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Why Mr. Lincoln Should Not Be Reelected

Why Mr. Lincoln Should Not Be Reelected image
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Ilon. lieverdy Johnson is a niarj ::ga:)-i wbora tio loyal, taonest Americmu duro ono word cf reproaoh. He ba boen faithful tothe Union cause thiouyh every trial. Read agaih his eloquent words, in whicb are stated, cahnly, and with uil the f'oroo of niasterly langitagé, the reasons why Mr. Lincoln should not be reclected : I havo thus placod before you grouuds tíijough for oppcsing Mr. Lincoln's re-electioü. And, adding one or tvvo that I havo thns far otaittod t ) lotice, Iet me biicíiy recapitúlate theru. - Ia the loyal S,tatea whóre llie courts were opon and the administratiuQ oí' jiistieu was uuobsíructcd, he has imprisoned thousands oí citizcns without tóxpl Miatinn ; detaincd thuni for months, pefusiog tí) bring théin to trial before ui:y tribunal, and Üiea discihargad thera Without Sny redress. Ho has suffèröd Lis agonía to suppress hundreds ui uonwpapcis in the sne States, for no other imiiííinablo reason than beoause they published artïoles denoanoing his adiuinistration. In eighty-fiye iaslances it k asourtained that this wa.s done bv Ii'.j owii immediate order or subsoqueut spproval. He has suffered churohe.s to bo closöd and their pastors to bu arreiUd :i :...i itnprisoned only beeaune they di J n ji pray speciiülj for h:ni He has BUHereïl o be iasiiotl aod enforoed, and in Kfutucky aod Maryland dire tl y approveid, orders uuder wh'.ch the - ■■'■ ;;i-.i:i-ly interfared with the : oi cív;ctioos. He has failed to restore to the Union a single Sta e or a 1 parí ol any State that was in q 'nis aouaasiou to power. Ho ' has coöStantl}', to the incalculable inju'b.v .ountiy, appointec! Taè kiept iu iiiipoiUint ccunioan-ia oilicers uho vo;e grossfy ïacompetent. He bita in ttrieiud, uiih ofllumitous resulte; with our ülitiry carupaigne. He has suficreJ our éominereial tuaritie to h.' driveu from the ocei'.n. He bus prosciibed olïuti-s of adfintted ubiluy and perfect patriotisrn, because tlioy weru supposed to be íVieudiy to McOlellaD; aud not to approve his policy or oodduct. He hasnoluled CoüKtitutioii by his proc!a;n;ttioi:s, notwitist;.ndi g his siilomn promisa to tbu contra y. lio has violaled it by bU anaces y proclamation, and by bis íusiug hls assent to a law pnssed by tlie luat (Jüugress to guard agaiust aonsequeuces which bis írienda eonectlv thought to be most perilous as well as Ülegii!. iío faaj faüed to prolcct the Joyal States, aod by bucu failure subiectüd them at thi'íe seyeral periods to íhe moKt destructivo iorasioüa. lio bas irffured the capital itself to be placed at three difí'ereut periods in thegrealest perii. He has, by his policy and condtict, so i:ijuicd us iu iba estimatiou o! Prance, liiat Napoleon has seized hito his haad.s, unquestioaed, tho destinies of a neigitioring republic, and placed on a thioiia oí ble owii eroctioD, a monarch be!ongDg to the most despotic íamily in -Europa ; and in this he lias -abandoned tbo uniform settled poliey of ra. In palpable violation ol lúw and the recorded opinions of Washington, .Jofierson, C'lay, and every atjarnoy -general to whóin the queátion was subnvitted, anl ío the great dauger of avery foreiguer awongst us, whetlier naíuralizod or not, without trial or gjvrng an opportunity í'or trial, in the case of Arguelles, on the requost of u öpanïsh subordínate, he has delivered hlm to the tunder raorcies of that official. He has caused the currency of the country to become in a great measure vaiüeloss, and wbat is, if possible, still wores thau all, where there was división in the South he has produced unanimity, and whore .thei'e was unanimity in ihe North he has produced división. - And lastly, hoiseeekmg.a re-election by tho most unscrupulous and unexampled abuse of patronage aDd power


Old News
Michigan Argus