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BYSFEPSIA, , :■;■■ ÏH.-IKASES RESÜLTINC FROM DISOSDERS OF THE LIVEK AND DIGESTIVEOKGANS, ABK CL'UED BY HOOrLAND'S 8IRMAN BITTERS, ÏHE GKEAT STRENGTHENING T!:csc Gillers have perfornied more Cures HAVE AND DO GIYEBETTER SATISFACTION Have more Tt'llmoiíy ! HAVE MORE HESPKCTABLE PEOrLE TO VGTJCIÍ FOR TIIEM ! Than nny otlit-r article is tlio mapkt. We dcfy any ono to contradict tliis Assertieu, AM AVIll. PAY SOOO Toan; one win. wil! prpduea a Ccrtilicote publlülied by uB,ïhat in nol i;kmim. IIOOFLAKD'S GEHMN BITTERS WILL TURK IN KVKRY CASE OF Chronic 01 Nervotis Debiiity, D f se ases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arisiug fiomdisor deied Stcmach. Observe thi folltaing simptoms resuhing Jrovi Disorder of the. Digestivé Organ$ t Coüstlpaiion, ïmvarJ Piles, Fuimess of Blood to th head, Aci'iií y T of Ui o Stomaah, Nausea. IIcnrtkurn; Disgust lor food, Fullneai or reight in tbu tumaaU Sour Eractations, Sinking or lhittiriTig at tbe pit of th Sti.iuucli. Swiromiog-of tbe Rd, Uurrlöd aiiri [jifficult broathing, FJuttrii-g at the Heart, Clioklcg or íáuffocating HaNation.s when in a Lying Posture, Dimncss of Vision, Bots or Weba bef'üre t!i Bfghi Fever and Dull PaJn in the Heaï, DeBolencj oí i'respi rat ion. YtlJowness of Ui o Skin and Eyoa, pain in thö si'iTe, back, chest,limbs, &c, Sudden flushea of Heat, Burainü: in the Flsh, Constant Imagiumgb of Evll and Great Depresston of Hplrits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT AL1OHOX.I0, CONTATOS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRÜKKARDS, BUT In the World. g'REAÜ WHO SAYS SO : Früintlie Kev. Levi O. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist" Cburcb, Peni ber ton. X. J. ; ioraiorlj of the NoriU liapUatChurch, PhiUdeïphia. ♦ Ihaveknown Hooílaml's Germán Bitter favorably for a number of year. 1 have used thera in my ovru fainily , and have been go pleaSed with their tiffects that I was inducedto recomroend them to ma ny otbera, and know rhattliey haveoperated in a strikinjíly beneüciül manner. I take great pleasura in thus publicly praclaiming thU fact.iinil calling tht attentiou of those alUictert with the diseaües for which they are recomlueudedjtoíhene bittfrs . knowing trom experience that ra y rt'commendation will besustMned, I do thin more cheeifully aa Hoofland's Bitter.s ia intencUid to benefit tlie aftlicted, and i.s -luot a rum üririk." Youra truly, LEV1 G. BIvCK. Krom Rev. J. ÏJewton Brown, O. 1). Editor of theEacyclupedia of Religious Knowledgb and Chnstiau Clironicte,PhÜdlpbU. Itliough not dif?posed to favor or recomraend Patent Muüicineg in general, though distrust of their ingredients and etiects, ï yet know of' no sufiieïent reasooa vhy aman maynot testify to tho b.-neíite he believea hirastlf to have receivod fron any simple preparatioa iiï th hope that Ue mj thuscontribulfc to thti böueöt of otlier. I o this more rcadily ín regard to ïïoofland'a German ïïitlers, prvpaitíd by JL'r. C. M. JackKun, of tbia city, because ï vns prejudiced agajost them for mauy yearSj ub der the imprëssioQ the wjre chieöv aa a!choholic mixture. lam indebted o mj friend,Rob ort ShoemAker, Eyq.f for ,the reraoval oT this projudico by proper testR, and for encouiageme.nt to try them vhen suffe ring frono great and long aontiaued debility. The üse of three bttle8 oi tbese bitters at the beginning nf the préfleert yar, was (ollowef) by evident rtftlef and restoration to a degree of bodíty and uu'ntal vigor which I had not for six mbriths before, nnd had almoit rlespaircd of regaïöing. I thereforè ihauk God and ut frieuii for directing c:o to tl e upo of ihem J. XKWTOX BROWN, PLüa From the Rev.Joi, Kennavd, Pastor of the lOthBap tist Chut ch. Dr. Jackson : - Oear Sir: - I havo been frequentlv re[ueeted to eonnect tay name wHh coiumendations of liffcrent kinds of medicines, but rf garding the pïactice ls outof my apprupriateaphere, 1 have in all case Leclined; but with :i cleatproof in various instances tnd particular ly in my íarfmy.of the ustifullness ot Dr. 3ooftand'ri Germán Bitters, Í epart for once from my jsual conree, to expresa iny full cünvictio. that, 'ot feneraJ debility of tb e syatem and especial ly for Livep ..'omplaint, ït is a síxfp and val:áble preparation. In urne cases itmay fuif ; but nsuaUy, I dout sot,it wili ;e very beneficié to who suffer froi tUa abov ;ause. Youra,vorr rospcctfully, KENNARD, Kiith beïow Coates Street, Phila. Fron: TïeT, 'Wavrt-n RandolÁ, Pastor of 'Jiy, lïsytlsi hurc1, Oermantown, tenn i)r, C M. Jacksou :-- Oear Sir : - Personal exporiauc ftnubles me to say that I regard the Germán UitUrg prepared by jtou as a most oxcel ent medicine. In as ol ae ver cöld aud generaldebiHty I havo beau greatly benutUedhy the use of tb jBittwa, and doubt uot tb.e irill similar effecta on otbersYour.truly, WARREN RANDüLPH. Gtiioiantown, Fa From Rer. J. H, Tarn&r, Pastor of Hedding M. B. ChiircIl'kiU. Dr. Jackion : - Desr Sir ,- Haring used your Germán Bitters in my f(vmil' l'iequentJy , ] am preparad to say that it has been of great service. I believe that in mout cases cf general debility of the sytem it i the satet and most valukble rwniedy of which I have any knowi6 ge' Tours.rospectfullv, J. H. TURNER, No. 726 X. Nlaeteenth Strttk. Frora the Rer. J. M. Tynns , formcrly Pastor of th ColuQibun, (N. J.) autlMiiUtown, (ïa.) Baptist Cburchoa. New PvOclipUe, N. Y. Dr.C. M. Jac'tson : - Doar Sir :-l feit it a pleaaure thufl, f my own'aecord to beat1 tetknony to the excellence of the 'íerman B$tW;.. Sup).e years since, beiïig mueh afflicted wttb l)yspepHÍfi,I unod them with very beneticinl resulta I have uiten rccommended them o persons cnföebled by that dissase. and bare hftard from them the most fiattering testimonial! ai t tbei-r great ruine. Tn casen of ene-al dubility, I belieTO ittü lo s,onic tbatcan notbosurpasned. j: m lyons. l-'roni the Rcr. Thoa. Winter, Pastor of KaxborougU BapflstOburch. Dr. Jackson '-Bear Sir : -I feel itduo to your xcel Ic-nt preparativo tfooflandf Grian Bitters, to add my testimony to the flöBörvea reputiition it hs obtainod. I haw fopywiNi, at tfmes, boen tmubleil wilh prpat éii, (rWi; in my head ami Reryoua I iras ;mJyísc4 by ii fjfitfrnd to tvy a bot t Ie e f your iïpria Bitters. I , m.' su and ti ft vr experií uce -"at an 1 iiDozpcott4 re liei my health baa bexi viy,ru!jy b.eueiíttfd. I confldently receñí men d Ibfl articifl w ore I mt with cabos similar .to my own, and havo been assnrsd by many of lh-i:r goofl rfi'cts Hc'spectfuily jours, T. VTÏXTKR, Roxlinrough Ta. FromKev.J. S. Ilcrmftn, of tho (ermnn lïoformed Churcb . Kixtztown, Berjm Co. Pa. Dr. C. M. Jackson i - feeípeated f ir .- 1 liare b#n trmililetl widi pyspopHin noariv twent.V yoar, and hare never ned anv rafcdícinetliat dl{ me uh ña ach tfood a HonflnmVs Bit Iers. I am very much improred in health after hoving taken 6to bottlos Yours.with respect, J. S. ITKRMAN. 3? I C S S - Largo irizo, fliolding nenrl foublfl quant ity ,) t 00 per bottle- lialf dnz. ÍS 00. Smsll SiiB- 75 cfnta ]ior liottlc- half dozon Í4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Se (ht th inaare of -: c. M. JACKSOK" i on tbe WRAITER vfeacli bottle. Should our Deareet Dmcgist not harp tlieftrticlo, "o imt be i.ui . i ir by iutoxcatinj pr.'iinraiions Ihat nny ba offerpfl in its place, bul Wnti to un ,aud we will forward, securly vackei] , hy expresa. Principul Ofli.oe and Manufaetory, NO 631 AECH STREET pmLAüELniiA. Jones & Evans. Huccessors Ut C. M Jacksun !f Co. 1'ROrilIHTOKS. ?nr inAp by [)rua:cit!; :inl Dealri m evury to


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