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The Southern View

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The Militnry ImhiDúo til 186-í ïvlü he reaily in favo oí tbe Qeí. i ■ ni ■ S'iiU b. Il' resulte bad only (howu ai) cquipoihö as h( Uveen tho two bollijorii)td i ha fidvaiji:ige vvoulj have beiüi r.everthelesi largoly with u., b.jcaue wiih the niere fuiluro is disnistor and dt'feat, while to a, to huid uur grouutl is a victory. Thty baveset out to iic.i'.o!!)piish a great positivo resuli. It ib not td be nitfiined by dfÈUtivtj lines mtd ci'stioiif poliiïics aud n.egt}vE aovan tíige.-, 'J'hese uro all on tlie sirle of Üieir atlveraaries. When thi'y mnke no advaiu-c, 1 1 . e aro rctrógadiog. Do lay doen not merelv disappuint bod 'iis liirit thttn, it undoiuiiues thuir strcuglh. Eiich day they becornu wenker, o se verely have tbey strainod tboii' re sourutix, and fio vust iiad rupidly ipcretwióg is the di bt they have ucu'-red. Hut vo havo done more thau main tuin ctii'selyes. 'e have inñioted positive ut, wvll is nogative blows. In VirKioia we have legt uothing, while no HaVe detroyéd a host of our tmemies. Grant might have probably gui'.cd bis present position on a startir.g point for liis cumpaign. He has been driven theru by netesMty ; but hia aruiy bas meitod away in the Wüdeiness, aod at the close of the campaign, with nothing accoinplixhed, he is begging for men to rill thu ilaues of tho multitude he bas lost. In thu tras-Miissippi States we havo galned abtonibhiugly, and the invaders iiave been airuost entiroly troyed or di iven oft. Iu Georgia the Qnnipaign is stil! afoot, and the rusult mideuided ; bat we have Lopes of oloting the year without damagi, as uoaipared with its comuienceniüiit. V hilo eueh ara the military resulte of the year now elosing, as to it leading operuliuns, our encunes have, indeed, constant ly claiuicd victories. Secretury BtantonV war bulielins, if the fourth of hut tticy dtclured were true, have anuounced snccesses suffieierit in magnitude and nuruber to tave ended a half do.zeu „wars j but the sttiking cornrneutnry upon thera 11 is, that bis armies have made no advanou, nr hava been dnvan, and he is further from oonqncat, now, when the bky in aguin leaden and wmtry, tban whuu the spring uf 1861 first g:ive U8 ite emiles. The duceptinng vfhich he has practised iu the pur tic ui ai' instances ure dovv made manifest nd palpable by the aggregate AH no uiruy ot victories coulu add up a defeat, so the unfavorable posilion in which President Lincoln finds hin for tunee, at the close oj thu ciunpaign, exposeg the frauda by which the people have been consianlly assured oí their pioyparous progress. All have not been deetived. There are sorne who, conviüced of the folly of his UL'dertaking, and the impossibility of subjugating a peopla so numerous in, in a terrilory en vast, hnve sciutinized thu slories of victnry and triumph, and compared iliom witli the developments that foliowed. Thoy liave aeen great arafiti foilow on tho beelg of groat victories. They have seen tho demoralized and despairing rebel, after having been scattered to the winds a huif dozen times, swifüy falling upon théir loes und inflictiug defeat. They have been promised the inmediato capture of Iíichmond, times innumerable ; but they have never seen t captured. "Moro men" - ' fiv'e hundred t,housand inoro men" is the word they get froro Grant after a surias cf bastios, in, e-vory ouüof which hd had iuSio-tod etKU'nious losse-í and a crushiog duíeat on the the rebels, and which had driven them to the last ditch, and to a robbery of the eradlo and the grave. They wait to hear hiin announco the lall of RichmoDd ; but instsad oí this tLero comes the deniaud for vast rbiulorcotnents and renewed supplies. Hannibal's enterpriso agaiust Koine was very strongly opposed by Hanno, a prominent senator oi Carthage. Tho wonde1 ful bucüs8.-s which at first attended the Curthilgeniaa arins produced no chapge in his eentimenta. Aller a great vvctory at Canas, Hanoibal sent to Gartiiage a buhe oí' gold rings tíiken froin the fingers of the Roman nobility that feil in lhbaUle. He accorapauied his glowing accounts c{ his triumphs by a request foc reiuforcements. Carthage was thrawn into an ecetaey of joy by the aews, and Hanno was reproachod by u senator of the opposite pai ty, who asked him if he Btiü opposed Hannibul and the war. Hunno answered "that ,the victotios ha vaunted of, suppoing them real, CQuId give joy oDly in propurlioa uh they should be made subservient to un advantageouB peace; but he was necesarily of opinión that the mighty expluits of whiuh he boaited so mueh, wero chimerical ftnd wnaginaiy. ' 1 have cut to pieoes the Roman armios ; Bend me oine non troops.' VVhat moro could Ilannibal say, hiid he been conquered ? 'I have twice ei2ed the ne:ny'B cump, fu!l of provisiou of all kinds; oud me provisions and moriey," Could lie have tulked other se had he loot bis camp ? lic tells us tha Eomnns huve mudo no proposals íor poaoe, from wbich I perseive thut we are uo further udvaDcud thaa when Hunibul first Lnded in Italy.."' Tbus gpoke Hanuw, bdiI his conclusión was ihat Hanqibal should nol bo reinioroed, and tiiut thewur sbould bu abuudoncd; L3L" Many ncidentB of a ead nd tonclnnï interest, tranwpiied during t'.e coroiiur'a investigation of tbe latu i road eatastropbe, near Lulayettt, Ind. Several of the uoldiers killed were returning homo, expocting lo be mairiod in a iow ditys, nud letters and photo giwplis of their iutendod ivus werc fcuud upon thoir persons. Ono man hai upon his lerson tho letturs uf bis wife, She wrote in fond und aftcotionato terms of hij rtpébted ruturi, und tho glad nnticiputions %lthe Ii tilo ones. Ho iiil Ktnpped at Iodianapolis and buulit a riuinber of' toyn for itieso cLildren," ilnu'ollesrt eleclinf; for e;ich sn oh a koepr.ilio as lic tliought most snituble. Motst likcly th delny ia purehawug tiicM; liltle tokens of aifootion coat tho ioijd luthcr liin lile. J3T" A lïll iutroduced iu the Yerluuut LegiitatU tu puy S.utu b'iuuücs haVbeeu dolöüUii by ü Urgö intijorily, A luiferr iKtrf'f : f Vs tundu,


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