAMES B. GOTT, Chairuiaa. J. S. IIiïndkeson, Seoretary, Ann Arbor, Üctotwr 17tta,1864. IDIFHIIOJI. Fashion Magazine of the World. LITERATURA, FINE ARTS, A?iD FSIllDVS. The mofct magoificeat tftei 1 eiigravins. P0XJ3LU ÏA8HlUN-PjATls. 1Vood engriivmgs uu evorv subj&ct tbat can interest l;ili. G'öchet koiiting, Nèttihg', EmIroidery] Articles for tlio Xoilet, for the Pftilor,the Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, in fact, to m,ike i couplets Lady's Boos. The Ladies' Favorito for 35 Years. No llagftthie has beun able to complete ivith it. - Nonu atttimpt it. GODEY'S RECEIPTS for every dopartment of a houhuld. These alono are worth the jrit;ö ui the Book. Mod-1 Cottages [nouther Magazine gires theui],wiíh (liagrains. DRAWING LES80N8 FOR THE YOUN'C. Another specialty with Godey. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 a year. Otbr Mag i'niea pnblish oW worn out music ; b-it the subscriber.s t Godey i't it before the music stores. Gardening for Ladies. Another pecuüarity with Ccnioy. JTashions from ressrs. A. T. Ptewart & Co., of New York, the millioriaiie merchnnts, appear iu Qoöey, Ihe only Magazine th;U has them. Also, Fashiouii ftom the eelebrated Brodie, of Now York. Ladies' Bonnets. Wo give more of tnem in a year t!i;m any other llagazioe. In fact, the Lady'B Book etiables every lady to be her own bonnet maker. MARIÓN HARLAND, Authortss of li Alove,n " Huiden Path tl Moss SidtJ' "Nemesis," and ikMiriam," writes fot Gocloy ?ach moiith, and for no otlier mugazinc. Wií liare also retained aü our oíd and favorito contiibutora. TERMS CXF1 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK FOK 1865, {From which ihere can be no Deviation.) The foll wingarethe terras of the Lady's Bock for 1865. At present, we wilt receive subscribers at the foftowing rates, J)ue notice will be giveti if wi Sre obüged"to advance, which will depend uuuii the ptñoc of paper. One copy, ono year $3 f 0 Two copius. oiie year fi 00 Th ree popíes, one yrar 7 EO Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the perron sending the club, makin six Cfptes , 1400 Eight copies, one year, and aö exlra copy to tlie perron av nding the club, mak ing nine copi s 21 00 Eleven copies, one year, and an extra copy to the persou sending the club, inakinu twelve copias 27 50 Additioiis to any of tho above clubs, $2 00 each subscriber. Go.iey'B Lady's Book and Aithur'a Home Magaxine will be sent, each oue year. vn reeeiptof L4 50 We have na club with any other Magazine or Newspapor. The monov must all bo nnt at one time for any Club. Canada subacribem muvt aend .4 cont'i additioual for each subscriber. Addrss Tj. A. GODRV, N ff. Corntr Stxth and Chestnul Streets, Ö79tf PHfLAVELPHIA. :ti J3 .A. T Excitement in Piano Fortes ! WM. B. BRADBUllY'S JVeiv Sfftle Pianos In the Ascendant f ! Seven iirst premiums awarded in four weeks over pvery coïnpetitor. G0TTSCHALK, the Renowned Pianist, saya: Thry are the best anc mst perfect piano now nmde, for thorough workmanship. }tover, purity, riehncsü, and equality, of tóne they ezcH. J. BENRY WHITTEMOUE, Gen. Agent for the State, 179 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit. Miss E C. Foster ' my authorized Agont fur Aun Arbor. Rooras in Kxchangc lilock. OENATOR'S SON. A. Panoramic series consisting of fourteen Sfamraoth O1L PaINTINGS, is for s:üe ; affording a raro opportunity for sonie enterprising person to engageia a pW-s ant &nd Iucrative traveling occupation ; or te secure a splendid and appropriate ornament to adorn a Fhoiograph or Kiöe Art C.nllery. For pari cular.s, enquire of, or address Ö80w2 E. M. 1ÏICHARDSON, Ann Arbor, 17, 1SG4. Ann Aebor, Micii. A FARM FOR SALE. A farm of 99 aert b in Monroe County for sale chap, or exebange lor n house and lot in tuis City. For partícula, rs iuquire of LoriMizo Calkiaü over SluTBon's store, ín tlie Daueirinn (iállery. Ann Arbor, Ost. 24th, 1864. 9S0w4 Auotlon. rHE unciersigned Wíl! wil at Public Auetion, en ÍUTUKDAY NOVKMBKlï,5th,18fi4, at 1 o'clock P. M . , at the corner of the Court House Squar?, a lot of Houseliold Fnrnïture. consiting of Sofa, Carpets, Tables, Chaira, Kitchen Furniture, and other articlea too numeroua to enumérate. Term made known at the day of na;e. CHARLKri BOYLAN, Auctioneer. Ann Aabor, Oct. 27th, 18P4. Estáte of Beal aod Field, Minors. STATE OV MICHIGAN, Couxty of Washtenaw: - #. Ata, pensión of the róbate Court for tlie Comityof WaslitonaTv, holdenat tbe Piobate Office íq tke city of Ana Arbor on Kriilay, the twenty fist day of October, in the year one thousand eiglit liundred and sisty four. Present, Thomas Niode, Jmlge of Probate. ]d the mattw of the Kftat of Kugene E. Beal and Juuius E. iueld, minors. On reading aod tilíng the petítion, duly verifieO.of Rice A. Beal, guardián of baúl minors, praying that he may be licensed to seli certain real estáte of ni'l minors. Thereupon it is Orc'ered, that Friday, the twentyGret day of November ïiext, at one o'clock in the .lternoon, be assigned for the hearing of snid petitiou ( aud thnttlie next of kin of Raid minors, und all otiier per son intRreütedin said espite, are required to appear at a session of said Court then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, ín aaid county, aad show cauSÓ, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner sbould not te granted ; And it s further or dvred, that said pi titioner give notice to the panona in terpsted in said ebtate, of the pendency of aid petitieo, .in:l fche hearing thereof, by causing a CÖpy of this Order to be pobliabed in the Mich'gan Argús a news paper printed and circulatiDg fn said Gwnty of Wasbtenaw, three miccessive weeks previous to sai3 day of bcaring . (A fuecopv.) TiiOMS NINDE, 977 Judge of Probate. DR. SMITH'S 3STEVÏ71 PRESCÏtIPTïON & DRUG STORE ! Is the place to buy your MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, "Writina; 3?a.pei by tho Roawn orless, and ! o-thfr ar fíeles in, our line. flfjr" l'ispeciiil attention to CoropoundinR and putting up Prescriptions, at the sign of (01,1) MOKTAÜ.Kxchange Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Jp& VI " . Professonal calis promptly atteuded to. 1 Y9Ö0 100 City Lots for Sale. rpAKEN UI' ! Camp" Into fbo fnclosurft of th BubFörib on thfi lSth day ot August, a KEI) and WHITE COW, fmal; si.pil, 4 or fl yoara oíd. Gives a Biuall meas of rfiilk. - The owner reques' ed to prove p.uperty , pay charge? ludtake the Cow away. Vm. UCMPHREY. Ioí".í , Sa, t. 7h , 1864. CvJTó


Old News
Michigan Argus