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1864. 1864. NEW FALL COODS! AT REDUCED PRICES, - o - C. H. MILLEN Is uow opening a NEW STOCK of Domestie and NU DRY GOODS ! AND FAMILY GROCEBiES, bought sümo the recent doclino tn GOLD, aQï manjr kinds at avuaiderablu Deduction from FormerPrices! Pleao cali early and mak your purchases whilo the .ttjük is complete. C. H.MILLEN. nn Arbor, Sept. 1864. 97U CAÜFKI'S, Oil Clotbs and House Furnishinu Goods; ft goed stock at 976 O. H. MILLEN'S. '■po THK LADIES - A stock of elegant Dry GjoJs, 1 Shawls and Cloakji, for the fall traae, now open ingat 976 C. H. MILLEN'S. TO THE GENTLEMEN.- A flnc stock or Cloths, Cassimeres, and Gtentü' Furnishing Goods, just received at 976 C. H. MILI.EN'S.' THE NEW STORE ! FALL & WINTER 8TYLES! BATS, CAPS AND FlIRS, AL30 LADIES' MÏSSES' & CHILDREN'SUATS, Umbrellas, Parasols, Canes, &C, &.O., &0. For EJash ! Aïtr Abok, SepUmbor, 18ÍS4. The subscnber ha jut operfd an entire New and resirable 5tock in the above Une, at tbe tore formerly occuiiied by A. P. MILLS & CO., Main Strhst, and rsspectfully invites the attrntion of the Citizcns of An Arbor and tjcjitt to hiB itnclt, wlien malung their Fall and Wintr Scleetion in thlN line. My loog exponence ín the businBS, an4 my residonccln New Yoik, enablrs mo to make my selectionn direct from the MANUFACTUEERS, anü to gíve natisfactio bolb in BTTXeS AND TRICES. My atock dhallalways contain the LAÏEST AND MOST DESIKABLK STYLES OF GOOPS, direct from New York. Cali and examine before making your purehagen,- NO TROCni.K TO SHOW GOODS. E. JL. LAVVRENCE. gtore fnrmerly occupied bj A. 1'. Mills Co. Ini97 Maiilioocl: llow Lost, i Ion Uestored. TUST PÜRI-IíHEDjft new f'Vition of Dr Culver0 wtir Celebrant Kay on the radical cure (without mediciD'j) oï Si'sumatükriuea, or Seminal Weknes) Involuntary Seminal Loases, Iippotency, Mental aud i'hysical Incapacity, iïöpcdLmcnt to 'viarriage, etc. ; nlso Consumptio, EwiLepsy and Htftj induced by fcclf-iudulgence or entrara ■ gaar,.-. &.'ir Prico,in aspftled envelope, nnÏT S fteatt Tho celebra ted au t hor in thisftdjaia'ole wisaj clenrly demonstrates, frem n thirty J%n siicecssíul practicp, ihat the alaririirijf CdiiseqenccR of self ftbuse ma bo radically cured without thcditnrouR usoofintrr nalmediciof or the applicntion of the knife - pointing out a mode of cure, nt once sipiplo, c?rtin nd ofEortuftl, hy menns of wliic-h everj Biiffp-rcr, no matter whftt liiscon'ütion may be, may curehimRelf chenply, privatcly,and rdAically.. %%. ïhie Lectwre shouM be ïb the hantU of erery youth underory maij in tholnnd, %-x , unSer eai, in aplain enrelope, tonny a-ldrens, pnzt.'pnïd, on recfipt of six eentsx or tiro tampn. Addross the publiehers, GHAS.J. C KUXE&CO., 27 Bow.ery, Xc.w Vork, Post office box 4586, SgTU MÜLTRIMOCTIiLX.,! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN if yon yvsh to marry, address the undersijynfld, vhn will send y ou without tnoBftf and without price, TalHable infnrm.itifin that willenable joi to tnarry hnppy a ml spoedily, irresppetive of ge, wpaltb orboantv. - Thís informatíon will cot vnu nothing, nrl if Ton wjh to man y, I will cheerfully n.sit you. All lettcrp fctrictly boofidentUI, T]ie flosired informa I ion Pept V; i return mail, and do quesMon askoH. addrcfis t Parah B. I.AMbbkï. GrcerlpuIntTKhi!n; CV i feo9T8 NLW VCiRK.


Old News
Michigan Argus